"Damn! How is this possible!" Liu Hao looked down at Stark, flew to Laura's prison door, grabbed it with both hands, and tore a human-shaped crack like tearing open a package. He came to Stark's side, and the pressure instantly made him collapse. Liu Hao squatted down, looked at him, and said: "Dizziness is normal, it will happen soon." Liu Hao said, and gently placed his palm on the trembling Stark's head. His palm was the most terrifying weapon in the world. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Stark finally screamed in pain, and then Liu Hao exerted a little force in his hand, and the result was self-evident, blood splattered! A few minutes later. Laura woke up in the box, and she found that the door of the box she was in had been distorted shapeshifting, and there was a pile of blood and flesh debris scattered on the ground! In doubt, Laura saw a huge amount of figures appear, and Liu Hao smiled warmly at her: "Hello, Laura." Liu Hao was wearing Superman glasses that could conceal his identity, so Laura failed to recognize him. Laura's claws stretched out from her palm instantly. Although the cage restricted her power, she still looked at Liu Hao vigilantly.

"Who are you? A comic fan obsessed with Superman?" Laura asked.

Liu Hao raised his mouth slightly and said, "My identity is not important. What's important is that I was sent by Liu Hao. He has been looking for you."

Laura's eyes were still doubtful until she saw the scene outside the door through the crack of the door. There were corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river.

No matter who Liu Hao's people are, at least this guy did kill all the HYDRA people and should not harm her.

Moreover, one point is very critical.

This guy, like Liu Hao, gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"Let's go. If you don't believe me, follow me. If you find something wrong, you can run away at any time."

Liu Hao knew the personality of the little wolf girl very well. After leaving this sentence, he left without looking back.

Laura was stunned. How could this guy speak in the same mold as Liu Hao?

After walking out of the cage, Laura was surprised to find that the outside of the prison was already bumpy and full of corpses. It seemed like two worlds inside and outside the prison.

"Are you scared?" Liu Hao asked.

Laura shrugged: "I've been living in the midst of killing since I can remember."

So, the two people who were used to life and death walked through the group of corpses and left this place.

And just as they left. On the floor, in a corner outside the explosion range of the small nuclear bomb, a sensor emitted a red light and aimed at Liu Hao.

At the same time, in an unmanned base, the super screen was frozen with the picture of Liu Hao and the little wolf girl.

Then, a strange scene happened.

The unmanned screen suddenly flickered, and then letters appeared one by one in the center of the screen, and finally formed two words: "Superman, interesting."

The next day, the location of the abandoned building was no longer the best-protected base of HYDRA in the past.

Instead, it turned into a ruin.

HYDRA's reconnaissance team, commanded by Pierce, was searching the area with all their strength, hoping to find any usable technological equipment or research results. However, their discovery disappointed Roda extremely.

The skyscrapers of the base had become ruins due to the fierce battle underground, and the underground facilities had long been penetrated. There were craters and scattered debris left by the explosion everywhere, like a garbage dump, filled with a disgusting stench. The bodies were scattered all over the place, none of them intact. Those who could keep their faces intact were lucky, not to mention those with all their limbs intact. Some bodies were separated, with the upper body still in place and the lower body appearing in a pit several meters away. These tragic scenes made people wonder what kind of force caused such devastating damage?

However, there were still items that survived the disaster. For example, the cage that was originally used to imprison the little wolf girl X23 still stood tall, fearless of wind and rain. The cage was indestructible, even micro-bombs could not destroy it, but now, there were two more human-shaped cracks torn by unknown weapons on it, which seemed a bit inconsistent.

"Liu Hao, did he really have the ability to cause all this?" Pierce whispered to himself, unbelievable.

Since the HYDRA agent led by Grant Ward was eliminated, Pierce knew that Liu Hao had found Grant first. According to Grant's personality, as long as Liu Hao tortured him a little, he would tell everything. Therefore, Pierce contacted the careless Strucker in advance and asked him to move the base so that the little wolf girl Laura Kinney would not be in danger. However, as soon as the call was hung up, Liu Hao's call came one after another. Not only could he contact Pierce, but he also knew Pierce's identity as the leader of HYDRA, and even threatened to expose other HYDRA members in S.H.I.E.L.D., which made Pierce begin to be wary of him.

Liu Hao began to ask about the location of the new base, and Pierce weighed it again and again, and still told him. Because the new base is the place with the most complete defense system and weapons in the United States. Not to mention Liu Hao alone, even if the entire New York Police Department was dispatched, it would be difficult to escape unscathed. However, after telling Liu Hao the address, Pierce could no longer contact Strucker. So he gathered people to investigate the situation here.

"Chief." An agent walked up to Pierce with a tablet and Bluetooth headphones, "It's Dr. Zola."

Pierce took the equipment. The screen was dark, but when he put on his headphones and picked up the computer, letters began to tick on the screen, forming a sentence: "Superman, Liu Hao's ally."

"You mean, in addition to Liu Hao, there is also a Superman from the hero comics who destroyed our base?" Pierce said this, feeling as if he was joking.

He knew Zola would not joke at this time, but he couldn't help questioning when he heard the words involving comic characters. Sure enough, after Pierce asked the question, the tablet in his hand flashed, and then a video was displayed.

In the video, a figure wearing a cape, a red and blue tights, a big S logo on his chest, and glasses was suspended in the air. It was the image of Superman. He resisted all kinds of artillery fire and rushed into the base. This "Superman" was unstoppable and harvested lives like mowing grass. Then, he came to Strucker, gently touched Strucker's head, and finally crushed it with force.

"Characters and abilities that only exist in comics, how could it be possible..."

Pierce is not only afraid of Superman appearing in reality, but more importantly, this Superman is completely different from the glorious and righteous image in the comics. He is a Superman who kills people, which is the most terrifying! In the comics, moral constraints make such aliens become respected superheroes, but what if these settings are removed and put into reality? Just imagining it is enough to make people shudder!

After the video ended, a line of words appeared on the tablet: "We have provoked an enemy that we cannot afford to provoke. I'm not talking about Superman, but the policeman named Liu Hao."

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