Hearing her excited scream, Liu Hao began to unbuckle his belt.

Hey! Little tiger, it's dinner! Wanda reminded with a smile.

Eat later.

Liu Hao, like a beast, feasted on Wanda, who had been out for many days, and both of them were intoxicated with extreme pleasure.

The following days were a sweet life between Liu Hao and his wife Wanda. As for how sweet it was? At least one-third of the time was spent in bed every day.

Liu Hao has the physique of Superman. Superman is not only as hard as steel, but also has endurance that ordinary people cannot match, otherwise he would not be able to race with The Flash many times in DC comics.

Wanda also found it difficult to bear Liu Hao's enthusiasm at first.

However, this taste only makes people more addicted.

Gradually, Wanda also began to adapt to Liu Hao's rhythm and experience the happiness of Superman's girlfriend Louise in the comics.

The harmony between husband and wife made Liu Hao energetic at work and handled trivial matters for several days.

One day, on the way home from get off work, Liu Hao suddenly felt something strange when he walked across the sidewalk and turned back suddenly.

Just as Liu Hao turned his head, a man wearing a black baseball cap quickly turned sideways at a traffic light not far away, with his back to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao raised his lips: How dare you hit me?

As a policeman who has been in disaster-prone New York for many years, Liu Hao's anti-reconnaissance ability is the best among his peers.

To deal with such a small stalker, Liu Hao can find his position with his eyes closed.

The suspected stalker can only hide temporarily, but when he turned his head again, Liu Hao had disappeared.

Was he discovered? The stalker couldn't help but wonder.

Liu Hao was offered a reward of $500,000 by the mainland hotel, and he must not let the prey slip away easily!

The killer looked around, trying to find Liu Hao in the crowd with his sharp eyes.

But he didn't realize that he had fallen into Liu Hao's sight.

The next moment, bang! A gunshot rang out, and the killer fell to the ground.

Murder... Murder? Passers-by panicked.

Liu Hao blew away the smoke from the muzzle leisurely and walked out of the crowd.

He called his subordinate Chen Long on the intercom while comforting the frightened onlookers.

Don't worry, this is the police on duty.

Liu Hao walked to the body and turned over his belt. Sure enough, there was a silenced pistol hanging on it.

Combined with his outfit, it is not difficult to see that this is the standard equipment of the killer.

Oh my God, it's Asgardian Liu Hao from New York! Someone in the crowd recognized his appearance.

Shit, I didn't expect to see you in New York in this life!

Uncle Liu Hao! Can you give me an autograph? I want to take it back to show off to my classmates!

Mr. Liu Hao, my son has been rescued by you, please accept my insignificant thanks.

The scene became more chaotic for a while.

And this is exactly what Liu Hao expected. He met the requirements of every fan like a star.

When his younger brother Chen Long brought the police to deal with the body and the crime scene, people were surprised to find that Liu Hao had disappeared without a trace.

Liu Hao walked on the quiet path, thinking to himself: There are definitely more than one person who dares to kill me, and I can't stay in a public place anymore.

If there is more than one killer, they plan to sacrifice several and then reap the benefits. Liu Hao will become a sitting duck if he stays there.

In fact, Liu Hao already has Superman's steel body. Even if he faces bullets, the damage he suffers may not be as painful as a mosquito bite.

But he doesn't want to expose his super ability to the world.

This is why he didn't tell Arthur and the little wolf girl that he is Superman.

Otherwise, it will only cause panic and unnecessary trouble.

I need to solve all this with mortal methods. Liu Hao thought.

As he walked, Liu Hao's shoulder was hit by someone.

His body was indestructible, so he would not move due to the collision. Instead, the person who hit him was thrown back by the rebound force.

Liu Hao subconsciously reached out and hugged the person who hit him. She was a tall and beautiful woman wearing a black tights and had a graceful figure.

Being hugged by Liu Hao, her delicate face like a Barbie doll pressed against him.

Obviously with a hint of embarrassment, she still smiled and joked to Liu Hao: "Oh, thanks to you, otherwise I might really reunite with my deceased husband."

"You're welcome. It's hard for a gentleman like me to avoid heartache when a beautiful lady like you falls." Liu Hao raised the corner of his mouth and helped her stand up.

When she stood up, the woman's graceful figure was in full view. Her height was almost the same as Liu Hao's. The proud figure unique to Western women was amazing.

"Thank you, it's been a long time since anyone has praised me. You're the first one in at least half a year. Hehe, my name is Victoria, and yours?" The woman stretched out her hand to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao felt her fiery gaze, and her intention was self-evident. He smiled back and stretched out his hand to respond: "My name is Liu Hao."

"Oh my God? Is it really you? You are Liu Hao?" Victoria covered her mouth in surprise: "I've heard of you! What did they call you... New York Star! Right!"

"They are exaggerating. I'm just an ordinary policeman."

Liu Hao waved his hand to deny: "Many people only see the surface and ignore my inner self."

"Then... can I see your inner self?" Victoria suddenly teased.

Liu Hao raised the corner of his mouth and met Victoria's gaze: "Why not?"

After ten o'clock.

Victoria's residence.

From the door to the living room, then to the bedroom, and finally the two jumped onto the bed.

Just as Liu Hao was about to take further action, Victoria suddenly pulled out a hand.

Her fingers touched a hairpin on the head of the bed.

The next second, the hairpin stabbed Liu Hao's back of the head!


The hairpin missed and was firmly grasped by Liu Hao.

Liu Hao looked at Victoria with evil eyes.

Victoria obviously had not recovered yet and was pinned down on the bed by Liu Hao, unable to move. She could only ask: "Why... did you...?!"

Liu Hao shrugged: "You are too purposeful. Anyone with a little insight can guess it. Remember this next time."

"Did you see my purpose from the beginning?" Victoria asked.

"Yes." Liu Hao nodded indifferently.

Victoria continued to ask: "Then why did you come here with me when you knew I was going to kill you? And why did you keep cooperating with me in acting?"

Liu Hao approached Victoria's face, less than five centimeters apart, and he said: "Because, I want to have some fun."

Victoria's eyes showed fear.

This guy...does he want to make a real play? !

"Don't tease me, you have a wife, you won't do this..."

"Don't get me wrong."

Before Victoria finished her words, she was interrupted by Liu Hao, who continued: "You don't think I'm infatuated, do you?"

"I'm telling you, you look quite suitable for me."

Victoria secretly thought it was not good.

One night passed.

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