Chapter 995

Feeling relieved to make friends? Probably only this country will have this kind of thinking-if this is in the high school of the Heavenly Dynasty…

Although family members will not object to socializing with others, they will never feel relieved. They may even think that the other party will not affect their children’s academic performance, right? The college entrance examination is coming soon! It is impossible to be relieved, and it is impossible to be relieved in this life!

This is the so-called cultural difference. Not to mention that the true white common sense is already close to nothing. Although it is much better than the first one, but even if she has common common sense, I am afraid it is difficult to understand this kind of culture. The difference.

But these Xuexiayangna didn’t know. She only saw Zhenbai use her innocent and naive person to pretend to be stupid, letting her temptation fail, but…

“Hey, little sister Zhenbai can really laugh, and to be honest, Xiaoxuno is…” Of course, a failure is harmless to Yukoshita Yangna, and she is going to get the rhythm first.

But only halfway through the conversation, Shiina really white said again, “Yukino is very handsome.”

Originally wanted to use it, but with this kind of argument, Xuexiayangna subconsciously followed the words and said, “Yes, although Yukino is very handsome…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Wait, what the hell is this? Is handsome used to describe girls? What should she do but go down?

Although Yukino is handsome, but not cute enough? How could she not be cute?

Although very handsome, but the character is very awkward? If it is cute, it can be said to be awkward, if it is handsome…how can you continue to talk about your personality if you are already handsome? The omnipotent expression of being handsome… Even if she says she has a awkward personality, the girl in front of her will reply with a very personal character, right?

Then again, can girls really be described as handsome? Even if it’s Yukino, I’m afraid…

At this moment, an unnatural blush flashed across Xuexia Xuenai’s small face, and her head twisted to the side.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Yukino is very useful! Compared with cuteness, does Yukino prefer to be handsome?

However, she hasn’t lost yet, she can still fight…

Xuexiayang is A went up, Zhenbai ignores, Xuexiayang continues to A, Zhenbai didn’t understand, Xuexiayang is wide open, Zhenbai is immune…

After a fierce “clash”.

Yukoshita Yono played GG.

Shiina Mashiro pressed it inexplicably:?

As the so-called loser eats dust, the defeated Xuexiayang Nai was driven out of the room by a touch of more. The reason was: “My sister will interrupt her studies here. I will talk about anything later…Bang!”

Finally, there is the sound of closing doors.

Yang Nai under the snow locked outside the door: “…”

Aggrieved, extremely suffocated, her lovely Wife Duo was taken away by others in front of her. Although the other party was a girl, she was also aggrieved. What’s more, she was also driven out by Wii Duo. Wrong!

The aggrieved Xue Xiayang went downstairs without love, and met Sougo Doma, who was also unlovable.

Tuma Zouwu was very regretful. If he couldn’t find the time machine, he would definitely travel back, slap himself in the face and woke himself up if he wanted to pretend to be sick!

Stop making trouble. Although it is good to take care of more than one touch, the more he is like this, the less he can explain to the other party that he was just pretending to be sick. To put it simply, he is guilty…

It was fine at first, but when I got to the living room.

“Ouni-chan, you have to take a good rest today, Xiaomai will prepare an ice pillow for you…”

Seeing how anxious his back was, Doma Sougou said: “…”

YES, although Xiao Bui said something in his mouth, he was afraid of trouble, but at a critical juncture, he would still be anxious. Sure enough, this is a benefit arranged for him by God. Otherwise, how can he explain that he sneezed so many times in a row? ? Huh, huh, this is the treatment that O’Neill should have, rather than being attacked by face-holding bugs all day long!

“Oni sauce, ice pillow…”

“Let it go…”

“Euny sauce, is there any discomfort there…”

“The head is a little heavy, and the shoulders and back are a little sore. If someone can help press it…”

“Is that so?” The lady buried herself in the massage.

“Uh, uh…” Summa Sougo was swelling.

“Euny sauce, what else do you have to do?”

“This movie doesn’t look good, let’s change it to another…” Sougo Doma grew more and more swollen.

“Yes, O’Neill, is there anything else you need?”

“Well, Xiaobui, fruit…” Sou Jian, who continued to swell.

This is life, this is what we should do, and this is life…Of course, the scraps are also good, but it is also pleasant to try this versatile type once in a while!

“Euny sauce, take your temperature.”

“Xiao Mai, Ernie Chan doesn’t want to move at all…”

“Onie-chan is just lying down, Xiao Mai will bring the thermometer over…”

“Yeah!” In the earth, the leisurely old man, Zou Wu nodded in satisfaction, there are more than one touch, so what can I expect…

and many more!

thermometer! ? If it is measured that he does not have a fever, then he just instructed the waste material to wipe out so much, that one, cough cough, Xiao Bui will definitely…

“Oni sauce, Xiao buried not only helped you prepare ice pillows, but also helped you massage, cut fruits, and change movie discs… If Oonni sauce is not sick and has a fever, hey, hey…”

That’s right, Xiao Mu must be like this!

hold on.

Who was talking just now? Sou Wu Tama looked up, and the eldest lady smiled brightly.

“Xiao Mai, what are you talking about? Didn’t you just say that Oni Chan’s forehead is very hot?”

“Eh? Xiao Mai just talked about it, what happened to Ernie Chan?” Miss Bai had a pun.

“It’s nothing…” Doma couldn’t swell anymore: “Xiaobui, if O’Neill’s body temperature is normal…”

“How is it possible? Isn’t Oni Chan’s head heavy and his whole body sore? This is all a symptom of fever, and. Xiao buried indeed felt that Oni Chan’s forehead was hot. Pretend to be sick and deliberately rub your forehead to heat it up, right?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Although it’s not that exaggerated, in reality, he couldn’t explain the fact that his forehead was hot. Anyway, was his forehead really hot at that time? Although this dumpling turned into a eldest lady, he did feel a little at a loss. After all, he was speculating about this waste with the most vicious thoughts at that time, but the other party…

It was normal for him to feel at a loss at the time. After all, he had misunderstood that this piece of waste material had been wiped out too much, but is his forehead really that hot?

If not, doesn’t it mean that he has already walked into the routine set up by this dumpling, if he hadn’t done anything, he would have instructed this piece of waste to be so, so, afterwards, huh, huh…

Now is not the time to think about these, the most important thing is to not be discovered:

“Xiao Mu, there was no time for Ernie Chan to rub her forehead…”

“But Xiao Jian is not a thermometer!” The eldest lady said with her head tilted.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What kind of explanation is this? Sure enough, this waste material is probably waiting for him here?


She is still too naive, thinking that a small thermometer can make him desperate. As a medical skill, she is close to being out of the ordinary, and her body control is far beyond that of ordinary people. It is not as simple as drinking water to raise the body temperature. of?

One minute later.

“Four, forty-three degrees!? Ernie Chan, you, are you okay?” Tuanzi looked at the thermometer in his hand in horror.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

By the way, as for how much it rises, it is not under consideration!

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