American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 21: The First Broken Appointment

"I told you, we are friends." Liu Hao calmly responded to Arthur's question.

That day, Arthur was so annoyed that he could not find Laura Kinney, so he had to turn to his secret ally for help. The price was that he owed him a favor and had to repay him with a banquet in the future.

Liu Hao seemed to have anticipated Arthur's next question and spoke first: "Don't expect me to help you find him to solve the war problem. He is not interested in military intervention."

"His daily hobbies are to help kittens trapped in the treetops down and other trivial things."

Arthur pondered for a moment on the other end of the phone and said, "You really don't want to reveal any substantive information."

Liu Hao responded helplessly: "It's just that I don't know much. After all, I'm just a small character. Otherwise, I would have gone to save the world with my allies."

Arthur realized that he could not get more information from Liu Hao, so he had to hang up the phone. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind him: "Don't cause me any more trouble recently."

"There is an old Chinese saying, I won't offend others if they don't offend me. I will explain it to you in detail one day."

Arthur knew Liu Hao's character well and knew that it was useless to say more. He ended the call after leaving a graceful goodbye.

Liu Hao put down the phone and stopped watching the TV series because Laura had already walked into his office.

She always had a blank expression on her face, making it impossible to guess her emotions. Instead, Liu Hao asked with a smile: "How is your recovery?"

Although the little wolf girl looked indifferent, her emotional intelligence did not decrease in the face of Liu Hao's concern. She just shrugged and replied: "The injury was not serious to begin with."

"But I'm curious. You said they arrested you to get you to join HYDRA? Then why don't you join?" Liu Hao asked.

Laura was stunned for a moment and replied: "If you don't want to join, what reason do you need?"

"HYDRA is powerful and well-paid. After joining, you can be free from the army's pursuit. Why not?" Liu Hao continued to ask.

"I don't like places with strict hierarchy. I yearn for freedom." Laura still spoke in a flat tone.

"So you would rather endure their torture than join them? This reason is not sufficient." Liu Hao looked at her with interest.

"You and I are on the same front. If you join HYDRA, you have to kill me who knows about it. I can't do it." Laura said. "Little wolf girl, are you attracted to me?"

"Let me make it clear first, I already have a wife, and your underdeveloped figure is far inferior to my wife Wanda." Liu Hao joked.

"HYDRA is interested in my super ability."

Laura ignored Liu Hao's teasing and said, "I didn't betray you because I value promises just like you."

"Before I was arrested, we had an agreement that I would not use super abilities and you would guarantee my safety. This was a tacit understanding between us. I would not break my promise, so I ignored them."

Liu Hao raised his eyebrows: "What if I can't rescue you from HYDRA and can't fulfill our agreement?"

"I believe you can fulfill it."

Laura shrugged and replied: "I admit that I was gambling, but I won because the goddess of fate is always on my side."

Liu Hao was silent for a while and said: "I didn't meet your expectations because I couldn't stop HYDRA from taking you away."

"This is the first time in my life that I, Liu Hao, have broken an appointment."

Without waiting for Laura to respond, Liu Hao continued: "So, from now on, I will release your freedom and you don't have to stay in prison anymore."

Laura confirmed Liu Hao's words: "Are you really willing to give me freedom? That would be equivalent to letting me, a super ability, go free. People with super abilities can move freely in society? Are you sure? "

"What do I have to worry about? It's just a piece of cake to give you freedom. But what I mean is that you can't use super abilities at will. In New York, you still need to abide by the law. "

Liu Hao replied: "As long as you abide by the law, I will not interfere with your life anymore. "

Laura was silent for a while and asked, "Do you have such great power?"

"Definitely, I know a lot of people, so letting one person go is nothing." Liu Hao smiled and said, "Isn't the Superman friend who saved you also my good brother?"

Speaking of Superman, Laura also had questions to ask, so she spoke directly: "Is that guy really the Superman who walked out of the comics?"

"I can't tell you where he came from." Liu Hao said, "What you can know is that he is not the Superman in your memory, but the degree of danger is no less."

"If you don't want to say it, I won't ask more." Laura ended the topic at the right time.

"However, the mystery of you is really hard to describe. I really can't guess you, you may be the most mysterious person I have ever met in my life."

"I have heard too much praise. People in the police station are praising me all the time. If you don't need one, don't join them."

Liu Hao waved and said, "You are free now."

Laura ended the conversation with Liu Hao and left the office.

Liu Hao was worried that she would have a hard time without US dollars in New York, and might go on the road of breaking the law in the long run, so she arranged for a friend to help her find a job.

After all, Liu Hao is a New York light that is deeply loved by New York citizens, and it is easy for him to find someone to do things.

"I don't know how this poor child who grew up in the laboratory will start a new life after returning to normal society." Liu Hao murmured to himself.

Liu Hao's concern for Laura ends here.

As he said, he is not full of justice, and everything he does for Laura comes from his promise.

The difference between the two is that his starting point is not others, but himself.

If he wants, he can completely destroy New York in the form of Superman, and no one can stop him, just like Homelander in "The Boys".

The difference is that Liu Hao is much better than Homelander.

He does not intend to bloodbath New York, because doing so is not fun for Liu Hao at all, and New York citizens are lucky to be at ease in this turmoil.

The clock rang the bell for getting off work, and Liu Hao, who was busy all day, was finally able to embark on his journey home.

Dear, welcome back.

As soon as the door was opened, Wanda, who had been away for many days, suddenly jumped out from behind, wrapped her arms around Liu Hao's neck, and gently kissed him on the cheek.

Liu Hao instinctively wanted to fight back, but when he saw that it was Wanda, he immediately withdrew his strength and picked her up like a gentleman.

It turned out to be a little sweetheart.

Hey, be careful, little tiger.

Wanda was held in Liu Hao's arms, and playfully tapped his nose, smiling: I haven't eaten yet, and you are so energetic?

I was exhausted, but when I saw you, I was full of blood, and...

Liu Hao smiled and looked up and down at Wanda's dress.

To be honest, this reporter's dress of white shirt, black skirt and black-framed glasses, which she didn't change when she went home, is it a little trick to add interest to the couple?

Wanda sniffed playfully and smiled: So, is it effective?

The effect is remarkable!

Liu Hao was excited and threw Wanda to the sofa.

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