After the chief showed his courtesy to Liu Hao, he turned to the police officer:

"If you don't remember what I said just now, I can guarantee that I will kick your ugly ass with my size 42 shoes. Now get out."

"...Yes, chief."

After the police officer left, Liu Hao sat down. The chief stood up consciously. As soon as Liu Hao sat down, he stood up automatically.

Liu Hao didn't say anything, and the chief stood up naturally, like a rule, and also like a habit that went deep into the bone marrow, a silent respect.

Liu Hao was straightforward, with his hands supporting his chin, and seriously questioned Chief Jack: "Jack, tell me, why was the prisoner I caught yesterday released?"

Jack's eyes were unpredictable. He was startled at first, then tried to escape, and finally squeezed out a helpless look.

All of this could not escape Liu Hao's sharp eyes: "I know you will be dissatisfied with this, but I can't do anything, because this is not my decision."

"Who is it?" Liu Hao asked in a low voice.

"This is an order from the top, I can only obey."

"An order from the top? What kind of bullshit order?"

"I don't care what stupid order they gave. That woman killed someone in front of me and was caught by me. I will never allow anyone to let her go without permission."

"Did you hear that? Anyone."

"Otherwise, I will settle accounts with you. No matter where you escape, I will find you. Believe me, I will."

Liu Hao's tough attitude made Chief Jack, who was just scolding the police, speechless.

"Okay, I understand you and promise you that I will handle this matter and do everything according to your instructions." Jack sighed and replied.

"Very good, this is my old partner." Liu Hao got up and left his office.

However, Liu Hao had just left the door.

Chief Jack, who was originally timid, suddenly changed his face.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number: "He intervened. Yes, so we can't do it now, lock up X23 first. ”

Liu Hao returned to his office and just sat down when a translucent prompt box popped up in his mind: [Today's lottery opportunity has not been used. Do you want to start the lottery?]

Super lottery system.

This is the artifact Liu Hao got after crossing. He can draw a lottery every day, and the prizes include various abilities and items.

Liu Hao can thrive in this world, all thanks to the Superman gene he won a year ago.

Yes, it is the strongest superhero in the DC universe who can fly at high speed, pull trains, withstand bullets, and even survive in the sun.

Superman's potential is unfathomable, like a gold mine that never stops. As long as you keep digging, you will always have gains, and the value is incomparable.

And Liu Hao's Superman Ability seems to be even stronger than the comics in the Silver Age, but because it has only been a year, he has not yet fully exerted it.

"As long as you gradually gain the power of Superman, no one in the Marvel universe can beat you. "

But winning this physique seemed to have exhausted his good luck for the year, and he always got some insignificant or even weird things in the subsequent draws.

For example, [the pants worn by the Hulk], [the wine bottle used by Thor], etc.

Today, Liu Hao drew the lottery as usual, and as expected, it was [Black widow's bath water]. What is the use of this thing? Can it be drunk?

Liu Hao has long been accustomed to this. The important thing is to learn how to make full use of Superman's power.

After the lottery, Liu Hao looked at the documents on the table, on which was a brown-haired woman: "Laura Kinney, 21 years old, adult."

Liu Hao narrowed his eyes, repeated the name, and finally raised his mouth: "If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be easy to ignore you, right?"

This name seems normal at first glance, just like an ordinary female name.

After all, there are many people with the same name in the United States, and the protagonist of Tomb Raider is also called Laura. But for people in this Marvel world, it's another story.

Liu Hao, who has seen all the Marvel and X-Men movies, definitely knows how tricky this fierce-eyed woman named Laura is.

The deadly weapon codenamed X-23 never expected that we would meet like this.

Wolverine Logan's daughter, wolf girl Leila Kinney.

Liu Hao knows that this woman copied according to Logan's genes has a killing instinct that is no less than her father.

What's more, she has grown up and matured. If she is allowed to wander the world without restraint, she will definitely set off a bloody storm.

From the photo alone, she reveals a fierce aura, and anyone can detect that Director Jack actually wants to release her.

There must be something hidden. Liu Hao glanced in the direction of the director's office: It seems that this Sheriff Jack is not an upright person, and his goal is very clear.

However, Director Jack is not Liu Hao's focus.

Liu Hao's eyes fell on the information about Leila in his hand. After thinking for a while, he stood up and walked towards the interrogation room: It seems that I have to talk to you.

—— Bang.

The door was pushed open and closed by Liu Hao, and he walked into the interrogation room where the wolf girl Leila was imprisoned.

Leila did not react.

She was motionless, staring at the table with empty eyes, not knowing what she was looking at.

Liu Hao has long been accustomed to this.

In the movie "Wolverine 3", the little wolf girl Leila treats strangers so indifferently. If she shows a cheerful personality when they first meet, it will surprise Liu Hao.

Are you hungry? I brought you food. Liu Hao put the hamburger in his hand on Leila's table, and the little wolf girl was still indifferent like a blind person.

Her eyes were sharp, and she was silent at the moment, as if those brown eyes would shoot out two sharp knives at any time, and just sitting there was enough to be frightening.

But this look was not born with her, but was honed by the day after tomorrow. It was not something that could be trained by sitting at home, but was forged while on the run.

Hey, you should understand English, right? Leila was still indifferent, as if she was deaf. If her eyes were not still open, Liu Hao would have thought she was asleep.

What a headache child. Liu Hao pretended to be helpless.

I can't help you like this.

Those guys will come to your door sooner or later. Finally, Liu Hao's keen insight caught the subtle changes in Leila's expression, and she wavered.

Yes, she was in urgent need of help, and Liu Hao knew this very well, which was one of the reasons why he came to talk to her.

Are you in trouble? After all, your extraordinary ability does not belong to the realm of ordinary people. No matter what is missing in life, there will always be enemies.

Liu Hao began to persuade Leila: Besides, your current situation is very bad. Let's not talk about the original enemies for now. What will happen if the secret is accidentally leaked? Countless people will always want to catch you for dissection. Believe me, they will be more enthusiastic than cooking food. After all, there are secrets hidden in your knuckles and toes, and you have a super strong self-healing ability. It should be something that many people are jealous of, right? Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points! Recharge now (Event time: June 8 to June 10)

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