American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 20 New York Police Department

Pierce responded calmly: "Then tell me, what is your plan."

"The entry point is still Liu Hao, not Superman."

Dr. Zola typed slowly on the screen: "No matter how powerful his super friend is, as long as Liu Hao is eliminated, the problem can be solved."

"What about his super friend?" Pierce asked, "This guy destroyed our base without any damage."

"Who knows what his friend will do after his death?"

"Before uploading his consciousness to the Internet, I read DC comics."

"So, I know as well as everyone who has read comics that Superman has weaknesses."

Dr. Zola continued to write: "In short, the appearance of Superman in the real world means that there are other things. For example, Superman's most fatal weakness-kryptonite."

"I can use the global network to help you locate the places on the earth where kryptonite may appear. Finding it is your mission."

"In short, my plan is to find kryptonite first, prepare to fight Superman, and at the same time get rid of the policeman named Liu Hao."

Pierce pondered for a moment. It is easy to make a plan, but many realistic factors must be considered in execution. After careful consideration, he nodded and said, "Then do as you say."

Pierce turned around and told a high-level HYDRA member to convey the order and let him pass it on to the lower-level agents.

"From now on, all agents stop their current work and make finding kryptonite and eliminating Liu Hao their top priority, codenamed 'Super Killer'."

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Director Nick Fury held the autopsy report of undercover Grant Ward tightly in his hand. The words between the lines revealed the cruel fact: the direct cause of death caused by the gunshot was that the bullet penetrated his brain.

In addition, the remains of other agents were found at the scene in the Florida forest. They were also well-trained and had fatal gunshot wounds.

Nick knew that this was because after Ward was exposed, his organization abandoned him without hesitation and sent a killer to end his life.

However, an unexpected variable appeared-Liu Hao, who broke all this.

"This kid's shooting skills are really amazingly accurate." Nick couldn't help but admire Liu Hao.

No one has ever perfectly interpreted "hitting the target every time", because any attack may go wrong, and once it is inaccurate, it cannot be truly achieved. And Liu Hao may be the first true Marksman in history.

The autopsy report clearly shows this: except for the inner ghost Grant, all decedents had only one bullet hole, and all of them were fatal. His shooting accuracy is astonishing, and the diameter and depth of the wounds at the same position on different human bodies are almost the same.

This means that even if there are errors, the deviation of each shot of Liu Hao will not exceed the range that can be detected by the naked eye! How terrible is this shooting skill?

Even facing a stationary target, there are no more than five people in S.H.I.E.L.D who can match it. What's more, Liu Hao is dealing with moving targets!

Grant had many wounds, and he may have been injured by the killers sent by the organization before he was killed. He may have resisted for a while, forcing Liu Hao to use means during the interrogation.

Natasha Romanoff stood opposite Nick and couldn't help saying, "Although the traitor is dead, Clinton has been in jail for a year. I can't swallow this breath."

"I understand your feelings, but we shouldn't put all the blame on Liu Hao."

"After all, to some extent, the problem does lie with us S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Don't worry, Clinton will not suffer in vain. His experience has alerted me."

Nick turned his office chair and looked at the busy agents outside the window. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Tell me, how many traitors are lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Natasha Romanoff followed his gaze, was silent for a moment, and then shook her head: "To be honest, I can't see it."

Nick supported his chin with both hands and said slowly: "You and Clinton are the people I trust the most. Now Clinton has been arrested, and you are the only one left."

"I even suspect..." Nick looked Natasha Romanoff in the eye and said seriously: "The entire S.H.I.E.L.D may have been infiltrated by traitors."

"...How can I help you?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"It's time to clean up the mess." Nick sat up straight, "My plan is..."

New York Police Department...

"Beep beep beep..."

Liu Hao was watching an American TV series in his office when he was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. Seeing the caller ID, he was not in a hurry, but answered the phone slowly.

"Hello, do you want to order takeout?" Liu Hao joked after answering the phone.

Arthur on the other end of the phone responded seriously: "Stop it, I have something to talk to you about."

"Ask, hurry up, I'm watching the exciting part, and your call interrupted the plot." Liu Hao complained slightly.

"If I delay any longer, I can't guarantee whether I will use my head or my lower body to think when I talk to you later." Liu Hao joked.

Arthur got straight to the point: "That day, about Superman..."

"Yeah." Liu Hao responded.

"Is this the explanation you want to give me?" Arthur couldn't help but complain.

"Don't you already know that it's Superman? What else do you want me to say?" Liu Hao asked back.

"Talk about his steel body? Super Flight and super vision? Wouldn't it be nice to buy a DC comic? Or should I buy you one?" Liu Hao said casually.

Arthur really wanted to slap Liu Hao across the phone. He was his boss after all, and he should at least respect this guy a little! But he suppressed his anger and tried to say calmly:

"I'm not asking about these trivial matters! I want to know why the Superman in the comics appeared in reality?"

Arthur continued to ask: "What is your relationship with him? What can you let him do for you? If he loses control, do you have the ability to stop him?"

"You ask too many questions." Liu Hao yawned.

"Dude! Do you know what character we are talking about?"

"According to the comic book setting, once this guy is angry, he can swing the earth as a dumbbell!"

Arthur raised his voice:

"We are just insignificant to him! If we don't know his background, not only Americans, but the whole world will live in fear!"

"Okay, okay." Although Liu Hao was still careless, he finally spoke, which made Arthur relieved:

"Superman in your mouth is my friend, I will only tell you this."

"Didn't you understand what I said just now?" Arthur asked.

"I understand, but he is my good friend. Unless he is willing to say these questions, I have no way of knowing." Liu Hao explained.

"...Really don't know anything?" Arthur confirmed again.

"Definitely, Superman and I are just friends. He is a low-key person. He likes to wear glasses and blend into the crowd. Sometimes I can't recognize him." Liu Hao replied.

"Then how do you convince him to help you deal with the enemy?" Arthur asked.

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