It turned out that a few days ago, the army captured his alcoholic father and threatened Michelle to give him to Liu Hao as compensation.

Liu Hao didn't have much affection for his father who had a weak sense of existence. Although Michelle hated that man, he was her father after all. After weighing the pros and cons, she agreed.

During the story, Michelle did not mention the story of the mecha warrior.

It seems that at this point in time, she has not met the male protagonist in the film, and the plot has not yet unfolded. Therefore, Liu Hao has now taken the lead and won the heroine.

Naked Michelle looked up at Liu Hao: "Now I am yours."

"The army is a bunch of idiots." Liu Hao cursed in his heart.

He didn't expect that they would understand the compensation he casually mentioned like this.

Liu Hao does like beautiful women, that's right, but teasing should also be based on occasion! This is his home! He is already married!

Sending a woman here makes both parties happy, but ignores his wife Scarlet Witch Wanda! If she finds out that he is in the same room with another woman

At the moment, the sound of a car came from outside the door. Hearing the sound of the vehicle at this moment, it is clear that the person coming is Wanda!

Sure enough, Wanda began to knock on the door: "Honey, are you there?"

"I have something in my hand and it is inconvenient to open the door. Can you come and open it?"

The owner is already outside the door!

"You can't stay any longer, put on your clothes and leave." Liu Hao hurriedly picked up the clothes on the ground and handed them to Michelle. The girl was even more charming in a short skirt and shirt.

Michelle was slightly startled: "I can't leave. I must stay and serve you, otherwise the army will not let my father go."

"Honey? Not here?" Wanda's voice continued.

Liu Hao anxiously persuaded Michelle: "I will help you complete the task, but not now. Take the money and find a hotel nearby. I will find you later."

Liu Hao took out the banknotes from his pocket and handed them to Michelle to help her escape through the window. Fortunately, Liu Hao lived on the first floor and she could leave easily.

The sound of the key turning the door lock came from outside the door. Liu Hao quickly packed up and was about to go out, but Wanda opened the door in advance.

"Honey, aren't you at home? Why didn't you respond to me just now?" Wanda asked puzzledly.

Liu Hao scratched his head and explained, "I was too tired today. I fell asleep as soon as I got home from get off work. I just heard your voice and opened the door before I could respond. Haha."

"But why is your head full of sweat?" Wanda asked again.

"I was so tired that I fell asleep directly. I forgot to turn on the air conditioner, so it's very hot." Liu Hao perfunctorily said, "Huh, it's really hot. I'll go take a shower first."

Wanda squinted at Liu Hao, then shrugged and turned to do things.

The next day, in a hotel.

The phone on the bedside table rang, and Liu Hao fumbled to find the phone to answer it.

Before he could speak, a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Liu Hao, I guess you have received our compensation. I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Hearing this, Liu Hao lowered his head slightly, looked at the waiter in front of him, and answered with a smile on his face: "Not bad."

The military affairs came to an end, and the HYDRA organization did not harass Liu Hao again.

With a beautiful wife at home and a beautiful woman outside, Liu Hao spent a few days of peace like this, accompanying Wanda on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, spending time with Michelle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and resting on Sundays.

About half a month later, Liu Hao woke up from the bed and habitually looked at the woman next to him. It was Wanda. Fortunately, he didn't have to rush home.

Wanda was immersed in a sweet dream, with a smile on her lips. Liu Hao kissed her on the forehead, got up, changed clothes and went out.

Life was colorful, work was smooth, and everything was fine in New York in the past half month. This was also the norm after Liu Hao joined the police station.

New York, once known as the city of crime, was governed by Liu Hao, and criminals were as docile as lambs, and the whole city was filled with simple folk customs.

However, today, the New York Police Department suddenly became busy. This kind of situation that shocked the whole situation was not common. At least in Liu Hao's memory, it was last year.

Liu Hao paused for a while, and saw that corpses were carried in one after another, with scars all over their bodies, broken limbs, broken legs, and even laparotomy.

"Murder?" Liu Hao frowned.

Everyone in New York knew that Liu Hao had issued a clear order to prohibit murders. Small fights were okay, robbery was tolerated, but murder was never allowed.

The execution of the ban was also very simple. The arrested murderers would be sentenced heavily, and the punishment would be as heavy as possible. After being released from prison with a suspended death sentence, they would be "visited" by Liu Hao.

This is in stark contrast to the behavior of Batman in the DC world next door, who put criminals in Arkham Asylum but did not execute them, and they escaped the next day.

Such tough measures have made it so that there has never been a murder case in New York City under Liu Hao's jurisdiction.

But today, someone who doesn't know how to live or die challenged the bottom line.

Liu Hao stopped Chen Long and asked: "What's going on? Continuous gang conflicts?"

"This is not an ordinary vicious incident."

Chen Long reported to Liu Hao in detail: "It's a fight between gangs, which is quite large in scale. It not only disrupts public order, but also causes a large number of casualties."

"Gang fight?"

Liu Hao narrowed his eyes and whispered: "Those guys used to get along well. What happened recently? Why are they making trouble again?"

Although Liu Hao has reduced the crime rate to the lowest level, he acquiesces to the existence of gangs in New York.

Because crime cannot be completely eradicated, the existence of gangs can make street thugs organized and disciplined, which is equivalent to setting boundaries for them.

Once the gangs grow stronger, they can restrain their subordinates internally without Liu Hao's intervention.

Liu Hao only needs to maintain a good relationship with the gang leaders and tolerate their illegal activities with a blind eye to reduce the crime rate in New York.

Everything was smooth in the past, until today, a murder occurred, and it was a showdown between two gangs, not an ordinary fight between gangsters.

It's like the subordinates are living in peace, but the management is starting to fight among themselves.

Dealing with matters between gangs is the most difficult. Such cases cannot happen only once. If they are not properly resolved, there will be more victims.

"Brother Hao, do you want me to handle it? I am confident that I can solve it." Chen Long, the loyal younger brother, volunteered to Liu Hao, obviously eager to show his ability in front of Liu Hao.

Liu Hao shook his head and said, "You can't handle it. I will investigate this case myself."...

Browsing the gang information in his hand, he found that several of the gangs were familiar to him. They belonged to Kingpin's gang.

Kingpin, whose real name is Wilson Grant Fisk, is the largest gang leader in New York and even the United States, and is also the main enemy of superhero Daredevil.

In addition to appearing in the Daredevil movie, he also appeared in the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse animation. Liu Hao had many confrontations with him after crossing.

Since Liu Hao is the biggest boss of the legal forces in New York, and Kingpin is the gangster boss, Kingpin gave Liu Hao face and even helped maintain the order of the gangsters.

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