Winston sensed the gap between them. He stood on the edge of the second floor and tried to make his voice sound calm: "Mr. Superman, I'm Winston. I think we need to talk."

Liu Hao, the owner of the Continental Hotel, had watched the "John Wick" series and smiled: "I know who you are. I'm looking for you."

Liu Hao's implication seemed to be saying that he originally planned to chat with you, but he waited too long, so he had to get rid of the people he didn't like first.

Winston shrugged and suggested: "This friend seems to be furious. Is there anything I can do to help?"

He signaled the waiter to bring two glasses of tequila, picked up one himself, and let the waiter put the other on the ice seat, facing Liu Hao.

Liu Hao waved his hand to decline: "Forget the wine, let's talk business.

I need you to cancel a bounty, the target is Liu Hao.

I hope his name will no longer appear on the bounty list, otherwise, your Continental Hotel will become history, do you understand what I mean?"

"Liu Hao?"

Winston thought for a moment, then said: "I remember, it's the target that was cancelled after two assassination attempts, I remember him."

"I was just paying attention to this interesting guy, but unfortunately, we just put him back on the bounty list."

Winston drank it all in one gulp and spread his hands.

Liu Hao frowned, stepped down, and the ice broke with a sound. He pushed hard, and the ice spikes pierced the people around Winston.

Only Winston and Liu Hao survived.

After killing a few people, Liu Hao looked at Winston and asked, "You have seen my strength, and you still dare to put on such an attitude?"

Winston adjusted his tie and responded, "We are doing business at the Continental Hotel. You are making us lose face by doing this."

Liu Hao narrowed his eyes and asked with interest, "So?"

Winston drank the whole bottle, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

He showed incredible speed, beyond the scope of humans. To ordinary people, it was like teleportation, but in Liu Hao's eyes, it was just a 50-meter sprint at the level of an elementary school student.

Liu Hao slightly turned sideways to avoid Winston who attacked from behind. His attack was not a weapon, but a claw.

Vampire? Liu Hao guessed Winston's identity.

Winston was surprised that Liu Hao could actually capture his figure.

The next moment, Liu Hao kicked Winston sideways and kicked him into the wall, and sound waves burst out in the air.

"Do you think you can challenge me just because you are a vampire? Are you qualified?" Liu Hao looked down at Winston.

Winston pulled his hands out of the wall, and a geometric figure similar to a magic circle appeared in his hands.

Then, purple magic energy surged like thunder and blasted towards Superman Liu Hao!

The magic energy rushed and hit Liu Hao violently, and the strong magic energy swallowed him whole!

Success! Winston was secretly happy.

He was not stupid. Although he was a member of the Blood Clan, he knew how powerful Liu Hao was after seeing him resist the bomb.

He dared to fight Liu Hao because he relied on this magic card.

Superman in the comics knew about magical immunity. He was betting that if Superman was the same as in the comics, he would win with magic.

Now it seems that his bet...

However, Liu Hao suddenly stretched out his hands in the air and compressed the human-shaped magic energy into his palm like kneading dough.

Winston was already stunned, not to mention that Liu Hao threw the ball at him like a basketball the next moment!

Winston dodged quickly, and the compressed magic energy was even more powerful, directly blasting a wall!

Who the hell said that magic can kill Superman? Who can tell him which comic book this monster who plays magic like basketball came from? !

Winston wanted to travel through time and space to tear the comic author into pieces!

But it was too late, because Superman Liu Hao came to him in an instant, ready to end him.

Liu Hao only pressed his head lightly with his foot, and the immortal vampire immediately felt the approach of death.

"You are lucky, because I need a messenger, so I won't kill you." Liu Hao moved his foot away from Winston's head.

However, when Winston breathed a sigh of relief, with a click, his right arm broke directly, not fractured, but broken!

Blood spilled all over the ground, and Winston wailed in pain.

"This is a punishment." Liu Hao squatted down and stared at Winston.

"I'll spare your life so you can go back and tell your bosses what I said. Is that right? Your organization is called Golf Table?

If I see Liu Hao's bounty again tomorrow, I will hunt down your boss to the end, no matter if he is a vampire or a demon." After saying that, Liu Hao kicked Winston who wanted to get up.

Winston, who was extremely humiliated, did not dare to fight back, did not dare to speak, and even did not dare to move, for fear that Liu Hao would attack again.

Only when Liu Hao's figure disappeared did Winston dare to look up and look around. He was the only one left in the damaged hotel.

In a medieval European-style building, eight men and women in strange clothes sat around a round table, and their eyes were all red without exception.

These people were all vampires who had lived for thousands of years. Each of them controlled the black magic that could call the wind and rain. At this moment, they all showed trouble on their faces.

This is the first time in thousands of years that they have all been summoned by the Queen for a meeting.

The Highball Table controls killers and gangs around the world. Relying on killing and making money, it has established the greatest killer union in American history - the Continental Hotel.

For hundreds of years, no one dared to challenge the authority of this organization. Until now, the Highball Table has been troubled by the existence of one person.

Superman? That's just a fictional character to deceive children. When did we have to be afraid of such a small character? The silver-haired earl sneered.

Dracula, you are always so impulsive. The woman on the side retorted, with disdain in her eyes.

The guy named Superman single-handedly slaughtered all the survivors in the Continental Hotel, and even Winston's arm was broken by him. Do you think he is just a slightly stronger ordinary person?

Listening carefully to Winston's report, this person's strength, defense, and speed are consistent with the comics, but he has none of the weaknesses in the comics. A young man analyzed.

So our understanding of this Superman is almost zero.

Dracula crossed his legs arrogantly: Winston lost because he was not as skilled as others. If I were to take action, I would definitely destroy him.

If the bounty is removed only for a slightly stronger character, wouldn’t it destroy the prestige that the Continental Hotel has built over the years?

These experienced monsters are stubborn and obstinate. They soon insisted on their own opinions and argued endlessly. Everyone has their own reasons.


Amid the noise, a magnetic female voice came from the door, instantly calming the quarrel.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful and charming enchantress with graceful curves, wearing a deep V red skirt, red high heels, and swaying steps.

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