Chapter 993

“Eh? Xiao Qian clearly remembered that O’Neill had said…” The eldest lady looked a little depressed under the situation that Sougo Tama resolutely denied it, maybe it should be said that she was disappointed?

“It must be Xiaomai who remembered it wrong!” Sougo Morama said affirmatively.

“Think about it carefully…”

“You don’t need to think about this kind of thing at all! There is absolutely no…” Sougo Tama hurriedly stopped, why is this dumpling so obsessed with the green onions? No, she might not be obsessed with green onions, but…

“I remember!” When someone was blocking a certain dumpling while thinking about it, the undisturbed eldest lady suddenly said: “Euny sauce, Xiao buried remembered it. It’s the owner of the orangutan museum, Green Onion. It is the master of the orangutan museum that can cure colds…”

“Huh…” These words made Tuma Zouwu’s heart relieved. He chuckled softly: “Xiaobui, how can humans listen to the gorillas? Obviously…”

“Euny sauce, Xiao Wei didn’t say that it was the rhetoric of the owner of the orangutan pavilion…” The eldest lady hugged her hand.

“But didn’t you just say that the master of the orangutan museum…” Sougo Tama was startled.

“Eh, many, what Xiao Qian said is that the owner of the orangutan museum has personally experienced the curative effect of green onions on colds. Ernie sauce scared Xiaowei at the time. If he didn’t pay attention to catching cold, he would have to accept the same treatment as the owner of the orangutan museum. It’s like putting a green onion on the head…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

There is no need to remember the past so clearly!

“Xiao Bui, it’s only effective for gorillas!”

“But after taking the green onions, didn’t O’Neill chase the brother Earthman who had the same cold for dozens of laps?” The lady buried her head and tilted her head again.

“At that time, O’Neill just wanted to try to see if it had any effect on humans. Besides, it was not Mr. Mufang, it was Mr. Mufang…”

“Xiao Jian remembers that the earth was big, and the sir was fine afterwards. Does that prove to be very effective?”

“No, it’s all because the earthwork shed a lot of sweat after running too many laps…”

“Isn’t the owner of the orangutan pavilion all right?”

“Xiaobui, don’t compare gorillas with humans…” Tuma always felt ashamed.

“Ouni sauce, then why does the green onion cure colds have been spread among the people?” The eldest lady was very curious.

“It can be answered by the viciousness of human beings, that is, since I have suffered a crime, then drag others into the water. By the way, I am more curious about the experience of the first guy who inserted green onions into the Chrysanthemum area? ”

Missy buried: “…”

The angle was so strange that she was also curious.

On the other side, Matsuya, on the second floor, Shiina’s white room.

“What the hell is my sister thinking all day, and I don’t know how to say it…” After yelling out “Soul Enlightenment”, Xuexiaxue wanted to cover his face.

“Eh, a lot, after all, you are facing that bastard in the soil, besides, who told Xiaoxue to say those misunderstandings?”

“What are the words that made my sister misunderstand this?”

“It seems that I know everything…” Xuexiayangna bowed his head.

“…” Yukino’s mouth twitched. She thought that what her sister knew was the absurd things she did!

“Speaking of which, what Xue Nai thinks my sister knows?”

“I refuse to answer!” Xuexia Xueno looked away.

“Could it be that you really are the bastard in the dirt…” Xuexiayang was “horrified”.

“I can’t even think about it!”

“Then why can’t I tell my sister? By the way, Xiaoxuno also asked her why she wanted to be like that. It’s already so obvious when I reminded her. Didn’t Xiaoxuno not refute her future happiness?”

“…” Although it is not as exaggerated as my sister said, it is also a dark history. If it is mentioned, even she will want to hit the wall! No, it can’t be exposed. It seems that she blamed Mr. Hiratsuka. Mrs. Hiratsuka didn’t tell her sister at all, so she couldn’t say anything!

“My sister’s curiosity is too heavy. Since it is a misunderstanding, it can be regarded as a solution to the misunderstanding. Then you can go out?”

“Wait, wait, what is the misunderstanding solved? Xiaoxuno hasn’t said that you are here, cough cough, what do you do at home, if it’s for the account…” Speaking of this, Yukino Yang Nai paused: “Didn’t I say it? There is no such thing!”

“You know, I’ll help this Shiina classmate with tuition…”

“Xuno, it’s not Shiina’s classmate, it’s Zhenbai!” Before the second young lady finished speaking, Shiina Zhenbai, who was silently observing, took the stubbornly and emphasized.

“Little sister, really white, usually only people who have a good relationship will call each other names, Xue Nao…” HENTAI sister control, who has already let go of the big stone in her heart, begins to return to her nature. For Xue Xia Yangna, anyone who wants to get close to her The younger sister (whether male or female), she has to take a closer look…

For example, now, she is using the tone of educating children to test the truth, if the other party is angry because of it, she can use it to hit or play with the other party.

“Sister…” Obviously, the second lady was also aware of this, and she subconsciously stopped the other party from speaking.


“Is it okay to have a good relationship?” Obviously, Shiina’s words had already been heard by Shiina Yoshino.

“Yes, ordinary people can’t walk into Xiaoxuno’s…” Seeing Zhenbai began to think, Xuexiayang is even more eloquent.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Did sister start again?

However, Yukoshita’s temptation is about the same as an assist for Zhenbai. Before the lady could finish speaking, she tilted her head to look at the second lady and said, “Xuno, can’t Zhenbai call you that?”

“No, I didn’t say no…” In fact, Yukino Yukoshita was used to listening.

“That Xue Na also called me really white…”

“Really white?” In fact, the second lady has become so used to it unknowingly!

Shiina Mashiro also turned his head to Yukoshita Yono when he heard this, and said with a thumb, “No problem, Mashiro and Yukino are close friends!”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Ha, ha ha, should it be said that it is really white? But, my friend…

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Eh! ?

“Wait, wait, why are you close friends?” As a sister who is proficient in various routines, she is really white, and Xuexiayang has never seen it.

“I have already called each other’s names.” Shiina Shiro said affirmatively: “Sougo also said that friends will learn from each other. Therefore, after Xueno helps Zhenbai tuition, he will become friends. Although learning is troublesome, he can follow Yukino becomes a friend, so she can bear it…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Eh! ?

“Isn’t true white for the Baumkuchen?”

“Hmm…” Shiina Shiro nodded again: “There is also a Baumkuchen.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

So, what the hell is the Baumkuchen! ?

Xuexiaxue Nai is also helping the forehead. I really don’t know whether the Baumkuchen is important or friends are important in Zhen Bai’s heart, but…

“Really white, sorry, this time I helped you with tuition because I was asked by classmate Tuma…”

“Then Xue Nao doesn’t want to be friends with Zhenbai?”

“…” Xuexiaxue was speechless. After a while, she chuckled softly: “Well, it’s really white, how about coming to me for yourself next time?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It’s a young birthday, and her cute Yimdou was hooked up in front of her!

Wait, is there something wrong with this girl named Shiina Mashiro?

Why doesn’t she always follow the routine! ?

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