Liu Feng looked at him, surprisingly not angry.

Perhaps he had just finished chatting with his wife and was in a happy mood, and Director Jack’s betrayal was discovered by Liu Feng from the beginning.

Therefore, Liu Feng just looked at Jack meaningfully and asked gently:”So, my dear New York Director, what happened to make you, who has always been hateful and selfless in front of me, betray the entire New York?”

Jack was silent for a while, and then slowly said:”I originally thought of a lot of excuses to excuse myself, but after seeing you, I couldn’t say it anymore.”

“I’ll be honest with you, there’s no particular reason, it’s just… they gave me a lot of money, money that I would never have made in many years as police chief.”

“So… yes, as you said, I betrayed New York, and I will leave it to you to punish me no matter what the punishment.”

I don’t know if it was due to his acting skills. Director Jack had a correct attitude. After speaking, he looked at Liu Feng with extremely sincere eyes, as if he wanted Liu Feng to see his repentance.

Unfortunately, Liu Feng did not accept this trick.

He didn’t care whether it was true or false, because he had his own rules for doing things, so Liu Feng slowly said:”Betraitors will not be forgiven by others. You betrayed New York. Although you have not killed anyone and are not worthy of death, you still have to suffer a little.”

“So go retire in the Mississippi Delta. No one there can pay you to betray New York a second time. It’s a good place to stay.”

“……good.”Jack was taken out.

At the last moment, Jack still had this attitude, which at least proved that he was not acting. But just like what he just said, Liu Feng didn’t care whether he was acting or not.

After solving Jack’s matter, to Little Wolf Girl Laura.

Liu Feng turned to look at her and said,”You should also know your crime, right?

“Although you are on the run after being hunted by the military, you have killed quite a few ordinary people along the way. You can’t even count the lives of ordinary people, and you still have to accept the judgment of the law.

Laura asked first:”So I go to the prison first, right?””

“I didn’t expect you to have a pretty decent attitude.”

“That’s right, you have to go to jail to wait for sentencing. If I find you running away after making a scene, I will definitely catch you with my own hands.”Liu Feng said seriously.

Little wolf girl Laura did not refute.

After all, for her, where to stay is not to stay?

In the prison, at least there are people bringing food to her, and she doesn’t have to worry about not seeing the sun tomorrow morning. , or wake up and find that your body is covered with scientific research pipelines.

As long as this man who looks mean but is called the light of New York is there, the New York Police Department is probably the safest place in the world.

As for the verdict, Laura, who had experienced the storm, would not have any fear.

After the wolf girl left, Liu Feng’s stomach suddenly rumbled. No matter how strong he was, he still had to eat, so he must be busy. Didn’t eat much all day

“There seems to be a new store nearby that is pretty good.”Just as he was about to go home, Liu Feng was going to a nearby restaurant to buy some pizza and bring it back to Wanda.

It was late at night, and there were not many people in the pizza shop.

Liu Feng walked to the front desk and ordered two large barbecue pizzas. , but when he said it, the other party didn’t respond.

Liu Feng thought it was because the receptionist didn’t have a good ear, so he repeated again:”Is it because my English is not standard? Dude, two big barbecue pizzas with more cheese”

“you you you you are……!”

Instead of answering Liu Feng’s question, the other party jumped up and down with excitement, covered his mouth with his hands, and became hesitant when speaking:

“You are Liu Feng, the Light of New York, right?”The boy who looked fifteen or sixteen years old asked excitedly.

Liu Feng smiled bitterly and nodded.

“It’s really you! Oh, God! You actually come to this lousy restaurant… Oh no, I shouldn’t say that the restaurant where I work is a lousy restaurant… Although it does taste terrible… but it doesn’t matter! The point is, I was so lucky to meet you by such a coincidence!”This young man’s behavior completely made Liu Feng laugh.

“Yes, it is indeed a coincidence.”There is something in Liu Feng’s words, because he has already recognized this boy.

This boy is a good neighbor in New York that is praised by men, women and children.

“Nice to meet you too, Peter”

“oh? You, why…? I guess I haven’t said my name yet……”

In order to explain why he knew it, Liu Feng pointed to Peter’s clothes:”The work tag says, Peter Parker, right? If I didn’t spell it wrong”

“So…that’s it! Hahaha, let me just say, how could Liu Feng, the famous New York light, know an unknown little person like me?”

“Hey, I won’t allow you to look down on yourself.”Children are always eager to be recognized, so Liu Feng patted Peter on the shoulder and encouraged him as a senior.

“You are no different from me. Liu Feng said seriously

“But you are a hero, and I am just a nobody”

“You have to believe in yourself, and one day you can become someone like me. Even heroes who are more famous and useful than me, superheroes!”

“Super hero……? I? Really?”

“of course it’s true.”

Silly boy, you are Spider-Man.

As a superhero who is in contention with DC Batman for the first place on the popularity list in the history of American comics, no one in the entire Marvel universe is more famous than you.

Liu Feng So secretly.

In fact, no matter how powerful a superhero is, they are still human in the end. They have advantages and disadvantages, and they are even weirder than ordinary people.

For example, Iron Man Tony Stark was a playboy before he became a superhero. He is a billionaire, and his personality is naturally more paranoid and conceited.

Especially since he is a genius with accomplishments in the field of science and technology, he often makes hurtful remarks. This is how the story of”Iron Man 2″ unfolds.

Some guys.

For example, the seven weird heroes in”Black Robe”, the fake”Aquaman” Abyss will masturbate to the new hero; the fake”Superman” has not weaned his motherland and is a giant baby; the fake”Flash” Locomotive is a selfish guy.

Although this show is not a superhero show in the traditional sense, the heroes in it are more flesh-and-blood. In fact, Liu Feng himself has some shortcomings.

, for example… he is very horny, and his pussy and buttocks are easier for him to succumb to than anything in the world.

As long as I let him bathe in the sea of women, all justice and injustice will be forgotten by me, and I can only save New York. It’s just a matter of effort out of interest.

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