You are right, I was impulsive, I apologize for my behavior just now.

Seeing that Ancient One was in a good attitude, Liu Hao also returned to normal.

He sat back in the chair and motioned Ancient One to sit down as well.

Ancient One sat down, friendly as usual, she said:

I understand what you mean, you are not deliberately destroying the timeline.

So forget about the previous things, but I still hope that you will interfere less with the timeline in the future.

Ancient One deliberately used the word "less", with a very sincere attitude and respect for Liu Hao.

Because multi-universe is full of dangers, changing the timeline at will can easily lead to multi-universe disorder.

At that time, all kinds of strange existences will come to our universe.

This is not what I want to see, I believe you don't want it to be like this, right?

After Ancient One finished speaking, Liu Hao thought about it for a while.

He definitely understood what Ancient One meant by multi-universe.

This concept of parallel universe has long been rampant in American comics.

Whether it is DC or Marvel, there are often parallel universe hero slaughter series.

Assuming that Liu Hao really changes the timeline at all costs, it may really cause a big event.

So Liu Hao replied: Magician's words make sense, I will consider it.

Very good, it seems that we had a pleasant exchange. I hope you will remember today's conversation next time you want to change the timeline.

After Ancient One finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave: If you have time, you are welcome to visit me in Kamar-Taj, Tibet.

After all, you have Chinese blood, and you are destined to be with me. Maybe one day, magic will choose you.

As a Chinese, Liu Hao only regarded Ancient One's words as a courtesy of "I will treat you to dinner another day".

After speaking, Ancient One opened the portal and left slowly.

The moment Ancient One stepped into the portal again, the voice of the New York Police Department sounded again.

The ability to pause time, I have to admit, is quite powerful.

Liu Hao was quite interested in Ancient One's Eye of Agamotto, that is, Time Gem.

But he was only interested and was not in a hurry to get it.

Liu Jing thought about what Ancient One had just said.

In the end, Liu Hao felt that it was too troublesome to interfere with these things and was too lazy to care.

But he was too lazy to change what he had done, so he waited for news from Deadpool and the little wolf girl.

The camera turned to Tony.

Just like the movie, Tony apparently agreed to make Jericho missiles for the terrorists.

In fact, he used the materials provided by the terrorists to make the key to escape from here.

This is the prototype of all Tony's future armors in the Marvel universe, Mark 1. 11

This is Tony's life and death card, but due to time constraints, there are many defects.

The function is imperfect, and the power system can only last about 15 minutes.

The main weapons are the flamethrower in the left hand and several missiles in the right hand.

The disadvantage is that many key operating belts are exposed, and once shot, the conveyor belt is easy to break.

The broken hind legs cannot move, and can only rely on their own strength to move.

But it is more than enough to deal with those terrorists!

Tony thought so, just as he put on the armor and the scientists were ready to start

Boom! The door that Tony and others locked was blown open!

The terrorists swarmed up and surrounded Tony, and even shot and killed the scientists around him.

Tony was completely broken, and he was about to escape!

"Hey, Tony, it's a pity that I can't let you enjoy this treasure."

A familiar voice sounded at the door.

Tony looked up and blurted out curse words:

"Damn it! Damn bastard!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than the villain in the movie, Buddy Stan.

"Oh, tsk tsk, would our arrogant Tony Stark also have this expression?"

Buddy Stan approached the motionless Tony with a smug look and insulted him wantonly.

"No, come to think of it, I did see you like this, yes, I remember, it was when your father died!"

"Haha, you cried louder and more miserably than now, like a stray dog ​​with no one to love you!"

Tony clenched his fists and tried his best to activate the flamethrower on his armor to burn this guy to charcoal.

However, the armor was not fully activated, so he could only wait to die.

"Do you think you are superior to others just because you are a genius scientist and entrepreneur sought after by the media?"

"No, Tony. You have always been that stray dog, in the past and in the future!" Buddy Stan cursed, pointing at Tony's face.

"Do you think I don't know that you made more than just the Jericho missile?"

"You wanted to deceive those country bumpkins, but you didn't expect me to show up, did you?"

Tony was filled with rage, gnashing his teeth, and just wanted to tear this guy's mouth apart!

If he had listened to Liu Hao's warning, he should have sent someone to kill Batistan immediately!

At this moment, he regretted not believing everything Liu Hao said!

Batistan walked to Tony's desk and surrounded the Mark armor drawings designed by Tony.

He looked at them and praised them: "It's so clever, Tony, you are like a master tailor in the arms industry."

"Unfortunately, this will be your last work."

After saying that, Batistan made a throat-cutting gesture towards the terrorist.

The terrorist immediately pulled out a gun and pointed it at Tony's head, and Tony gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

At this critical moment,

a painful howl came from outside the cave!

The people in the cave were stunned, and then there was another howl!

The sound continued, accompanied by the sound of gunfire and swords, getting closer and closer!

Batistan and the terrorist looked out.

In the light, they saw a fast shadow!

It didn't look like a human, but more like a beast!

Wherever it went, blood flowed like a river, and wailing was everywhere, as if

How could there be a beast here!

Batistan didn't care about anything and ordered in a foreign language: "Why are you standing there? Come on! Push on!"

He knew that no matter whether the guy at the entrance of the cave was a beast or a human, he would threaten his life!

The terrorists opened fire and shot at the intruders, but the opponent was like a Ghost, and they couldn't hit him no matter how hard they shot!

The agile little wolf girl cleverly dodged the bullets and used the retractable Adamantium steel claws to kill the enemies one by one.

She kept killing until the little wolf girl covered in blood came to Badistan.

Badistan had never seen such a fierce character before, and he sat on the ground, muttering to himself:

"Wait...wait a minute! You don't have to kill me! Who hired you? I have money, I can give it!...!"

Before Badistan finished speaking, the little wolf girl cut her throat with a sword, and blood gushed out like a spring.

After killing Batistan, the little wolf girl turned her head slightly to look at Tony who was unable to move.

Tony's face was full of horror. He didn't know whether she was an enemy or a friend. He looked at the little wolf girl as if he had seen a ghost.

The little wolf girl walked calmly in front of Tony, stared at him intently, and whispered:

"Well, you are Tony Stark."

At this time, Tony realized that this female star was here to save him.

"I was sent by your cousin." The little wolf girl explained.

Tony was surprised and thought that Liu Hao actually had such a ruthless character as his subordinate.

"Let's go, reinforcements will be here soon, and we have transportation."

The little wolf girl was about to cut the armor to help Tony down, but she heard Tony say:

"No need to take it off, help me start it, the computer is there."

"I don't know." The little wolf girl replied expressionlessly.

Tony said eagerly: "It's very simple, I can teach you, I must start it!"

Worried that the little wolf girl would not agree, he added:

"I don't want to be a coward anymore, I want to kill those bastards!"

After hearing this, the little wolf girl nodded after a moment.

A few minutes later, Tony's Mark I armor was successfully started.

Tony walked out the door wearing heavy armor.

At this time, reinforcements arrived, and Tony desperately used the flamethrower and bomb under the armor to kill!

"Go to hell! You idiots!"

Tony vented his anger crazily and killed countless terrorists crazily.

However, he ignored the defense, and the defense of Mark I was really weak.

Facing the firepower of more than five terrorists, Tony was suppressed and unable to move.

At the entrance of the cave, Tony groped for the Flight system of the armor and was ready to leave, but hesitated because he thought of the little wolf girl.

"The armor on the chest is about to be broken! Concentrate firepower! Kill him!" The terrorist shouted in a foreign language.

Before he finished speaking, a grenade blew the terrorist who was speaking to pieces.

On the hillside not far away, Deadpool, holding a rocket launcher, shouted happily:

"Wow! Hit the bull's eye! Five with one shot! The best Marksman is me, Uncle Deadpool!"

On the wolf girl's side, the terrorists felt the enemy's attack and looked for targets everywhere.

However, they didn't know that the shift of the target at this moment would directly become their death knell!

The wolf girl moved quickly and killed the enemy continuously with the Adamantium blade!

She seemed to be a Ghost, showing the bravery of Wolverine when he first joined the war.

However, the wolf girl's fighting style was more radical than Wolverine at that time.

Tony, who had lost his fighting power, half-knelt to rest and let his armor cool down.

However, in a short time, this place was baptized by blood again.

After solving everything, the wolf girl came to Tony again and asked:

"Can we get on the helicopter now, Iron Boy?"

Tony took off his armor and threw it into the fire to destroy it.

Then, he boarded the plane with the little wolf girl and Deadpool.

Definitely, on the plane, he did not forget to tease Deadpool:

"You are wrapped up tightly like this, aren't you hot?"

Deadpool asked back:

"I chopped from the east to the west without blinking, and you asked me if I was hot?"

"Yes, I am very curious, isn't it hot to be wrapped like this in the desert?" Tony still asked.

"You are really touching!" Deadpool's attitude changed immediately.

"It is really hot, but there is no way, I have to wear this clothes, so that everyone knows I am Deadpool."

After saying that, Deadpool took off his mask and revealed his scarred face.

Tony couldn't help retching when he saw this scene, and hurriedly said:

"Sorry, I was wrong. For my eyes, you should be patient for a while."

While the two chatted, the little wolf girl threw a serious question:

"So where are you going now? Home or to the safer police station?"

"To the company." Tony said seriously: "I will hold a press conference in the name of Stark Industries."

The two sent Tony back, and he asked his friend Rod to announce his return as promised, and held a press conference.

After Deadpool and the little wolf girl completed the task, they returned to the New York Police Department to report to Liu Hao.

"We have sent that Tony Stark back safely, but I don't know what he wants to do by holding a press conference."

Deadpool said: "Is it like those idiots who don't ask for help when they encounter problems, but post on Instagram first?"

"Or he stole the terrorists' weapons technology and planned to go back to develop it himself and make a lot of money. Now he is preparing to attract investment! Wow, this Tony Stark is really obsessed with money!"

Liu Hao thought to himself that Tony's press conference would definitely not be like what Deadpool said.

According to the plot of the movie,

Tony went back this time to announce the closure of the weapons department, indicating that Stark Industries would never sell weapons again.

This is a great time to buy Stark Industries stocks.

Liu Hao did not hide anything and said to Deadpool and the little wolf girl: "Stark Industries' stocks are about to rise sharply, trust me and buy them.

He also told Banner to spread the news to the entire police station.

The police were a little tempted when they heard that it was Liu Hao's suggestion, but some people who specialize in stocks thought that

buying Stark Group's stocks at the moment might not pay off, and blindly buying was not wise.

However, most police officers bought stocks with their mobile phones out of trust in Liu Hao.

Deadpool, let alone, directly bought all his assets, accurate to every penny!

He also said bluntly: "Liu Hao is my god!"

"Don't talk about stocks, if you tell me now that eating shit can make my brother grow longer, I will eat it too!"

"Don't worry, I won't say such disgusting words."

After teasing Deadpool for a while, Liu Hao found that the little wolf girl was indifferent.

So he asked: "Laura, why don't you buy it? Don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe it. "The little wolf girl shook her head and replied: "I just think it's unnecessary to buy stocks."

"Money is not important to me at all, as long as it can maintain daily living expenses."

The little wolf girl said, and glanced at Liu Hao:

"I have you, even if I get out of prison, I can still have food and clothing with you."

Liu Hao heard this, the corners of his mouth rose, and replied:

"Definitely043, you will have food to eat and sleep for a day if you stay with me for a day, no matter how long it takes. ”

“Wow, so touching, Brother Liu Hao!” Deadpool, who was not named, suddenly twisted his butt:

“I didn’t expect that I, Deadpool, could find a man worth relying on in my life after my parents died! From now on, my body and soul are all yours! Mumumumu!”

After hearing this, Liu Hao held his forehead slightly and really wanted Deadpool to go eat shit… But thinking that saying so would damage his image, he perfunctorily said a few words to Deadpool.

Then, Liu Hao threw the money on the table and asked the little wolf girl and Deadpool to enjoy their vacation:

“This time the money will be more than last time, as a reward for your good performance recently. "

Deadpool took the money with a smile. He had called his friends in advance.

But he had just invested all his wealth in the shares of Stark Group. Now he had no money and was waiting for Liu Hao to pay him.

The little wolf girl accepted it without hesitation and thought about where to go for a drink. This was her only hobby.

Drinking can soothe the nerves and relieve the pain when she stretched out her steel claws. This is why Wolverine Logan likes to drink.

The little wolf girl is similar to Wolverine. Although her Adamantium steel claws have been used many times, they still hurt every time they are used.

As long as no one disturbs her drinking and makes her unhappy, the little wolf girl will not cause trouble.

Hey, Feng, we are leaving. Love you. Deadpool said goodbye with a playful smile.

The little wolf girl also said goodbye: I'm leaving first.

After the two left, Liu Hao leaned lazily on the office chair and stared at the news on TV. The news said that Tony Stark announced that Stark Industries will close the weapons production department, which will rewrite the future of the company and affect the world pattern. There are also some about Tony's partner's mysterious disappearance is a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

Liu Hao has not been home for the past few days. He thought Wanda must be lonely. Why not go back and be intimate with his wife?

With this feeling, seeing that there was nothing important at the police station, Liu Hao drove back home. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard a conversation. One voice was Wanda [the tenth is

a woman.

Why is there a strange woman at home? Wanda usually doesn't bring friends home.

Could it be that Betty woman, who came straight to the house to thank him for not killing her father Ross?

Liu Hao made a bold guess in his heart, and he was relieved until he scanned the house with Superman's perspective eyes. He walked over and opened the door.

As he observed, there were indeed two women sitting on the sofa, one was Wanda in home clothes, and the other was a mature woman with gorgeous clothes and noble temperament. She was Liu Hao's adoptive mother, Tony's father Howard Stark's sister, Elena Stark.

Wanda saw Liu Hao and smiled warmly: Are you back? My mother and I were just talking about your work.

Liu Hao walked over and kissed her adoptive mother on the cheek: "Mom, how come you have time to come to New York today?"

Elena, who still had her charm, answered with a magnetic voice: "I am definitely worried that you are working too hard, so I came to see you."

Wanda didn't want to interrupt their chat, so she went to make tea. After making tea, she went to prepare dinner, so that they could have a chance to reminisce about the past.

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