Elena took a sip of tea, and then asked Liu Hao with concern: Is the work of the police station busy recently?

Not too busy, most of the time is quite free. Liu Hao replied: I just occasionally encounter a gang that makes trouble, and it takes some time to deal with it.

Seeing that you are not so busy, Mom is relieved. Elena said.

After dinner, Liu Hao took Elena for a walk in the backyard. As they walked, Liu Hao said: Mom, we can talk about business.

I know you, you won't run so far to reminisce about the past, just tell me what you have to say. Seeing this, Elena said directly: I came to you, in fact, it is about Tony.

Hearing that the answer was almost the same as what she expected, Liu Hao responded: I have sent someone to rescue him [Mom, didn't you watch the news? Yu Stark Industries President closed the report of the weapons department after returning.

Tony came back safely this time, but I felt very uncomfortable when I saw him haggard and weak in the news. Elena said earnestly.

My parents passed away early, and my brother and sister-in-law also passed away one after another. Now I only have you and him as my relatives. Elena stepped forward and held Liu Hao's hand, saying seriously: So I hope you can take better care of Tony's safety in the future.

I have helped him, but he has to learn to be smart. Liu Hao shrugged and suggested: If you are worried about accidents, let him go out with more bodyguards.

But there are some things that bodyguards can't solve, just like what Tony encountered this time, which can't be solved by more people. Elena advised earnestly.

I reminded him before that he didn't believe me, what can I do? Liu Hao spread his hands, looking helpless.

Elena pulled Liu Hao's ears like a child: Are you sure that's the attitude of seriously solving the problem?

You know your cousin, he is very conceited, and he probably won't believe you if you talk to him like this. Elena continued: Besides, you already knew all the circumstances at the time, and you could directly arrest those terrorists.

But you didn't do that. Actually, it's because you don't pay enough attention to your cousin, right?! Elena grabbed Liu Hao's ear. Although it didn't hurt, he still pretended to be in pain and begged for mercy: Stop, stop, I'm wrong, Mom.

Mom has found that you have extraordinary qualities since you were a child. You even predicted the financial crisis in 2008 and told us in advance, so I know you have the ability to help Tony. Elena let go of Liu Hao's ear and snorted proudly.

I don't intend to ask about the source of these abilities. I just hope you can use these abilities to help Tony and help our common relatives. Don't you want to do this?

Elena is right. Liu Hao really didn't want to help Tony. First, it was troublesome, and second, Tony was too arrogant, and Liu Hao wanted to dampen his spirit.

Elena rubbed Liu Hao's temple and said: You don't know how to cherish family affection now!

When I was young, I only wanted to make money. When I made enough, I looked back and saw that my relatives left one after another.

Now I only have you and Tony as my relatives. I really don't want any of you to get into trouble.

Okay, okay. Liu Hao looked at Elena and smiled warmly: I know, I will help Tony as much as I did to you in the future.

I promise that nothing will happen that can threaten Tony's life in the future, and I will not make you worry anymore.

Elena turned her head and smiled kindly: Well, Mom knows that you are a person who keeps your word. I feel relieved that you can make such a promise!

Liu Hao hugged his adoptive mother Elena, and then accompanied her to play in New York. The next day, Elena mentioned that she still had a lot of work to do in Hong Shizi Club. Before leaving, she did not forget to remind Liu Hao to remember the promise last night and protect Tony well. After Liu Hao agreed, Elena left with peace of mind.

After Elena left, Liu Hao smiled slightly, lit a cigarette, and said to himself: "Tony, you are so lucky." "If I didn't have a relative like me, you would probably have been buried in the hands of that purple monster." "But, who made my mother your aunt? Then I will recognize you as my cousin. "After saying that, Liu Hao took out his cell phone and called Tony.

At this time, Tony usually did not answer the phone in person. All calls were answered by his assistant Pepper Potts, no matter who it was, even his father's sister, and Liu Hao was no exception. But since the cave incident, the situation has changed. Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S to mark Liu Hao's phone for special treatment. Whenever Liu Hao called, J.A.R.V.I.S would automatically access any communication device Tony was using. Therefore, Tony happily answered the phone and said to Liu Hao gratefully: "Feng, thank you for reminding me before I left, and thank you for sending someone to rescue me. I really don't know how to repay you!"

"Let's talk about it later. Are you free now?" Liu Hao asked. Tony on the other end of the phone replied excitedly: "Definitely free, you can come and see my new invention!" So Liu Hao drove to Tony's private villa and took a look at his "new" invention.

After arriving at Tony's house, Liu Hao stood on the scanner at the door. After the scan was completed, J.A.R.V.I.S's voice sounded: "New York Police Department, Mr. Liu Hao, you are allowed to enter. My boss has been waiting in the basement for a long time." Liu Hao entered the villa and found the entrance to the underground studio according to J.A.R.V.I.S's guidance. Entering the studio, Tony was seen testing the classic red and yellow Mark III armor. Seeing Liu Hao coming, Tony began to introduce: "This is an upgraded version of the armor I developed in the cave."

"Before this, there was a silver-white set, which was Mark 2. But it can only fly, not cold-resistant, and will freeze if it doesn't fly high, so it's not very useful." "And this set of armor not only reduces weight and no longer freezes, but also strengthens some weapons, such as anti-tank missiles on the arms and shotguns on the shoulders." "When I was in the cave, your two men had an impact on me."

"Especially that girl, the steel claws in her hands that cut iron like mud fascinated me, so I plan to use the world's hardest metal Vibranium to cover the entire set of armor!" "This Mark 3, I think it is the most perfect armor so far!" "Without the most perfect, you can do better." Liu Hao said casually.

Although the idea of ​​adding Vibranium is quite advanced and expensive, it is not a problem for a rich kid like Tony. "I will definitely do better in the future, yes! You are right! Hahaha, Liu Hao, I find that we are getting more and more in sync!" Tony said, handing Liu Hao a glass of wine.

In fact, it was not a match, but Tony just liked to hear others' praise. But Liu Hao did not expose it, but politely took Tony's tequila and took a sip.

"Look at this armor, both the function and the appearance are impeccable." Tony proudly praised the Mark series armor he developed. Tony is now full of confidence, and it is difficult to calm down his excitement without showing off, so he said to Liu Hao: "If you want, I can customize a set for you. Just tell me what you want to add, I can do it."

"I don't need it, I don't like to wrap myself in iron." Liu Hao simply rejected Tony's kindness. "What's wrong with iron? Weapons can protect the body. After all, we are all flesh and blood!" Hearing this, Liu Hao's mouth flashed a barely noticeable smile.

Flesh and blood, that is for ordinary people. Liu Hao really doesn't need these high-tech, not to mention the armor with Vibranium, which is not as hard as his own skin. "If you like it, stay. We Chinese have an old saying that a gentleman does not take away what others like, and it is more valuable to you." Liu Hao responded: "But if you continue to wear this thing [in many years, you will have to pay the price of your life for it."

Tony was confused after hearing this, because he could tell that Liu Hao was not joking, so he asked: "What do you mean by this?" Tony became curious about his future. And Liu Hao did not intend to hide it. He came here for this.

So, Liu Hao leaned on the mechanical table and slowly told Tony all the plots involving him in "Iron Man" 1, 2, 3, and "Avengers": "After that, you will rob the rich and help the poor, name yourself Iron Man, and gradually grow into a superhero."

" Iron Man? What a bad name, why would I choose this?" Tony hurriedly expressed his disgust for the name. Liu Hao recalled the plot of "Iron Man" and said: "In fact, this is the name given by the reporter.

"When you were on the news, the reporter casually gave the person in the armor the nickname Iron Man." "Then you admitted at the press conference that the person was you, and naturally accepted the title. "This is too casual, Tony complained in his mind.

Tony has always believed that a superhero should have a loud and meaningful name, like Batman.

However, just thinking about becoming a superhero makes people excited!

As for the name, it seems less important.

"Anyway, when you were holding a press conference a few days ago, your secretary Pepper met a man named Nick Fury." Liu Hao told Tony the plot of the movie in detail: "He said he was from the special department of the Homeland Security Administration. You will know that the real name of that agency is S.H.I.E.L.D."

When Tony heard this, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he immediately ordered J.A.R.V.I.S to check the visit records of this person. As expected, as Liu Hao said, this person Nick Fury did leave contact information and messages here with Tony.

"They are looking for you because S.H.I.E.L.D is secretly forming a team of super abilities, and you were selected." Liu Hao continued, "Later, you will meet a black boss without hair... Oh, no, he has already declined."

When Liu Hao said this, he suddenly changed his words, making Tony on the side even more confused.

"In short, S.H.I.E.L.D will gather special humans like you and form a team called Avengers." Liu Hao concluded, "Avengers, this name is quite impressive." Tony commented in his heart.

"You will become a superhero team, fighting against super villains who attempt to rule the earth and destroy mankind." Liu Hao outlined: "There will be conflicts among you, but you can always drive them away before the villains destroy the world."

"One of the villains will become your friend later, maybe because his brother is also one of you." Liu Hao added.

"Wait, wait! You mean, I will become a superhero in the future?!" Curious baby Tony began to ask questions.

"Will also form Avengers with other superheroes, and then go together to eliminate villains and prevent them from destroying the world?"

"Yes." Liu Hao nodded to confirm.

Tony scratched his head and said directly: "Liu Hao, it's not that I don't believe you, but this story is too bizarre."

"This is not the plot of Superman comics, it's not the Justice League against Darkseid or destroying that kind of monster." Liu Hao sweated slightly.

Superman is standing in front of you now, what is there to doubt? However, Liu Hao does not want Tony to know the truth.

He shrugged, saying that it is up to you to believe it or not, and then said: "It's up to you to believe it or not. Anyway, the earth will usher in one alien villain after another in the future, and the world will be messed up."

"Aliens?" When it comes to this, Tony, as a scientist, is a little interested: "So, there are really aliens in the universe, and they will come to the earth soon?"

"That's right." Seeing that Tony believed it a little, Liu Hao responded: "Avengers will fight more than alien villains, and you will eventually die at the hands of a purple devil."

"Purple devil? What is that?" Tony asked

"Thanos from Titan." Liu Hao explained, "You only need to know that he is very strong. After collecting the Infinite Gems on the earth, half of the population disappeared.

"After that, you went through a lot of trouble to find the other half and started a life-and-death battle with him. In the end, you will also die at his hands." Liu Hao said slowly.

" Definitely, your death is worthwhile, and the whole world will mourn your sacrifice. " Liu Hao continued, "Because you are the most influential superhero, almost like Jesus.

After Liu Hao finished speaking, Tony still found it unbelievable, but he vaguely felt that this might become a reality.

"I will become Jesus among superheroes?!" Tony muttered to himself, "This is really, so cool!"

Tony cheered: "I knew it! I knew I would make a difference in the future! This achievement is even greater than my father's!"

"I have to call Fury back immediately and tell him that their Jesus is ready!" Liu Hao shrugged when he heard this. He had already reminded Tony, and how to act afterwards had nothing to do with him.

Liu Hao would not directly interfere with Tony's decision, but would only give him another choice. Since this is a multiple-choice question, which answer Tony chooses has little to do with Liu Hao himself.

After speaking, Liu Hao drank the tequila in the glass and prepared to leave: "You know your fate, and it's up to you to do what you do next. I'll go first."

Just as he was about to leave Tony's villa, Tony called him. At the moment, Tony stopped laughing, walked to Liu Hao, and asked seriously (Manno): "You said a lot of incredible things, but I am still confused about one thing, what is your real identity?"

"I am the son of your aunt Elena Stark, that's it." Liu Hao replied lightly.

Rejected, Tony pouted and asked again: "You don't want to tell me your identity, but you can always tell me how you know these things? Satisfy my curiosity, right?"

"It doesn't matter, you just need to know that I am your cousin and I stand by you. Curiosity kills the cat, and asking too much is not good for you. After that, Liu Hao walked out of the villa without looking back, got in his car, and left.

Tony stood there until Liu Hao's car went away, and then he whispered to the air: "J.A.R.V.I.S, what's the result?"

After asking, Tony's headset immediately heard J.A.R.V.I.S's answer: "Comparison is complete, sir. The comparison results show that [Liu Hao has a 97% chance of being Superman. "

Hearing J.A.R.V.I.S.'s words, Tony's eyes flickered and he drank the tequila in his hand.

Liu Hao returned to his territory, but did not go home. He took out his mobile phone, swiped the address book, and the names of four beauties flowed through his fingertips.

At night, Liu Hao was struggling with which concubine to spend the night with. At this time, the phone rang, and the caller ID was "Judge", one of the four people around him.

Liu Hao answered the phone, and before he could speak, a cold and seductive voice came from the other end of the phone: "I miss you, come over, I'm ready. "

Liu Hao smiled. Now he didn't have to bother to choose. This girl actually knew how to prepare in advance. It seems that this "judge" looks cold on the outside, but is actually full of contrasts on the inside.

Liu Hao gently turned the steering wheel and drove straight to the judge's residence.

Afterwards, Liu Hao lit a cigarette and looked at the lazy judge like a kitten. He teased: "Why, are you attracted to me?"

"Yes, I like it very much." The tattooed female judge was expressionless and spoke frankly.

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