Since this was done by Jin Bing's men, it would be much simpler.

Liu Hao narrowed his eyes and locked onto a surviving gang member, Jay.

The gangster Jay had bad luck.

He originally did not belong to any gang, but was just a small character who looked for rich people on the streets of New York.

However, this method could not make a living. One day, before he started robbing, he was taught a lesson by a gang and said that he was not qualified to rob on the street.

After that, Jay learned his lesson and joined a gang, thinking that he could live a carefree underworld life.

Unfortunately, not long after joining the gang, his gang was attacked and inexplicably involved in a fight with other gangs.

He was timid and did not dare to go to the front line. He survived until the end, and therefore saw a person in the other gang telling dirty jokes while killing people and dressed strangely.

Jay escaped by pretending to be dead, complained that he was too unlucky, and decided to return to his old business. So in the early morning, he squatted on the street to look for targets again.

"That's you, a wealthy family of three." Jay locked on the target.

The family was on their way home from watching a movie. When they were about to pass through an alley, Jay, holding a knife, suddenly jumped out, interrupting their laughter.

Jay waved the knife in his hand and said, "Obviously, it's a robbery."

The father hurried to protect his wife and daughter: "It's okay, as long as you don't do anything to them, I'll give you as much money as you want, and all the money I have on me."

Jay was ecstatic. He didn't expect to be so lucky today. He met a rich man. Now he can live freely for a few weeks!

When he was about to collect the money, a voice suddenly sounded: "Find a corner and lie down. I only give you two minutes."

Jay looked back and saw a strong man in leather clothes. He looked a bit Asian. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember where.

It seems that he has watched too many superhero movies and came to do justice.

Jay was naturally not afraid of Liu Hao's warning. He waved his dagger and said, "Boy, get out of here. Do you really think you are a superhero in the movie?" Liu Hao said coldly, "Two minutes have passed. The others have fallen. You are lucky. I need a lackey to lead the way. I will spare your life." Jay realized that this person was not easy to mess with. Just when he was about to teach him a lesson, the other party took out a gun directly. With a bang, Jay's hand holding the knife was shot through. Accurate shooting, without even looking at it, Jay suddenly remembered the other party's identity, Liu Hao, a sharpshooter known as the "Light of New York" in the New York Police Department! Liu Hao let the family of three leave and slowly walked towards Jay. Jay knew what was going on and quickly lowered his head and lay down. Definitely, he could only hold his head with one hand. Liu Hao half-squatted and looked at him, and said coldly, "Take me to see your boss Jin Bing, otherwise you don't want your other hand." This person known as the "Light of New York" has long been famous. Jay had no say, he could only nod and lead the way. He just needed to bandage the broken arm with a piece of clothing to stop the bleeding.

Facing this guy, excessive blood loss is just a small problem, his life may be threatened at any time!

Outside New York, in a dark room.

A giant in a suit leaned on a custom leather sofa, and a trembling man sat opposite him.

The mountain-like Kingpin gently stroked the cat in his hand with huge amounts of palm.

He spoke calmly, his eyes never leaving the cat in his hand, and asked: "Tell me, Rex, do you respect me?"

The man called Rex immediately trembled and replied: "Definitely! You are Jin Bing, the criminal overlord of the United States. My respect for you is like the water of the Yangtze River, flowing endlessly!"

"Then why do you dare to touch my territory?" Jin Bing glanced at him, murderous, and Rex did not dare to look directly at him.

"I was wrong! I was wrong! I was confused by evil thoughts. Please be magnanimous and give me another chance! I swear I will never do it again!" Rex pounced on Jin Bing's thigh, which was as thick as a pillar and felt very hard.

It is rumored that Jin Bing's burly is not due to obesity, but from the muscles all over his body. His strength is strong enough to knock down a Bengal tiger with one punch.

Jin Bing put the cat on the table and waved to Rex, who was lying on the ground, motioning him to look up. Rex thought there was a turnaround and raised his head excitedly.

However, Jin Bing approached his ear and said in a low voice: "No one can betray me. There is only one end of betraying me, and that is death."

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Bing suddenly threw a punch!

Huge amounts of fists hit Rex's abdomen like a hammer.

How would it feel if a tiger could be knocked down with one punch?

Rex was directly knocked two meters away, blood spitting out of his mouth and spilling all over the ground, his internal organs ruptured, and he only lasted for two seconds before his head tilted and he lost his life.

"Alfred, dispose of the body." Kingpin ordered without looking back.

However, the person who opened the door was not his men, but Liu Hao.

Liu Hao glanced at the body on the ground and asked, "Boss Jin Bing, why are you so angry so early in the morning?" Jin Bing turned around, his serious expression instantly dissipated, looking at Liu Hao, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Liu Hao, we haven't contacted each other for a long time. What do you want to talk to me about this time?" "You have to give me an explanation." Liu Hao didn't beat around the bush with Jin Bing, and said directly: "Your gang caused trouble in New York and many people died. Don't you think you should give me an explanation?" "In New York?" Jin Bing paused: "New York affairs are usually not directly managed by me. Although I am not in New York, I should have clearly prohibited the New York branch from causing trouble here." Liu Hao sat opposite him with his arms crossed: "I don't care how you discipline your men, someone here did die, and it was related to your people, so you have to solve this problem." "This is our agreement, remember?" Liu Hao said. "I definitely remember our agreement."

Jin Bing lit a cigar and nodded in reply: "I will take care of it. From today on, there will be no more bloodshed in New York. You can rest assured."

Seeing Jin Bing agree so readily, Liu Hao did not say anything more, nodded, and left here.

Thinking that the matter had been resolved, Liu Hao returned to the police station and began to busy himself with his work. However, about a week later, someone died again, and it was a gang member again.

Liu Hao was about to ask Jin Bing for accountability, but the other party sent his men first.

When the men saw Liu Hao, they bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Liu Hao, our boss invites you to have a cup of tea."

Liu Hao got on his men's luxury car and left New York again, heading for a Japanese bath in Texas, where Jin Bing was at the moment.

Liu Hao took off his clothes and stepped into it. There was only Jin Bing in the huge bath.

Liu Hao half-squinted his eyes and walked towards Jin Bing. While shortening the distance between the two, he said in a deep voice: "This is the second time I ask you to give an explanation, Jin Bing."

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