Chapter 7

Back to New York.

Jack, the chief of the New York Police Department, received information from the mercenaries that would settle everything.

But faced with such a scene, he couldn’t be happy.

It’s a hellish scene. Gunfire and knives tore through the air, leaving trails of smoke and flames.

As soon as the blood splashed out, it was knocked back by the impact of bullets from the other side. The ground was stained with blood, like a massacre in a zombie game!

Jack hadn’t even recovered from the scene in front of him. After all, before Liu Feng, he was still kept in the dark about Liu Feng.

Unexpectedly, Liu Feng knew everything!

He is someone who has seen Liu Feng’s abilities!

Now, I really provoked the devil!

That guy is just a murderer!

“Just a headshot will kill him in one hit.”

Liu Feng, who thought the sniper rifle was too slow to load, murmured to himself, and then continued to massacre with two guns that fired bullets in succession.

The enemy had seen Liu Feng’s shooting skills, and the rigid gun was definitely not strong enough, so he had to find a way to use it. The tactics are roundabout, but it still doesn’t matter, because no matter how they dodge, every bullet fired by Liu Feng will accurately penetrate the head of the person next to him.

The scary thing is that even if they run in a circle, Liu Feng’s pistol will not matter. At the moment when you pull the trigger, you can turn your wrist flexibly, and the bullet will shoot out in a weird arc!


You heard it right, it is a bullet that can turn!

“Jesus! How can this be!”

“What kind of monster are we fighting against?!”

“Didn’t the leader give the order? Won’t there be rescue? Why hasn’t help arrived yet? If people don’t come…our elite troops will be completely wiped out!!!”

The mercenaries are not idiots who will not fight back when being beaten. The bullets in their hands are also trying to pour towards Liu Feng.

However, Liu Feng, a monster-like man, not only has superb marksmanship, but also has extremely flexible body skills!

All the bullets fired at him either turned away, turned around or squatted down, or even when he was motionless, the bullets fired at him seemed to be destined to miss. You can tell just by taking a glance at Liu Feng!

When Liu Feng was dodging the attack, the bullets in his own guns were not idle. When he was dodging, he could always grasp the timing of pulling the trigger of the pistol. He moved flexibly while shooting accurately, like a storm of gunfire on the battlefield.

This series of performances can no longer be described as proficient, even the little wolf girl Lao who is on the same camp as Liu Feng. Ladu was shocked:”How did you do it?”

“This is simply not something humans can achieve.”

Liu Feng shrugged and said casually:”The world is huge and full of wonders.”

“You can be a mutant with steel claws who can heal himself after being shot by a hail of bullets. My bullets can bend, what’s so surprising about it?”Liu Feng chose not to answer.

Because this is the special ability that Liu Feng drew through the super lottery system one day – Bucket of Gun. It is the general name for the comprehensive combat ability of gunners. According to the different styles of gunners, There are many types, and there are currently four known types, including Kuai Gun Dou Shu, Gun Dou Shu α, Gun Dou Shu β, and Gun Dou Shu γ.

Kuai Qian Dou Shu – characterized by speed – is characterized by rapid drawing. Gun.

High-speed shooting strikes and suppresses the enemy first. At the same time, the master will use firepower to rush towards the enemy at high speed, and engage in a mixed battle of half shooting and half fighting with the enemy. In this process, he will often use the handle of the gun as a weapon and use cold hands suddenly.

Gunfightingα——Its characteristic is fire suppression – using one’s own judgment to judge the enemy’s movements, and then based on this, using one’s own pace and position to avoid the enemy’s attack, and using the firearm in hand to shoot effectively and attack all possible directions of the enemy’s movement.

At the same time, under the premise of ensuring these as much as possible, based on prediction, carry out preemptive strikes against enemies who are about to attack you.

Gunfightingβ——Its characteristic is weird – its users are good at close combat and integrate the use of firearms into combat, and can suddenly fire cold guns when the enemy is not expecting it.

Among them, the master is also good at concealing guns. The firearms he uses are hidden on his body. No one knows where his gun is hidden when he is not firing.

Gunfightingγ——It is characterized by sniping – ultra-long-distance strike is its biggest feature. The masters are also good at controlling the trajectory of the fired bullets to achieve precise and efficient strikes.

And Liu Feng himself showed it very clearly.

He knows all the above four gun fighting techniques!

This is the reason why Liu Feng has not revealed his superhuman physique in front of the world, but he can enjoy the great praise of the Light of New York!

You can transform into a god of death by relying only on your spear fighting skills and nothing else!

By the way, when talking to Little Wolf Girl, none of the bullets fired by the mercenaries with their backs to Liu Feng hit even an inch of Liu Feng’s clothes or hair. He dodged the bullets as easily as if he were drinking water. , or the kind where you can drink several liters in one breath without gasping for breath.

“Okay, now it’s my turn again.”

Liu Feng turned around and re-entered combat mode. Every bullet fired from the pistol would not be wasted. When the bullets were exhausted, he casually took out the magazine from the bag prepared in advance and replaced it.

Only at this time, hired The soldiers were able to take a breath without having to die continuously, but it was only temporary, because after the magazine was changed, Liu Feng would turn into a killing god again.

In this way, he killed more than 40 people in a row. The phone in Liu Feng’s pocket rang.

But he seemed unable to hear it, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all, just like a child who lost himself in playing games, and no external factors could stop his playing time.

“He ignored the call! He is going crazy now! This guy is an out-and-out devil!”The soldiers over there kept shouting these desperate words! As for Liu Feng, he didn’t pay attention to these people, and the gun in his hand never stopped.

He shot and killed ten people again, and the little wolf girl Laura endured Unable to hold on any longer, he said:”You’ve never stopped calling me. If you don’t answer it, I’ll throw it away. The ringtone annoys me.

Liu Feng said with a smile:”I definitely have to pick it up. I just want to have more fun. After all, it has been a long time since I played so happily.””

“Moreover, I can know the person calling and his purpose without guessing.”Liu Feng’s words are not groundless, because his mobile phone is specially manufactured.

He can dial other people’s numbers at will, but will not be dialed by others. Except for the two designated people, one of them will always ruin his play time. People.

The other one is his wife Wanda.

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