Judging from the current situation, the chance of it being Wanda is low.

It can only be the person who will disappoint Liu Feng, and Liu Feng cannot do anything too excessive to him.

So Liu Feng finally stopped shooting his pistol and answered the phone.

As soon as the connection was connected, a roar came from the other side of the phone:”Why don’t you fucking stop it!”

If it had been someone else, who had roared at Liu Feng like this, he would have been gone, let alone the red eyes. Liu Feng.

It’s like kicking a lion in the middle of a hunt, and the kick is still in the butt.

But when he heard the voice on the phone, Liu Feng smiled instead of getting angry:”Isn’t this the voice of my old buddy Arthur? Why did you call me so abnormally today? Could it be that you want to invite me to drink in Washington DC again? ?”

“Liu Feng! Don’t ask me questions knowingly! Leave this fucking mess to me every time and wait for me to wipe your ass! What’s even more hateful is that you still haven’t answered my call!”

The roar on the phone continued.

Liu Feng still smiled playfully:”Oh, I was busy just now. Although it’s not a big deal, it’s just a fight with a bunch of kids. How can such a trivial matter be worthy of having the chief of the Washington Police Department personally call you?”

“child?! That’s the military! You single-handedly wiped out two hundred of their elite troops. It would be strange if they don’t settle the score with me! And you are still glib!”

“You are my boss. If they don’t look for you, who will they look for?”

Liu Feng is still smiling.

“It really pisses me off!”

The other party’s anger sounded to Liu Feng like a girlfriend acting coquettishly. Not only could he not get angry, but he also found it a bit funny.

After all, this was not the first time Liu Feng had done this.

I’m afraid he could count the number of times he had done it on both hands. But come here.

The man who called is Liu Feng’s boss, Arthur. In addition to his status as a subordinate, he and Liu Feng are also very close friends in private.

That’s why Arthur is. You can’t scold Liu Feng like you would an ordinary subordinate.

As I said just now, this is not the first time Liu Feng has caused trouble, so there is an agreement between the two that Liu Feng’s number will only be enforced under Arthur’s orders. Only then did he call Liu Feng.

This means that a powerful force intervened, and if such a large force was used to deal with the situation, it must be Liu Feng who has some power.

When this happens, Liu Feng will. Feng couldn’t make it difficult for Arthur, so as long as the phone was connected, Liu Feng had to stop what he was doing.

In the end, Arthur could only ask Liu Feng:”In short, you are not allowed to kill people in the military now. Got it! Get out of there now! Also, don’t shoot at people when you leave!”

“Okay, got it, anyway……”Liu Feng glanced at the dozen or so mercenaries who were still alive and shrugged,”They were killed and there were not many left.”

Arthur on the other end of the phone wanted to say something, but Liu Feng had already hung up. Telephone.

Throwing away the pistol, he then helped the little wolf girl Laura, who was almost healed from her injuries, up:”The game is over. I believe you have enjoyed watching it. Let’s go.””

“What other abilities do you have?”In Laura’s eyes, even if Liu Feng did such a horrific thing today, she would still subconsciously think that this would never be Liu Feng’s limit. He is like a super creature with unlimited potential!

Liu Feng No direct answer:”Men have to maintain a sense of mystery, don’t they?”

The military matter has come to an end.

Just like Liu Feng’s boss and old buddy Arthur has always done, everyone in the police station went out to wipe Liu Feng’s massacre tonight.

There were people cleaning up the scene. Some transported the body away, some compensated the owner of the damaged shop, and some reported it to the news.

Now is the information age. Liu Feng has done such a big thing. If it is not kept secret, the impact will be huge. It will expand even more, and the police department is relatively skilled in these businesses.

As for the elite force that was massacred by Liu Feng and only a dozen of them were left, their boss may have been taken away through Arthur’s arrangement. This is not the case for Liu Feng. It doesn’t matter.

They are just flags, and they can’t make any waves.

And Liu Feng himself has already mastered gun fighting. Gun fighting may not be useful against superheroes like the Avengers, but it can deal with hired guns. It’s too easy to fight. Liu Feng crossed his arms and watched the people in the police station clean up the mess. The phone in his pocket suddenly rang. It was still Liu Feng’s phone that only the two designated people could call.

Se has already played it, so this time, even if it is a primary school student, he can calculate this two minus one question – it is his wife Wanda’s phone number.

As the saying goes, the attitude of someone you meet is the same. Liu Feng took a look. It was my wife’s number. Before I even answered the call, I had already forced out a smile:”Hi, my beauty.”

After answering the phone, his tone became extremely gentle, as if every word in every sentence was carefully chosen.

“Yes, something happened at the police station. I may have to go back later.”

“Yes, I’m also very irritable. I’m really sorry that I can’t accompany you, my dear. By the way, have you had dinner? How about I bring something back to eat later? Okay, okay, I love you too, mua~”

Liu Feng looked like a nymphomaniac girl when talking to Wanda.

Laura, the little wolf girl watching all this beside her, couldn’t believe her eyes.. This murderous god Liu Feng, who just now treated the military like an ant and took lives like a piece of grass, was now even more disgusting than the apple pie she had eaten a few days ago. The contrast was not a little bit huge.

I couldn’t help but complain:”You have Chinese ancestry, so you can do face-changing in Sichuan opera, right? Liu

Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and said:”Although I don’t know where you learned about Chinese culture, I always feel that you are hurting me.””

“No need to doubt, I am hurting you.” Laura said bluntly

“You don’t understand, it’s our fine Chinese tradition to be cruel to your enemies and loving to your wives.

Liu Feng looked a little proud:”You, a little brat who has never been in love, will definitely not be able to understand this. How about I introduce you to someone in the police station?””

“In the New York Police Department, there are no tough men who can completely control you, but there are many sweet boys. Are you interested?”Liu Feng asked jokingly, and the little wolf girl rolled her eyes in response.

The little wolf girl said so, and Liu Feng also lost her fun and stopped teasing her.

The two returned to Liu Feng’s office together, and then two police officers escorted her The New York Police Chief Jack walked in.

The police chief, who used to have at least a superficial power in the police station, was now detained by a police officer who was lower than him.

After betraying Liu Feng, he was really embarrassed to see anyone.

If his hands hadn’t been shackled, Jack would have dug a hole with his bare hands and buried himself in it.

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