New York, USA.

Soft morning light shines through a window onto a sleeping Asian man, and the light seeps in through his slightly closed eyelids.

Liu Hao is awakened by the light and slowly opens his eyes.

Just as he was about to get up, he felt his right arm was slightly sore.

Turning his head, he couldn't help but smile.

On the right, there was a graceful beauty lying.

Long hair like flaming flames, facial features like fine carvings, and skin as white as jade.

These beautiful elements integrate, making this beauty easily rank among the most beautiful in people's aesthetics.

She is his wife, Wanda.

Yes, it is the Marvel superhero, the heroic Scarlet Witch, who is well-known to everyone.

Today is their first wedding anniversary.

Wanda breathes evenly in her sleep, and her graceful figure exudes a faint and elegant fragrance, which is extremely tempting.

Even after countless nights, every time this fragrance reaches Liu Hao, he still feels numb all over, like an electric shock.

He gently stroked the beauty's hair, bent down to kiss her forehead, and whispered: "Good morning, my beauty, it's time to get up, the sun is shining on your butt."

"Hmm..." Feeling Liu Hao's kiss, Wanda didn't mean to get up.

This charming red-haired beauty was like a lazy kitten, twisting her graceful body playfully, adding a bit of cuteness.

Liu Hao got up to wash with a gentle smile.

After traveling here for three years, Liu Hao has become accustomed to the life in this world, and even almost forgot that Wanda is a fictional character in the movie.

At least, their time every night is real, and Wanda's various... are simply too good to describe, and always play new ideas.

At present, Liu Hao has not received any news about other superheroes in the Marvel universe.

He closely follows the news about Stark Industries and Hammer Corporation.

According to today's news, it will take at least three years for Tony Stark to become Iron Man before the timeline of "Iron Man 1".

At the moment

Dr. Hulk Banner has not been affected by gamma rays yet. He may be busy marrying the general's girlfriend and his scientific research career, and occasionally appear in the news for his scientific research results.

He would never have thought that three years later he would become a monster with a girlfriend... both of whom would become a luxury.

Doctor Strange's hand is still intact, and he is still a doctor.

Spider-man has not been bitten by an alien spider yet, and he is probably worried about the high school entrance examination.

Captain America and Winter Soldier, two close friends, are still sleeping on the seabed.

Winter Soldier is occasionally released to perform missions, but will eventually be sent back.

Thor, the strongest fighter of the Avengers, is still free in Asgard at this moment, and his father has not given him a hammer yet.

Captain Marvel, the cosmic wanderer, will not return to Earth casually.

Black widow and Hawkeye are performing tasks as S.H.I.E.L.D agents. At the moment, except for SHIELD Director Nick Fury, the black egg is missing, the stories of other superheroes have not yet unfolded, not to mention meeting Liu Hao.

"The only superhero related to me is my wife Wanda." As for Wanda's original wife Vision, J.A.R.V.I.S has not been born yet, so he is naturally not born yet.

"Since you are not born yet, I am not stealing your wife."

Liu Hao sighed at the TV.

A pleasant voice came from the door: "If you can make money by getting up early, you are a billionaire now, little bastard."

Wanda, wearing red lace pajamas, leaned against the door frame, sleepy.

In the morning light, her graceful figure was as crystal clear as a jade carving.

"Have you had breakfast? Or, on special days, do you need me to cook for you?" Wanda asked with a sweet smile.

"No thanks."

Liu Hao trotted over: "Compared to breakfast, I want to taste your deliciousness more."

"They call you the sun of New York? I think it's more appropriate to call you the energetic little tiger!"

"They call them what they call you, and you call yours. After all, only you can see this side."

After lingering with Wanda, Liu Hao changed into formal clothes.

The well-fitting suit outlines his solid muscle lines. As soon as he stood up, he exuded a strong aura, like a god, giving people a strong sense of epic.

This is Liu Hao's image at work, and it is also how he is seen by the world, the god of New York, the symbol of justice and judgment.

Liu Hao smiled at himself in the mirror, and then went out to the New York Police Department. As soon as he entered the police station, an old detective saw Liu Hao and bowed excitedly.

"Respected Officer Liu, good morning! Have a nice day."

"Good morning, John, old friend, you don't have to be so polite."

Liu Hao smiled and stepped forward and gently patted John on the back.

However, this simple action was flattering to the old detective John.

"No! You deserve this treatment. If you don't want to accept it, we really don't know how to repay you."

"Except for respect, we have nothing to repay, respected Officer Liu." John said sincerely.

Liu Hao smiled and responded: "It's just a little help, nothing, and it's what I should do. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, right?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility... What a lofty realm and philosophy! Officer Liu, we know, we will work harder!"

"Oh my God, is it really him? The legendary light of New York, Liu Hao?"

"The legendary detective who reduced the crime rate in New York by half in one year with his nearly perfect case-solving ability?" A black colleague whispered in admiration.

Newcomers don't need to be too nervous. When you gradually get familiar with Officer Liu, you will find that his extraordinary qualities are far more than that. ”

“He brings us new surprises every day. Sooner or later, we will run out of words to praise him.” A white colleague patted him on the shoulder.

“Sometimes, just looking at him makes me feel safe. He is like a shining star. He deserves to be called the star of New York.”

“Yes, look at that handsome face and the strong body that can be vaguely seen under the suit. It is really charming.” A female police officer couldn't help but admire.

“Officer Liu Hao's father is Chinese, right? If I remember correctly.”

“No wonder his eyes reveal an oriental charm that Americans don't have. The charm of Chinese men is so amazing?”

“Do you want to experience Officer Liu's Chinese martial arts? The kind in bed?”

Liu Hao has excellent hearing. These quiet praises are as if they were heard in person. He experiences such praises day after day...

Liu Hao walked into the office.

Jack, the chief of the police station, who was scolding the newcomer, smiled immediately when he saw Liu Hao.

“Oh, look who is here, my dear partner Liu Hao, our great hero, the light of New York. ”

The police officer didn’t understand why the chief’s expression could change as quickly as the Sichuan Opera’s face-changing in the East.

However, when he heard the word “Liu Hao”, he immediately understood.

Who in the entire police station, no, in the entire New York, doesn’t know the existence of this Superman-like person?

After all, the title of “New York Star” is not something that anyone can afford.

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