"What's wrong, Mom? Are you in trouble in Washington? Someone is messing with the Ruby Club you manage?" Liu Hao asked with concern.

"How is that possible? Your mom is such a big shot."

On the other end of the phone line, Elena, his adopted mother, said in a teasing tone: "Without me, the army won't be suppressed so easily."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Mom first." Liu Hao also responded in a joking tone.

"But you called me at this time, there must be something wrong?"

Liu Hao spent a month trying to disintegrate the army, but just after he solved it, his adopted mother called. The coincidence of these two things made him know.

"Is it because of the army? Did they drag the matter to you and the Cross? Threat or provocation?" Liu Hao's eyes flashed with a stern light. When he mentioned this, his anger began to burn.

Those who dared to touch his adopted mother would not want to live! It is said that misfortunes never come alone. This time they touched Liu Hao's bottom line. After hanging up the phone, Liu Hao planned to turn into a superhero to find the army and start a big purge.

However, Elena said, "Who do you think I am? Just them? If they mess with me and the Cross, my relatives will make them pay."

The adoptive mother continued, "The army did not come directly to cause trouble. Not only did they not act arrogantly, but they came to me humbly and asked me to help you mediate."

"Make peace?" Liu Hao regained his composure and asked in confusion, "Why would they ask you for peace? Have you ever had any intersection before?"

Elena replied, "Yes, the Red Stone Society has cooperated with the army many times before."

"In fact, our relationship was pretty good before. I even knew their general Boyd Holbrook."

Elena explained to Liu Hao what happened: "We were already very familiar with each other, and I suppressed them for a long time because of your precious son, which made everyone embarrassed."

After hearing this, Liu Hao understood the whole story, but he couldn't help but curse: "Those guys didn't dare to confront me head-on, but they were good at using this method to solve problems."

They were indeed smart. They knew that they couldn't defeat Liu Hao in a head-on conflict, so they used his relationship with his adoptive mother to impress him. Although Liu Hao has only been in this world for three years and has no blood relationship with Elena, Liu Hao has seen all her kindness to him.

Gradually, Liu Hao treated Elena Stark as his biological mother and took great care of her. People have reverse scales, and if they are touched, they will be angry, and Elena is Liu Hao's reverse scale.

However, Elena's strength also made Liu Hao not worry, after all, her last name is Stark, yes, the Stark family of Iron Man.

And Liu Hao's adoptive mother Elena happens to be Howard Stark's sister, that is, Iron Man Tony's aunt. Now she is also the president of the Washington Cross, with high power and status, and few people in the United States dare to touch her.

"Mom knows your style and knows that you have your reasons for doing things."

Elena said: "But I think it's better to solve this matter privately, so as not to make everyone hate you. You should understand the ways of the world."

After listening to Elena's words, Liu Hao was silent for a few seconds, and then said to her gently: "Okay, you are my mother, and I have listened to you the most since I was a child. I am willing to destroy the world, let alone this little thing."

"But." Liu Hao's tone changed and became firm: "I can let them go for your sake, but they did anger me before.

"Since they don't want to be retaliated by me, they must compensate me."

"I knew you would say that." Elena on the other end of the phone agreed: "Okay, I know, I will let them give you appropriate compensation."

Before Liu Hao was about to hang up the phone, Elena suddenly added: "By the way, Feng, when are you free? Your cousin Tony wants to have dinner with you. "

"Cousin? Tony Stark, the dandy who is addicted to alcohol, money and women? Forget it, I don't like dealing with that kind of person." Liu Hao refused.

He was telling the truth. Liu Hao was not like other time travelers. After traveling through time, he was thinking about how to meet the protagonist in the original world.

Liu Hao, as the adopted son of Elena Stark, the aunt of Iron Man Tony Stark, thought that the future superhero was nothing special from the beginning.

Not to mention that before becoming Iron Man, Tony was an obsessed and arrogant playboy, which could be said to be extremely annoying.

Hearing Liu Hao's evaluation of her brother's son, Elena was a little embarrassed.

After all, he is her nephew. She tried to restore Tony's image: "Tony lost his parents when he was young, and his character is indeed flawed."

"But he is a top student at MIT after all. He has inherited my brother's brains. He has many advantages, but his emotional intelligence is a little low."

"Okay, Mom, I don't want to see him."

"And Tony is a scheming guy. He won't want to have dinner with me for no reason."

Liu Hao tried to analyze: "It may be that Stark Industries has developed new weapons and wants to sell them to our New York Police Department to test the waters first."

Elena knew her adopted son's character very well, so she didn't say much and replied: "If you don't want to see him, just settle the military affairs."

After the military affairs were settled, Liu Hao hung up his mother's phone and said to himself: "The military, you are smart."

At least, Liu Hao will get compensation.

Although his mother only said that she would try her best, Liu Hao knew that for the military, what was a compensation?

It was a great favor for him to put aside the past, how could they fail because of this small request, so they would definitely agree to his request.

Sure enough, the compensation was agreed, and not only agreed, but also exceeded Liu Hao's expectations.

Just when Liu Hao went home early and prepared to take a hot bath before Wanda got off work, his eyes widened as soon as he opened the door.

A woman with flowing dark brown hair, slender figure, and healthy dark skin was lying on his bed at this moment, which surprised him.

This woman was the hardcore girl in the "Real Steel" series of movies that Liu Hao was familiar with. With just one punch, she could charm thousands of boys!

Although Liu Hao couldn't remember her name, the image of the hot girl Rachel Taylor was still as clear as yesterday.

At this moment, this beauty who had fascinated countless men was lying on Liu Hao's bed, and no one could resist it!

But here comes the point, where are your clothes?

Sensing Liu Hao's gaze, she instinctively wanted to cover it, but then she remembered her mission, so she let go of her hands calmly and said calmly: "Look if you want."

"My name is Michelle Rogers. I was originally a high school student in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Now I am sent by the army to compensate you." Michelle said calmly.

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