American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 3 The Secret Of The Little Wolf Girl

Including my sheriff, he is not a kind person.

Are you willing to be someone else's experimental subject? Or-

Choose to tell me everything and let me help you.

Liu Hao successfully attracted the attention of the wolf girl.

Leila looked up and looked directly into Liu Hao's eyes, as if he wanted him to personally confirm and guarantee the authenticity of his words:

Yes, you heard it right, I have the ability to help you, provided that you trust me.

Leila glanced at the bug again.

Meaning, the content of their current conversation may be monitored by someone, which is no different from sending it for research.

Don't worry, I have turned off the bug, no one can hear our conversation, believe me, I can do it.

The little wolf girl remained silent and expressed doubt. Liu Hao shrugged: Otherwise, you can also pay attention to it. The red dot on the bug has disappeared.

With your identity, you must have been on the run frequently, so you should know better than me what the bug in the police station looks like?

This time, Liu Hao finally convinced the little wolf girl Leila. She changed to a comfortable position and sat up and looked up at Liu Hao: How can I believe that you will really help me?

Liu Hao waved his hand: If you believe me, you may be arrested. If you don't believe me, you will be arrested 100%. Do you think you have any other choice?

Besides, if I really want to harm you, you will not have the chance to sit here and talk to me face to face. But I won't do that. Do you know why?

Because I am the dawn of New York.

Liu Hao smiled, the sun was shining, and the word justice seemed to exist for him. No upright person would refuse such a Liu Hao.

I have heard of your reputation, and I have seen your ability.

The little wolf girl finally let down her guard: Maybe you can really help me.

Liu Hao leaned close to her ear and listened to the little wolf girl's secret.

Regarding these, Leila hid them very deeply, because it was related to her and Mutant's fate. Liu Hao listened quietly without disturbing her.

An hour later, Liu Hao ended his conversation with the little wolf girl Leila.

In his office, he quietly thought about what Leila said and the scene of their first acquaintance, and began to dig out more secrets hidden behind it.

It turned out that the little wolf girl Leila was hunted by the military before.

It's called hunting, but in fact, they want to capture her alive and then study her in an extremely cruel way.

The reason for the hunting is simple, because Leila is a Mutant. In the "X-Men" series of movies, such situations are common, implying this meaning.

Humans are afraid of creatures stronger than themselves, so they will start wars. Their rhetoric and purpose are all excuses. It's just that it has become more serious now. Liu Hao thought to himself.

But hypocritical humans, while expelling super-ability people, also tried their best to gain power from super-ability people, which is both timid and greedy.

Once, the X-Men guarded the harmony between Mutants and humans, but in the current timeline, they have long disappeared.

Those X-Men, either died or went into exile, even the legendary immortal Wolverine fell at the hands of the army when Laura was a child, and Phoenix disappeared with chaotic divine power, pouring out anger on humans.

As Wolverine's successor, Wolf Girl, along with other artificial Mutants, became the target of the army's pursuit. She spent a full ten years on the run.

The extinction of these young Mutants means the complete annihilation of the mutant race, provided that they can die before being used for research.

Some died in the research, and Laura, as the last survivor, killed enemies for many years with her wolf-like agility and vigilance. Although most of them were enemies, some innocent people died because of her.

For her, the boundary between good and evil is no longer clear. This is what she told Liu Hao in person. Such a calm statement made Liu Hao believe that this was the fact.

In this way, Laura continued to avoid the pursuit of the army until two days ago.

That time, the scale of the army was beyond imagination, and she could hardly escape. Facing the fate of being used as an experimental subject, Laura chose to fight to the death, but she was outnumbered.

At this moment, Liu Hao, who has a god-like super ability, appeared.

He recognized the Adamantium claws of the little wolf girl and knew her identity. Facing her being hunted, he stepped forward without hesitation.

"After all, in the world of Marvel and X-Men, apart from Wolverine Logan's freakish Self-healing Ability, only his daughter Laura can control Adamantium."

Even if this is left aside, the madness of the army chasing the little wolf girl is enough for Liu Hao to punish them severely.

When the army becomes a demon, it loses its value of existence.

He did it, and destroying the army chasing Laura was as easy as crushing ants.

Laura witnessed Liu Hao's arrival with her own eyes.

In his eyes, every move of Liu Hao is like an angel and a god. This is the second man who brings her a sense of security after her father Wolverine Logan.

"No wonder she didn't resist when I arrested her. I thought she would argue with me for a long time. It turns out that she has had a good impression of me since then, and the confrontation in the interrogation room is just her disguise." Liu Hao nodded thoughtfully.

Three or four days have passed since that incident. Liu Hao knows that the army that knew Laura was in New York but did not dare to come to rob people in a big way is nothing more than fear.

Any rational person would make such a choice in the face of today's New York, because this is Liu Hao's territory.

Three years ago, Liu Hao won the recognition of all New York, including the leadership.

The people of New York are grateful to Liu Hao and set a rule that unless war is unavoidable, New York belongs only to Liu Hao.

This is a tacit agreement. In other words, New York is now Liu Hao's kingdom. He is the light here and the king here.

Therefore, no matter who comes to New York and does not cause Liu Hao's disgust, he will not be expelled, which is equivalent to obtaining immunity.

No force dares to act recklessly here, even criminals are no exception. This is the consensus of everyone.

New York is Liu Hao's shelter. Whoever he allows to come in can come in. On the contrary, whoever he does not want to come in, no one dares to step in.

The army who only wants to catch Laura can understand that Liu Hao, the light of New York, does not welcome them even if they think with their toes.

Therefore, Liu Hao took Laura back to the New York Police Department, on the one hand to inquire about the situation of the X-Men, on the other hand to protect her safety.

The army will never give up easily. The little wolf girl is too important to them.

She is a copy of Wolverine Logan's genes, who wouldn't be tempted?

"The army will definitely try every means to kill Laura, or lure her away. If it is the latter, it will definitely require..." Liu Hao looked in the direction of the director's office.

"Now everything is clear."

Director Jack tried to let Laura go because he had been bribed by the army.

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