There is no need to elaborate on her appearance, with a high nose bridge, deep eyes, and flaming red lips, a typical image of a seductress. She walked closer in high heels, her crisp voice echoing in the room.

When the eight people saw this charming woman, they immediately knelt down like medieval knights saluting the queen, and said respectfully: Welcome Lilith, our queen.

Lilith ignored them at first, until she sat on the throne, and then waved to everyone to stand up.

Everyone stood still, and Lilith first looked at Dracula: You have no right to lead when I am not here, do you understand?

Definitely, my queen, you are always the boss here. Dracula responded with a smile, and no one knew what was hidden behind that smile.

Lilith faced everyone again: I have heard all your opinions, but no matter how many, they are just suggestions.

I am Lilith, the leader of the golf table, the queen of vampires, the Continental Hotel and its related forces are under my jurisdiction, and I have the final say.

Has the queen made a decision...? Winston asked.

When Superman started killing, I had foreseen it through magic and started to analyze it. I called you just to listen to your opinions.

So what is the Queen's decision? Count Dracula asked.

Dracula knew Lilith best. He knew that this Queen was more belligerent than him. Superman would definitely be eliminated by her order. He was secretly happy in his heart.

However, Lilith chose to compromise for the first time: I don't intend to confront him head-on. I agree to his request, solve the problem of his friend Liu Hao, and pay another 50 million US dollars.

Dracula nodded in pretending to understand, and then asked: What about those who were killed by him?

The life and death of humans is irrelevant and there is no need to consider it.

Does the Queen think we can't deal with him? Dracula asked.

We can fight, but it's not worth it. Lilith's face sank. Because he is the most powerful individual we have seen in a thousand years.

The Continental Hotel has gone through hardships to get to where it is today. We can't gamble with this monster with a strong sense of threat. It's best to solve it with money and other means.

Lilith looked around at everyone: Only killing can make us eternal, everything else is trivial. Maintaining killing in the world is the first priority.

Finally, Lilith proposed a vote, and everyone exchanged glances and agreed. As for the belligerent Dracula, that was a subsequent story.

Lilith then arranged for someone to clean up the blood in the hotel and used her connections to cover up the Superman incident, and the Continental Hotel returned to its former tranquility.

The next day, a cool Maybach stopped in front of Liu Hao's residence.

The car door opened, and a heroic woman with short hair and a tattoo on the left side of her neck carried two suitcases and glanced at the door.

That guy named Liu Hao, does he live in such a place? The woman whispered to herself.

Dracula glanced at the car, then retracted his gaze and told the woman in black: Don't ask too much, your task is to give the money to Liu Hao.

She was extremely disdainful of Liu Hao, a guy. She was wanted but could do nothing, and would only let her friend Superman solve it. In the eyes of her, the judge, he was a waste.

As a judge who could not directly intervene in the case of the Continental Hotel, she was unwilling to give money to this waste, but this was an order from the top, and she could only obey.

Remember, be nice, try to meet his needs, and we will reimburse him. After that, Dracula asked the driver to drive away.

The judge said nothing, straightened his collar, walked forward, and rang the doorbell of Liu Hao's house.

The door was not locked. Liu Hao's voice came from inside the house.

The judge glanced sideways, turned the doorknob with his elbow, pushed the door open, and saw Liu Hao sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a movie.

This was the first time the judge saw Liu Hao in person, a handsome man with a hint of Asian characteristics in his eyes, more attractive than the information.

However, the movie Liu Hao was watching at the moment made the judge, who hated love between men and women, frown. Yes, he was watching a romantic action movie, and he was fascinated by it...

Liu Hao turned his head to look at the judge, looking at her with a raised corner of his mouth, which made the judge feel uncomfortable all over, as if he had become a target locked by a hunter.

Mr. Liu Hao, I am the representative of the golf table of the Continental Hotel. I came here to apologize to you and give you 50 million in compensation. "The judge spoke first, with a cautious tone.

"Turn around." Liu Hao suddenly said, which surprised the judge.

"What did you say?" She looked at Liu Hao in confusion, unbelievable.

Liu Hao repeated impatiently: "Just turn around in the same place. ”

The confused judge did as he was told, although he was confused and embarrassed. Seeing Liu Hao smiling and nodding, she blushed slightly: "Mr. Liu Hao, I hope we can do it as soon as possible..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Hao stood up and walked a few steps to her. The judge instinctively stepped back and bumped into the door.

Liu Hao approached her and whispered: "I almost died at the hands of the assassins sent by your hotel. Fifty million is far from enough to apologize."

The judge tried to keep his distance and replied: "I can't decide the amount of compensation, but I can help you apply to your superiors."

"No need." Liu Hao's hand gently slid across the judge's waist, and her slender figure gave him a strong feeling.

"Fifty million dollars, plus yourself, is just right."

Two hours later.

The judge looked up at the ceiling with empty eyes until Liu Hao tapped her cheek to indicate that it was over, and she came back to her senses and picked up her clothes.

Liu Hao sat there, like Yasuo in "League of Legends", lit a cigarette, and glanced at the judge: "What? Unsatisfied? Stay for dinner and continue? "

The Judge didn't respond, and hurriedly put on her clothes, crumpled her tight clothes into a ball and stuffed them into her coat, and left without looking back.

After leaving the house, the Judge found that her phone was full of missed calls from the same person, so she called back.

On the other end of the phone, Dracula asked: "Why did it take so long? What was the result?"

"Liu Hao accepted the apology, and I helped him... deal with some things by the way." The Judge replied, without mentioning her close contact with Liu Hao.

Dracula just urged her to return as soon as possible, without asking any more questions.

The Judge clenched her fists, obviously not satisfied. She was in a trance for a moment, then hurriedly left Liu Hao's residence. Perhaps this experience would open a new chapter in her life.

Liu Hao pinched out the cigarette butt in her hand and said to herself: "Boyd Houbulu, the military's Mutant hunter."

He already knew who offered a reward for him at the Continental Hotel, and his code of conduct was to avenge his grudges: "Since you dare to attack me, you must pay the price for it. ”

Inside the HYDRA base.

A sci-fi movie-like scene was playing on the big screen. A Superman in a blue shirt with a capital S on his chest swept through the enemy. Countless bullets were fired at him, but all were deflected. Superman used the speed of sound Flight and punches to crush the enemy.

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