Chapter 944 Parallel lines intersect at infinity

Green pepper shredded pork, tiger skin green pepper, green pepper stew with beans…

As a member of a big food empire, Sougo Tama has no idea why people in this country hate green peppers. This doubt was not answered until he regained consciousness and tasted the local green pepper dishes for the first time. ——Probably because of cultivation and boiling with less oil, the green pepper dishes here can really make people realize what bitterness and spicyness mean life…

Therefore, Doma Sougo firmly refused to admit that it was the green pepper he knew well! Thinking of his own waste material that was tortured by that strange green pepper cooking throughout his childhood, he made a vow from the bottom of his heart that he must let that dumpling be redeemed by green peppers, and let that dumpling know that green peppers are not terrible. , Unfortunately, he failed…

Although the green pepper dishes that he cooked are not rejected, green pepper still loses tragically compared with other dishes-green pepper shredded pork and hamburger meat, the dumpling must be hamburger meat, green pepper sliced ​​meat and steak. The dumpling must be steak, tiger skin green pepper and sea bream sashimi, and the dumpling must be sashimi, green pepper…

In short, after experiencing countless failed competitions, Tuma Zou Wu has already given up his original decision. At most, he does it occasionally when he wants to eat. Every time at this time, the consumption of kuole and snacks buried in the dumplings will be more than usual. Double it, Can Nian!

However, there is an old saying in the celestial dynasty: “If you want to plant flowers but don’t bloom, unintentionally plant willows and willows…”, although Tujian Zouwu’s green pepper cooking failed on Tuanzi, but on her friend…

For example, now, Nanako, who claims to be green pepper phobia, has stared in her eyes: “Sri Kuniichi, buried sauce, you, how did you make it? Why can green peppers be so delicious…”

“Eh much…” Tuanzi smiled awkwardly: “In fact, it is not much different from ordinary methods. Maybe it is because the green peppers are cultivated in their own homes, so they look delicious…”

“Is it because I cultivated the green pepper?” Nanako’s curiosity on her face remained undiminished. She even complained: “After all, what kind of mutant green peppers are sold on the market now? If the green pepper tastes like this, then I I wouldn’t be afraid of eating green peppers before…”

“It’s not only the reason for the green pepper, but the cooking technique of burying the sauce is also the key…” Kato Megumi, who was sitting on the side, said suddenly.

“Yes, that’s right…” Nanako nodded desperately, “Mianjang is really good at cooking. The last time I went to her house, those biscuits and cakes were countless times more delicious than the ones sold in the store.”

“Biscuit? Cake?” Ai Takahashi, who was immersed in the food fantasy world, suddenly woke up. She first looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to herself. Then she stretched out her thumb and said, “Nanako, you know it well, buried sauce. The biscuits and cakes made are definitely the best in the world!”

“Ha, ha ha…” Tuanzi buried Qiang with a smile: “It’s not as good as you said…”

“Huh…” But when she was halfway through her words, Kato Kee sighed slightly.

“Hui Jiang, what’s the matter?” Tuanzi was puzzled.

“Kato, I understand your mood…” But before Megumi Kato could say anything, Takahashi, who was sitting next to her, patted her on the shoulder and said, “Compared with Buchanan, we should be ordinary girls. Woo, although people want to be the sister or younger sister of Mujiang more, so that they can eat the dishes made by Mujiang every day. I really envy Mujiang’s Oni sauce…”

“Really, it’s not as good as what you said…” Tuanzibu felt that he was so guilty that he could no longer hold his smile.

“It’s not…” Nanako, who hadn’t said anything for a long time, finally took the stubborn words: “Mianchan is so dazzling, and so gentle and active. If I can be the sister of Mianchan, then I am willing!”

“Yeah!” Kato Kee nodded when he heard the words: “Mianjiang is originally a kind of attractive and considerate type. If she can be a sister, she must be a perfect sister…”

“You are too exaggerated!” Tuanzi buried embarrassed ING.

Kato Megumi, Takahashi Ai, and Nanako glanced at each other when they heard the words, but they all smiled.

Kato Megumi: She knew that she was originally a humble ordinary girl. Although she had two or three friends, the time she spent in contact was gradually decreasing because she was not in the same class. She wanted to make new friends and what she wanted to change. But she didn’t have the courage to take that step. She thought that her high school life would probably go through the same as before, until…

On that day, she met an angel, who was the Tujian classmate who had just transferred. She was so beautiful in appearance and in her heart. She won the favor of most people in the class with her hearty personality as soon as she transferred. Charging, probably referring to people like Doma-san. At that time, Kato Megumi even thought, if she could become as dazzling as Doma-san…

It is a pity that she is just an ordinary girl, even with her humble attributes, it is impossible for her to do this. Ordinary she probably only needs to be able to pass high school safely. With this idea, Kato Megumi ushered in a change… …

The dazzling fellow Tujian took the initiative to greet her. The ordinary girl, dazzlingly buried, was originally like two parallel lines that never intersect, but because of the other party’s initiative, they intersect.

“What about Kawaii, Huijiang, how did you do it…” This is the starry eye of the other party when she presents her unconfident handmade work.

“Megumi, we went to the cafeteria together today, Xiao Mai is already tired of bento…” This was the request made by the other party when Megumi Kato forgot to bring it.

“Hui Jiang, let’s go home together…” This was the invitation she received when she forgot to bring an umbrella.

Probably no one in this world can refuse that active, cheerful and considerate, right? Even if she is unremarkable, she is always being watched by the other person, oh, maybe high school life is not as static as she thought.

Nanako: Talking to people is terrible, making friends is terrible, and going to school is terrible. Why are there so many terrible things in this world! Just drop out of school and stay at home, not going anywhere, but Kasan at home is so terrible!

With this kind of thought, she was arranged by the teacher to take a new classmate to visit the campus that day. Nanako-going to school is really terrible! Kassan, let her go home…

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Fear often makes people go wrong. She took the new transfer student to visit the campus, but she accidentally knocked to the ground and apologized desperately to others.

However, the more people feel that they are wronged, the more they feel that they are justified. The person who knocked her down yelled, “Are you walking without eyes?”

“Excuse me…” She still wanted to apologize.

Only halfway through, the freshman who was caught visiting the campus by her stood up and said to the person who knocked her down: “Apologize!”

“What apologize? This guy should apologize, even though she is already apologizing…” The man pointed to Nanako and said.

“Is it right…” Nanako wanted to cry, but she still couldn’t finish her words because the transfer student had already stopped her with her hand: “You can’t run in the corridor, is it the truth that kindergarten children understand? Are you sure you are a high school student? ?”

“Who is running in the corridor…”

“Ouni-chan once taught me that the heart of defensiveness is indispensable, so I have evidence of you running in the corridor…” The transfer student should say that Tuanzi buried his mobile phone and said: “Apologize, or we can find a coach Chief judge!”


“Apologize!” Tuanzi stepped forward and threatened.

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