"But I can't accompany you for the next few days." The judge stretched and sat on the bed and said: "There is something that needs to be dealt with by Gaoqiutai.'

Liu Hao joked: "What's wrong? Gaoqiutai sent you to apologize to someone again?"

"Since its establishment, Gaoqiutai has only apologized to you, and there will not be a second time." The judge said, as if he was expressing praise or helpless facts, and then added: "Originally, this was an internal matter of our assassins' guild, but if you want to know, I can tell you."

Liu Hao shrugged and said indifferently: "It's not bad to listen to the story."

The judge said calmly: "Gaoqiutai asked me to deal with a top killer problem."

"For many years, every assassination mission of his has never failed. Because he killed the target code-named 'Night Demon', he also inherited the title of Night Demon].

"His name is John Wick."

After hearing what the judge said, it seems that the story of "John Wick" is about to be staged, and the character mentioned by the tattooed girl is the protagonist

Liu Hao pretended not to have heard of this name and said to the judge: "This man sounds awesome, why does the golf table want to deal with him?"

"He had already retired, and the golf table promised to let him live a good life."

"Because he fulfilled his promise [completed the impossible task-killing the man named "Night Devil"].

The judge continued: "After that, his wife died, which caused him to be depressed because he had a conflict with his superior's son because of a dog.

"Then he returned to the rivers and lakes and killed people, and the golf table never cared about him."

"But in the end, he had a conflict with his token holder and killed people in a mainland hotel. He was expelled from the assassin's guild and a reward was offered for his arrest."

"Now, the reward for him is as high as 14 million US dollars, making him the most wanted target of all assassin organizations. "

Liu Hao nodded, recalling that this should be the plot of the third part of "John Wick".

The next plot will be that the protagonist John Wick begins to kill those assassins who come to assassinate but are actually looking for death.

The judge said while getting dressed: "Anyway, I received an order from the golf table.

"I'm going to find Winston at the Continental Hotel and ask him why John Wick is still alive.

"After all, John Wick killed the token holder in front of Winston at the Continental Hotel. If Winston wanted, John Wick would have been dead long ago. "

"So I'm going to judge him and give Winston a week. Either he kills John Wick or he takes the position of successor. "

Liu Hao raised his mouth and said: "John Wick will not die. No one in your assassin guild can compare with him. "

The judge immediately retorted: "Absolutely impossible. No matter how powerful John Wick is, he is just an individual, and the assassins of the assassin organization are spread all over the world, thousands of them. "

"So John will definitely die, it's just a matter of time. "She said this, which was completely different from how she was in bed just now.

"But he is the most powerful one among you, right?" Liu Hao said calmly: "No matter how many ants there are, they can't shake an elephant."

The Judge approached and touched Liu Hao's face, still expressionless: "Liu Hao, I admire you and love you, but John Wick is really not worth mentioning. He is far inferior to you.

Seeing that the Judge was so stubborn, Liu Hao smiled and suggested: "Why don't we make a bet? Bet on whether John will die."

"What bet?" The Judge raised his eyebrows.

While stroking the Judge, Liu Hao said: "If I win, from now on, you have to use..."

The Judge trembled, because she had never done such a thing, and she had always told Liu Hao that she would never compromise.

But the judge's character is so stubborn that she doesn't believe that John Wick alone can fight against the entire killer organization. So she gritted her teeth and agreed, adding: "Okay, but if I win, you have to be my slave for a day." Liu Hao smiled, thinking that this girl is really good at playing. It seems that the woman who was conquered by him also has the idea of ​​conquering himself. But Liu Hao already knew the development of the plot, so he said: "Okay, it's a deal, the bet is what we said." "You will lose badly, New York Light." The judge touched Liu Hao's face and left the hotel immediately. After the judge left, Liu Hao poured a glass of whiskey by the bed, took a sip, shook the ice in the glass, and said to himself: "Judge [How can you, a stupid woman, understand how terrible John Wick is? He is a man with faith and will." Liu Hao understood that everything John Wick did was not just for the dog or the burned house. He was guarding the deeper meaning behind these things, and someone who destroyed these things was destroying his faith. Therefore, he decided to make the other party pay the corresponding price without hesitation. This is very similar to Liu Hao, so Liu Hao particularly appreciates John.

On the other side.

At the headquarters of the assassin's guild, several tattooed women were processing the income and various documents brought by the guild. In a corner, an employee received a call from his superior. According to the instructions, he raised John's bounty on the bounty list to 15 million US dollars. The news spread instantly to the mobile phones of shashou users across the country, and the judge came to Winston's city to give a warning.

After warning Winston, the judge went to Bowery Street and found the leader of the assassin's guild who was similar to the Beggars' Gang. The judge continued in a threatening tone to Winston: "According to the order of the golf table, you will be given seven days. If John Wick is still alive after seven days, you have to resign."

The Beggars' Gang boss insisted that he would never resign because Bowery Street had become a part of his life. Half a day later, the judge appeared in the territory of the Russian Gypsy gang because John Wick had asked them for help. The judge representing the golf table ordered his men to teach a lesson to the big sister Gypsy who protected John Wick, and then left. At the moment, the judge felt inexplicably panicked. He originally thought that John Wick would die within a day, but he escaped with the help of other forces and is now missing. She began to imagine the scene of losing the bet, and her body reacted accordingly.

At Liu Hao's house, Quicksilver and Wanda sat around the dining table, both of them looked serious, as if discussing important matters. Seeing her sister silent, Quicksilver continued: "In short, this is the current situation. Although the army has not been chasing Mutants for half a year, the students in the academy are still hungry and poorly clothed. Some people are finding it increasingly difficult to control their power, often losing control, and no one is taking care of them." After hearing this, Wanda frowned and responded: "The current Mutant Academy is not as good as before. I am the only one left in the academy to deal with these things, and I am indeed a little overwhelmed." "Are you going to resign?" Quicksilver asked. Wanda shook her head quickly: "No, definitely not. Since I am the dean of the Mutant Academy, I have the responsibility to protect everyone!"

As Wanda said, she is now the dean of the Mutant Academy in place of Professor X. She did not tell Liu Hao about this, and she always went to the academy secretly to take care of the students on the pretext of a business trip. The older generation of Mutants were either dead or injured, and now there are only a few old Mutants left in the academy, such as mentors like Shadowcat and Radiation Eye. Most of the academy are new generation Mutants. Due to long-term pursuit and suppression by the army, the academy was forced to move to the primeval forest. "In short, as long as I, Wanda, am still in office, I will not give up on everyone. I will be there in a while." Wanda said. Quicksilver nodded: "Then I will go first, sister."

Quicksilver walked to the door, opened the door and found that Liu Hao was already standing outside the door. Quicksilver was stunned, and before he could speak, Liu Hao smiled and said: "Peter Luo is here? Don't you want to sit for a while?" Quicksilver breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Liu Hao did not hear his conversation with Wanda. Faced with Liu Hao's courtesy, Quicksilver hesitated and didn't know how to respond. After all, he is just a homeboy who likes to stay at home and play games, but he has an extra ability. Seeing this, Wanda answered for Quicksilver: "My brother is going to a party far away, and I have to go on a business trip, so I can give him a ride." "I will be back in a few days, husband." Wanda said goodbye. Liu Hao responded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

After the two left, Liu Hao squinted his eyes and said nothing more. He took off his coat comfortably and lay on the sofa to watch TV. Suddenly remembering the bet with the judge, he smiled slightly and prepared to enjoy the good show that was about to be staged.

Seven days later.

The judge arrived at the Continental Hotel. John Wick, who was missing a finger, confronted Winston. At the moment, John Wick had gone to Egypt to obtain a pardon, on the condition that he killed Winston, and vice versa. The judge walked to the two of them calmly and asked: "Winston, have you decided to resign?" Winston shook his head: "I don't have this idea for the time being." The judge turned to John: What about you? Have you decided to use a bullet to blow Winston's head?" John killed all the way here, glanced at Winston, and replied: "I don't think so." "Very good." The judge called the staff of the killer guild and asked to suspend the service of the Continental Hotel. "The Continental Hotel is closed, and you can do things here now." The judge said indifferently, "Since Winston refuses to resign, and John Wick refuses the direct order of the golf table, your lives will be deprived. The emissaries from the golf table have arrived. They will witness the process of your souls being separated from your bodies. Gentlemen, be prepared to die. "After saying that, the Judge left without looking back.

John Wick looked at Winston: "Can I still enjoy the services of the Continental Hotel?" "In view of the special situation of the hotel, it is now reopened for you. John, what do you need?" Winston asked. John Wick calmly replied: "Guns, the more the better." The Judge sat in the car downstairs of the hotel, watching the assassins sent by the golf table pour into the Continental Hotel.

The Judge in the car listened to the movements in the hotel, with wails and gunshots coming one after another.

However, the killers continued to pour in, one wave after another.

This means that John Wick is still alive.

Moreover, he killed many killers in succession!

The Judge panicked. Is John Wick really so invincible?

One night later, the Judge received a call from Winston.

On the other end of the phone, Winston asked to negotiate with the Judge on the roof.

"You know this is just the beginning, and the reinforcements of the High Table are endless. "The judge sitting on the chair said arrogantly.

"As long as you don't surrender, we can keep on being deadlocked."

Hearing this, Winston frowned: "Are you sure that a protracted war is really the best choice?"


"There won't be a protracted war." The judge responded coldly: "The Continental Hotel will be destroyed."

"Don't get me wrong, you can take the Continental Hotel at any time, I have no objection." Winston changed the subject: "But keeping it is another matter entirely, my followers chose this Chen building."

"I represent the High Table! Who are you?" The judge said fiercely.

"The High Table is definitely the supreme rule."

Winston said: "So I want to resolve our little differences in a more sensible way."

"What do you want, Winston?" the judge asked.

Winston glanced at the door on the roof and replied:

"I hope the High Table will restore my power and let me regain control of this Continental Hotel."

"In the name of the High Table?" the judge asked.

"Yes, the High Table is naturally the core, and I have always been a loyal believer of the High Table." Winston said sincerely: "I will swear allegiance to the High Table again and do anything for the High Table to express my loyalty. At the moment, John Wick also solved the last killer and walked to the roof. Looking at the scene in front of him, John asked in disbelief: "Winston, what are you doing? Don't tell me you want to reconcile with the High Table. The judge glanced at John Wick, remembered the order of the High Table, and remembered the bet with Liu Hao. The latter was under too much pressure, and the temptation of the bet was too tempting, so the judge said: "Okay, the High Table can restore your power." "The premise is that you kill John Wick." Winston glanced at John and said: "For the High Table, I can do anything." Winston stretched out his hand and said as he walked towards Liu Hao: "Definitely, including killing John Wick." After that, Winston shot directly, and John blocked it with a bulletproof suit. "Winston! What are you doing? We agreed!"

Winston ignored John's words and continued to shoot, suppressing him with firepower.

John blocked with his suit and was forced to the wall.

Finally, he fell from the tall building.

The Judge walked over and looked at John, who was lying on the ground motionless, and said:

"Very good, sir, the Continental Hotel is now reopened, goodbye."

John Wick is finally dead! The Judge was extremely excited.

Whether it was the mission of the High Table or the bet of Liu Hao, she completed it!

Liu Hao! You have controlled me so many times, this time it's my turn to dominate you fiercely!

Looking at the back of the Judge leaving, the black receptionist next to Winston whispered: "Good acting, boss."

Winston raised the corner of his mouth and didn't say much.

The Judge was calm on the surface, but excited in his heart.

But what she didn't know was that John Wick, who fell from the tall building, had disappeared in a corner downstairs.

The Judge was very excited. Seeing that the time was almost up, before he had time to report the completion of the mission to the High Table, he drove to the vicinity of the New York Police Department [waiting for Liu Kang to get off work.

When Liu Hao was about to go home, he saw the judge in the car staring at him, and he was a little confused.

He wondered why this girl was so proactive and started thinking about these things before she got off work.

Liu Hao walked over, and before he spoke, the judge said: "I won."

Liu Hao became interested, raised his eyebrows, and asked: "Are you talking about the bet about the top killer John Wick?"

"Yes, he is dead." The judge still looked at Liu Hao expressionlessly:

"According to the bet, you have to be my slave for a day, I will whip you hard, conquer you, and make you beg for mercy all day long."

Liu Hao raised the corner of his mouth and replied: "Although you said it very temptingly, unfortunately, I don't like being dominated by others."

"You mean, you want to go back on your word?" The judge frowned and asked.

She didn't expect Liu Hao to regret it, definitely, Liu Hao didn't regret it, but asked back: "Are you sure you won? In other words, are you sure John Weichen is dead?" The judge looked confused and said: "I saw him fall from the Continental Hotel with my own eyes." "Where is the body? Has it been checked?" Liu Hao asked deliberately provocatively. Seeing the judge silent, Liu Hao raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Get in my car, I'll take you to see what's going on." After the judge got in the car, Liu Hao took her to the underground black market old lady who was similar to the leader of the Huazhen Gang. When Liu Hao brought the judge to the territory of the leader of the Beggar Gang, in the empty Beggar Gang Palace, the leader of the Beggar Gang, Bowery, sat on the golden throne, and in front of him was the scarred John Wick. Bowery supported himself with a cane, walked to John Wick, and began to complain:

"That damn High Table stabbed me seven times, this is what the High Table does."

"They will find that if they want to attack the king, it is best to stab him in the vitals."

"Now the king is not dead, the king is very angry, John, I ask you, are you angry?"

John, who was covered in wounds, struggled to get up and replied fiercely: "Yes."

The two heroes began to plan revenge on the golf table, which will become the plot of "John Wick 4". .

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