Countless gunshots rang out, bullets rained like rain, and Laura’s right arm was penetrated like this!

Although it can still heal itself, it will lose control in a short period of time.

When the military saw that it was working, another series of bullets penetrated Laura’s left arm!

Now, Laura, who can no longer fight with her left and right hands, has been reduced to a useless person in the eyes of the military.

“quick! Someone go up and use an electric shock baton to maim him!”One of the mercenaries approached Laura cautiously. Suddenly! Laura hit with a high kick!

“puff!”The Edman metal claws grown from the toes inserted into the neck of a mercenary! Laura laughed like crazy. At this moment, she no longer cared about whether she could escape. Now all she could think about was killing a few more of these mercenaries before she died. What a bunch of sons of bitches!

“quick! Beat all her limbs and then capture her! Remember not to beat her to death!”

The leaders in the military were still obsessed with Laura’s abilities. Laura suddenly felt ridiculous. It was not only these people who laughed, but also the society.

“good! It’s time to go! Hurry up……!”The leader has not finished commanding.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and gunshots came from nowhere, and a mercenary next to him was shot in the head! Plasma splattered all over the leader’s face!

“Farke! Someone is on Laura’s side! And he’s a guy with superb marksmanship!”This suddenly frightened the leader. He hurriedly bent down and began to look for who was shooting. However, the person who fired obviously did not intend to give him time to think.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang!

No matter how the mercenaries escape, no matter what kind of cover they find, it’s like the law of nature. As soon as a gunshot comes from a distance, one of them will be shot in the head!

This is completely like cheating!

When the leader who was hiding aside saw this scene, he not only thought of a terrifying character in his mind, but also murmured to himself:”A perfect shot.”……”

“There is only one person in the entire United States who can do it…the man known as the Light of New York! Liu Feng!”

“Fuck you Jack! Didn’t you fucking say that Liu Feng had gone home from work and was having sex with his lover, and he didn’t know anything about it? What’s going on now! Why is your favorite New York light back?”The leader slapped Director Jack directly.

“I…I have no idea about this either.…………!”Jack covered his face, unable to express his pain, but he really didn’t understand anything in his little mind.

The leader was anxious, but at a loss, because not only could he not find Liu Feng’s location, he could not find a reason for Liu Feng to stop attacking him, and his capable mercenaries were falling one by one!

It’s like a plague!

Laura saw it too.

At the moment when he was about to fall into coma, the military forces he was hostile to fell down one after another like dominoes.

No matter how red-eyed Laura was, no matter how exhausted she was, she could fully understand the scene at this moment. Someone is on your side, and that person is——

“Thanks for your hard work.”Liu Feng, carrying a sniper rifle, appeared in front of Laura

“If it’s later, you won’t have to come”

“It’s better to come sooner than later. Anyway, you can heal yourself, so I might as well kill a few more mercenaries to vent your anger.”Liu Feng put down the sniper rifle and replaced it with two Desert Eagle pistols.

As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, the leader of the military side got a loudspeaker and shouted to Liu Feng:”Liu Feng, stop immediately! You have no idea what kind of mistake you made! You can’t beat us! This is provoking anger… the body!”

The leader hadn’t finished speaking. He heard the sound of gunshots and he fell directly into a pool of blood. There was an obvious blood hole on his head. At this time, he directly stunned everyone present, including the person next to him. Director Jack slumped down on the ground

“From the first word I spoke, I already wanted you to die.”Liu Feng sneered disdainfully.

It is impossible for the American military to serve the American people. The American military only serves capital. Liu Feng knows this very well.

The remaining mercenaries still want to resist, but Liu Feng will not give them a chance. , the two guns were raised, and the gunfire was released. It was still one shot at a time, without any deviation.

“I don’t know what kind of person I’m facing, but it should be you.”

It’s chaos. The shops on the street no longer have any complete glass. Even the buildings are crumbling. Broken bones and internal organs are scattered on the ground like domestic garbage. The crackling sound of fire burning building materials continues.

Such a scene can easily be It can be thought that two huge teams are engaged in a small-scale war, and the losses on both sides are staggering, forming a lose-lose situation, but this is not the case at all. The mercenary team, but there are only two people on the other side, and one of them has been seriously injured.

In other words, all the firepower on that side was released by one person

– the one carrying a giant sniper rifle with European and American powers. The man with bones and Asian skin is called the light of New York, Liu Feng.

He looked at the hostile men and raised his pistol:”I don’t know what kind of person I am facing, it should be you.”


Gunshots rang out! The screen froze at this point, and Liu Feng’s figure froze on the big screen with the aura of a god descending to earth. At this moment, the”audiences” watching the big screen unanimously Exhaling loudly. While watching the video, it felt like there was a heavy stone on their chests and they couldn’t breathe smoothly.

“That guy, Liu Feng, is simply an out-and-out murderer.”One of the seven people sitting around a round table said slowly.

This was in a dark room on the other side of New York. A group of people were sitting around a huge round table. If King Arthur in the Western legend They were just like the Knights of the Round Table.

The only difference was that they used combat uniforms instead of armors, and what was playing on the big screen was Liu Feng carrying a giant sniper rifle and killing the mercenaries one by one.

This was extremely weird. Ability. No matter how the mercenaries dodge or find cover, the bullets in his gun will always hit the targeted enemy’s head, as if the bullets he fired were equipped with automatic navigation devices the moment they came out of the barrel. So terrifying!

“Such shooting skills…he is definitely not an ordinary person……”Among the seven people, a heavy voice came out.

This voice carries an old aura, like a big tree that has grown for hundreds of years. The upper part is shaky and seems to be about to fall, but the roots of the lower part are clinging to the soil beneath the ground:” How many troops are left now?”

A relatively young man thought for a moment and responded:”General Boyd Hoburu, the elite troops we sent originally had two hundred people, but now… there are less than one hundred left….The leader of the team has also fallen in a pool of blood.”

After hearing this, the middle-aged white-haired man named Boyd’s face became cold, his fists clenched uncontrollably, and he immediately took out his mobile phone. , input a string of numbers, and after a few seconds of beeping, a voice came from the other side:”This is the White House of the United States.”

“I am General Boyd Hoburu, who was responsible for dealing with mutants.”Boyd used a heavy voice to communicate with the person over there on the phone. At the end of his words, he said:”Please solve all this as soon as possible, because my people are being attacked by Liu Feng.……”

At this point, Boyd paused for a while before spitting out a word from his mouth:”Massacre”……”

After saying that, the person over there hung up the phone.

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