American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 101 Tony turns into an angel, Gotham’s new crisis

"Just do it!"

Tony is not the kind of person who talks but doesn't take action. After making a decision, he will immediately carry out genetic modification.

An hour later, Tony's whole body underwent astonishing changes.

Although he looks like a human on the surface, a bunch of snow-white wings grow out of his back.

The whole person is really flying in the air like an angel in biblical mythology.

According to the data, this angel gene has strong self-healing ability. Even if it is shot by heavy weapons, it can regenerate as long as the important parts are not damaged.

Barely close to immortality.

The most important thing is that his own strength exceeds human limits.

If Tony had such physical fitness back then, he would have been able to fight his way out of the Ten Rings Gang's base even without relying on armor.

After Tony tried flying and other habits at home, he couldn't help but fly outside to enjoy the night sky.

"Woohoo! Is this what it feels like to fly under your own power? It's completely different from when you're wearing a suit!"

Tony's face was full of surprise, like a child who got a new toy.

"Sir, I suggest you don't fly too far, as you may be photographed."

At this time Jarvis reminded.

"Don't worry, Jarvis. I'm very smart and won't be discovered. What's more, no one will believe me if I tell you this."

Tony didn't care at all. With his pushy personality, it didn't matter if people all over the world knew that he was an angel.

After Tony was satisfied in the night sky center, he returned to the villa.

"Hey, Tony."

At this time, Pepper had already come in and was about to report something to Tony with a smile on his face.

But when she saw Tony falling from the sky, she was stunned for a moment.

When did this man become an angel?

"Tony! You! You are an angel! How is that possible!"

Pepper looked shocked and couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

This lustful man, who has ignored the company for a long time and has not edited the page, can actually be an angel!

This is simply destroying the illusion!

At this moment, Little Pepper felt that her world view collapsed.

"Uh uh uh"

Tony felt a headache instantly when he saw Pepper's appearance. How should he explain it now?

DC Universe, Gotham City at night.

Ever since a large number of lunatics escaped from Arkham Asylum, Gotham City has once again fallen into chaos.

As long as night comes, various crimes will occur in the streets and alleys.

The police have their hands full, so one man takes action.

On the roof of the Gotham Police Department, Gordon turned on the Bat Searchlight and projected it into the sky, hoping to call Batman out.

"What's up."

The next second, Batman's voice came.

I saw that Batman had transformed into Kamen Rider Night Rider and appeared at the edge of the building.

"They said you changed your equipment, which seems to be true. Are you now wearing a medieval knight style?"

Gordon looked at Batman's night riding outfit and had to ask curiously.

"So be it."

Batman casually took a perfunctory look at the street. It was safe for now.

"After that group of lunatics ran out, the crime rate increased again. The people above are very tight. We can deal with most criminals, but the likes of clowns and double-faced people need your help."

Gordon said with a serious face what the current problem was.

Super criminals are no match for the police.

"Are you talking about them?"

At this time, Batman said this.

Then in the dark night sky, Dark Winged Bats descended from the sky.

Gordon was so frightened that he subconsciously took out his pistol.

Then the Dark Winged Bat swung its body and actually threw some tied up and unconscious criminals from its back on the ground.

Among them are the famous Two-Face and Poison Ivy.

"They leave it to you."

Batman said.

Seeing this, Gordon looked at the Dark Winged Bat high up and had to complain: "You really started raising bats. How did you raise them so big?"

Batman is already used to this question. Basically anyone who meets him will ask this question.

Seeing that Batman didn't answer, Gordon dragged the body bag that had been placed nearby.

"You should see this."

After Gordon finished speaking, he opened the zipper, and the corpse inside turned out to be the Mimicking Beast!

"This monster appears out of nowhere. It can imitate sounds and has amazing power. Many people have been eaten and it seems to have reproduced a lot. God knows how many such monsters there are in Gotham City."

"I wanted to announce it, but the superiors blocked all the information and asked us to handle it secretly. But how is this possible? Now the residents of Gotham City are living next to monsters."

Gordon looked anxious. Although he was the director, he couldn't do many things!

"The beast of mimicry."

Batman spoke calmly.

Gordon next to him looked confused.

"The name I gave you, I have already fought against these monsters, they are very difficult to deal with."

Batman replied as he examined the Mimic Beast.

He couldn't help but blame himself now. Why didn't he check more carefully at that time? Now that it's better, he let some go. I don't know which corner has a large group of them.

I don’t know where it is distributed.

Bringing more trouble to Gotham.

Therefore, Batman vowed to do everything possible to eliminate the threat of the Sound Beast.

"Tell your men to protect themselves, don't be fooled when they hear the voices of familiar people, and use heavy weapons."

After Batman finished speaking, he immediately jumped up, stood on the back of the Darkwing Bat, and flew directly into the night sky to leave here.

Gordon was left staring blankly at the sky, confused.

After a busy night, Batman enters the Batcave through the mirror.

"Sir, I think you can stop being a human being."

Alfred looked at the young master coming out of the mirror and sighed helplessly.

Bruce Wayne is becoming less and less normal now, which worries him.

"Alfred, the world is starting to become abnormal, and I can only change accordingly."

Bruce Wayne said helplessly after releasing his transformation.


At this time, the dark-winged bat also flew out and was screaming non-stop.

"Okay, Master Darkwing Bat, your food is over there."

Alfred pointed to an open space not far away, where there were more than a dozen tied live pigs.

Seeing this, the Dark Winged Bat immediately flew over to feast.

"Isn't it full outside?"

Alfred didn't want to see such a bloody scene, so he asked.

"Less than ten sound-imitating beasts were found today. I don't know whether they were all killed or hidden. Anyway, we can't be careless."

After Batman finished speaking, he controlled the computer and looked at the satellite thermal imaging map of Gotham City on the screen.

He spent a lot of money to find the sound-mimicking beast, but those creatures only show heat when they are active, and are in a cold-blooded state the rest of the time, so it is difficult to find them through thermal imaging.

Bruce Wayne's ability to find those monsters basically relies on victim rumors.

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