American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 27 The Base Has Been Taken Over

In the picture, someone tried to escape, but Superman showed no mercy, demolished the wall and blocked the door, and punched through the enemy's flesh one by one.

The senior executives present gasped. Although they had seen blood, this Superman's behavior was far from the image in the comics.

Then, the picture showed Superman being attacked by Winston's six bombs. The HYDRA members definitely knew that this would not work on Superman.

However, Superman did not continue to destroy the enemy with his fists, but began to release a freezing breath, freezing the entire hall and everyone into an ice sculpture!

The screen was still, and the sound of typing came: "The cold has eroded the monitoring, and subsequent information cannot be obtained."

Pierce held his chin with both hands and was silent for a moment.

One of the executives said, "Look, this Superman's ability is exactly the same as in the comics, we can't mess with him!"

Another executive sneered, "What comic Superman? We are no longer children. Do we still believe in such fictional things? In my opinion, this is just a Mutant."

"It is better to believe it than not to believe it!"

A senior executive slammed the table and confronted the other party, "Even if he is a Mutant, he has extraordinary strength, speed and defense, and can freeze everything with his breath!"

"He is a true Omega-level Mutant!"

The debate intensified, and other executives began to choose sides.

"Enough." Pierce stopped in a deep voice, "Zora, what do you think?"

Dr. Zora is actually an AI who has uploaded his consciousness to the computer. His analysis ability is unmatched. Hearing this, Zora began to analyze, and complex data appeared on the big screen.

Although everyone could not understand the specific data, they could capture key words, such as strength and loss.

Finally, the screen showed: "The odds of winning are 50-50, but the cost is too high."

After Dr. Zora finished his analysis, everyone wanted to continue arguing, but Pierce stopped them.

Pierce stood up and made a decision: "Since we have no intersection with this guy anymore, let's not provoke him anymore."

"But the leader...!"

A senior executive wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Pierce's wave and announced the adjournment. Before leaving, Pierce added:

"Not only this Superman, but also Liu Hao and the New York Police Department, you are not allowed to provoke them, otherwise, you will bear the consequences, and HYDRA will not intervene."

In a military base outside New York.

General Boyd was immersed in the latest news of the United States, using it to gain insight into the dynamics of the world. Such a leisurely time was rare for him.

A few days ago, an uninvited guest named Liu Hao suddenly attacked when they were about to capture the new MutantX23, and wiped out all his elite troops.

Now, Boyd not only lost his elite force, but also X23, who had been chasing for many days, was protected by Liu Hao, who slapped him hard.

Fortunately, he arranged in advance with Major Wells to include Liu Hao's name in the bounty order of the Continental Hotel, hoping that the professional killer could solve this trouble for him.

At present, Liu Hao may have died on the street, but he was puzzled, why was there no news report on the death of this New York star?

It stands to reason that Liu Hao was famous and his death would inevitably cause an uproar.

At the moment, Boyd's cell phone rang, showing that the caller was from the Continental Hotel.

This reminded him that when Major Wells commissioned the Continental Hotel to find a killer, his phone number was left as a contact.

In other words, once Liu Hao was dealt with, the Continental Hotel would notify him.

Boyd answered the phone, and the other party spoke first: "Is this General Boyd?"

"This is the Continental Hotel's bounty affairs department, regarding the bounty for Mr. Liu Hao that you issued half a month ago..."

Boyd was secretly happy and prepared to listen to the good news, but the other party said unexpectedly: "Unfortunately, we failed."

Boyd frowned and asked: "What does failure mean?"

He was confused. Since the bounty had been taken over and the killer had not completed the task, wouldn't it be enough to re-issue it until someone completed it?

How can the bounty offer fail?

Boyd expected an explanation from the Continental Hotel, but the woman on the other end of the phone did not answer. Instead, she said, "We are deeply sorry for this bounty offer."

"Your bounty has been returned to your account, please check."

"I hope you will reduce your cooperation with our Continental Hotel in the future to avoid any unpleasantness. Thank you for your understanding, goodbye."

"Don't you think you should explain to me..."

The phone was hung up before the voice fell.

He was stunned and was about to summon Major Wells who was handling the matter to ask, but the door was suddenly knocked open.

A group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms broke in with guns.

Boyd raised his hands, but was quickly tied up by the soldiers. He struggled and asked, "Who are you?!"

"General Boyd Holbrook, you are arrested for suspected crimes endangering national security, and we are acting on orders."

A soldier with a higher rank stepped forward and answered Boyd.

"Arrest me?"

Boyd's eyes widened, unable to accept the reality.

"Let me go! You have no right to arrest me! Where is your boss? Let him out!"

The military leader shrugged and said, "Take him away."

Boyd still wanted to resist, but in vain. The entire base had been taken over.

A month later, the New York Police Department.

In addition to being proud, Liu Nan was listening to his boss Arthur's report in the office that the military had been dealt with.

He wanted them to pay the price, so he naturally went all out.

After the Continental Hotel incident, Liu Hao, who learned the identity of the bounty holder, did not stop. He directly reported and used Arthur's power to bring the other party down.

Arthur originally did not want Liu Hao to conflict with the military, fearing that the military would take the initiative to deal with Liu Hao.

However, now Liu Hao has mastered the military's black material and was able to take the opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

"Now about one-third have been captured, and they will all be taken down soon." Arthur said.

"I didn't expect you to get their handle."

"There is a saying in China that it is better to take precautions before they happen. I will teach you one day." Liu Hao responded with a smile.

At the moment, Liu Hao's right-hand man Chen Long came to the door, holding the phone in one hand, knocked on the door to attract Liu Hao's attention, and then handed it to him: "Brother Hao, someone is looking for you." Liu Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, said goodbye to Arthur on the phone, and took Chen Long's phone. Before he spoke, he caught a glimpse of the familiar number on the screen, which was one of his few remaining memories. Liu Hao's vigilant expression softened instantly, and he answered the phone: "My beautiful mother, why did you suddenly call me?" Chen Long heard the conversation between Liu Hao and the woman on the other end of the phone, and immediately understood why Liu Hao was so gentle. Who doesn't know that Liu Hao, the messenger of light in New York, dotes on his wife and mother? No matter how harsh and irritable he is to the prisoners, as long as these two women call, Liu Hao immediately turns into the most docile lamb. The mother on the other end of the phone heard Liu Hao's words, and her tone was equally gentle: "Is there anyone next to you? We need to talk privately." Hearing this, Liu Hao realized that Chen Long was present and it was inconvenient to chat with his mother privately. After waving to Chen Long to leave, he said: "No one is here now." Reading on Dragon Boat Festival! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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