Chapter 994

Xuexiayangna was very aggrieved, and her innocent and lovely touch actually hooked up with someone in front of her. Although she was a girl, how about a girl? Wouldn’t girls be wicked? Not to mention Koyuki is so cute, but so innocent…

Cuteness will make Yukino jealous, and simplicity will make Yukino hurt. As a HENTAI-level sister, how can Yukino sit back and watch for more injuries?

Even the girl who hooked up with Yukino is cute, but who dares to say that a cute girl is not jealous? Koyuki is much cuter than the girl who looks dazed (from the perspective of Yukoshita Yono’s sister)!

Even if the girl called Zhenbai seemed to be more innocent and more in touch than Xuenao… But Xuexiayang didn’t believe it! She does not believe that there will be such a naive JK in this world. Unless that JK has a problem with IQ, or has lived an isolated life since childhood, otherwise, the so-called naivety is just a kind of personality. .

I really want to pretend, under the snow, she is a great acting, Yang Nai can definitely pretend to be simpler than the girl called Zhenbai! absolute!

Being able to enter high school means that the girl named Zhenbai has absolutely no problem with her IQ. The furnishings in the room-the series of electronic supplies show that the other party is definitely not living a life of isolation. After these two points are eliminated, Zhenbai. How awkward looks at the pure appearance of Xuexiayangna–

Just like the old man in law sees his son-in-law, he wants to let him evaporate in every way he looks! No way, it’s really that the girl named Zhenbai is not easy to look at…

Originally, Xuexiayang thought that he had hundreds of ways to destroy the real white, yes, there were hundreds of ways! Miss Yukoshita never speaks empty words–

After all, the other party is standing with a simple and naive persona. She, Yono under the snow, the famous social flower of Chiba, a nightmare in the hearts of countless people, is it possible to deal with such a girl with a simple persona? Whether it’s a subtle way of speaking, or an exquisite means, or…

But later, Yuuki Xia Yangnai found out that she was wrong. It was really white and not simple. Even if the conspicuous target of innocence and simplicity was erected, the other party would be able to take the temptation with ease, but also to take advantage of the effort to attack. What’s more Damn it is that the other party can use innocence and simplicity as a protective cover without flaws, which makes her powerful but has nowhere to use it. For example, she just said at the beginning:

“Xuno actually made friends, my sister is really relieved, but, little sister, really white, do you really want to be friends with Xiaoxuno? Ordinary people…” This is a tentative offense, and the words imply that the second lady has no friends. , And in this country, having no friends is definitely a terrible evaluation.

No friends means that you can’t be a person, don’t socialize, and be isolated… The above can lead to a conclusion. Not only is there no benefit to being friends with the second lady, but there is also the risk of being isolated. This is why the less friends you have The reason why the guys can’t make friends-

Once such a bad cycle is born, it will be difficult to break. Even after a national idol such as Mai Sakurajima falls into the cycle, he can only regard himself as air, let alone Yukino, who has a more awkward personality?

Moreover, Yukino’s offense was more than that, and it also included her inquiries as if she cared about her sister-do you really want to make friends with Yukino?

Although she asked in a joke version, most people might think more about it. The second lady has no friends in her own right. In this case, no matter what the reason, as long as she can make friends, it is an improvement. It happens that some people are still questioning whether the person approaching is sincere, and the person who doubts is still the other’s sister——

If you change your person, you will definitely think about it. Is it because Xuexia had suspected that he had another purpose in making friends with her, so he asked her through her sister’s mouth? Even if they don’t think so, they will feel dissatisfied with this inquiry, and some people will even stay away from the second lady ever since.

Of course, these Xuexiayang didn’t care. It should be said that as a HENTAI-level sister, she actually didn’t want to be far away from herself in the depths of her heart. If Xiaoxuno made friends, would she think of her as a sister? It’s very annoying, if Xiaoxuno makes friends, will she spend less time with her sister, if…

Yukoshita Yono is also worried, although she also knows that it is a good thing to make more friends, but she just feels uncomfortable…

She didn’t want to be like this either, but she just couldn’t control herself, what could she do, she also had a headache!

Fortunately, Tuma Sougou was not present at the time, nor could he perceive Yukino’s entanglement. Otherwise, he would definitely comfort the other party: “Yono, you think too much, even if your sister hasn’t made friends, she thinks you too It’s very annoying, even if your sister doesn’t make friends, she doesn’t spend much time with you, even if…”

Although I don’t know if this comfort will make Yukoshita Yang feel better and want to open up a little bit, but if Sougo Tama is present and aware of her entanglement, then he will not be stingy with these rhetoric, he will even talk to this Meikong analyzes how cute his Yiwiduo is, and shares his happy time with Yiwiduo, and sighs:

“Woo~! Sure enough, it’s great to have more than one touch…”

Tuma Sougou is such a selfless dedication guy. Since the other party is in the rebellious period, let him share with the many beautiful bits, looking at the happiness of others, thinking about his own misfortune, sister control The snow under Yang Nai will surely feel more comforted-isn’t there such a perfect touch in this world?

Watching the happiness of others, keeping my own tears, in this way, the emotions are released, the emotions are released, the possibility of Blacken is greatly reduced, and the soil total enlightenment can be regarded as an indirect maintenance of world peace…

Congratulations, congrats…cough cough.

Skip these mentions, besides, Xue Xia Yang Nai just tried to attack, seemingly dazed, Zhen Bai tilted her head and said:

“Why do you feel relieved?”

Yukoshita Yono, who was interrupted halfway through the conversation: “…”


Although it was a tentative speech, it could also be regarded as a kind of social rhetoric. As a sister, she felt relieved that her poorly sociable sister had made friends. Is there a problem? At this time, even if you have no other ideas, you should say something polite, like this:

“Where, I was taken care of by Yukino, and I can become friends with her…”

What the hell is it to ask her why she is pleased? Is she not qualified to be Xue Na’s sister? Is it okay for my sister to make friends with her? Does that mean? That must be true, right?

However, Xuexiayangna really thought too much, really white really didn’t know!

Although Zhenbai was also squeezed out or isolated, it was not so much isolation, it was that the guys who were learning to paint with Zhenbai were beaten by her, and it was better to escape one after another. Even the courage to stand in front of her was better. No, can it be considered isolated?

What’s more, she, who is devoted to painting, didn’t realize this at all. In addition, she has always been with Rita by her side. There is no so-called coterie culture in Europe. It should be said that, except for this country and a handful of countries. Outside of the region, there is almost no place for coterie culture to survive…

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