Chapter 943

“By the way, because the other party ate the food that you hate, so I think the other party is very handsome. This kind of rhetoric is too much? Put aside Xuexia, don’t you also hate green peppers, Shiyu With carrots?” Sougo Doma couldn’t hold back after all.

“Eh? Me…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered, “Although it’s not annoying, but if you want me to be like Xuexia, I probably can’t do it now…”

“Watt?” Doma always felt puzzled.

“Actually…” In response, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly lowered her voice and said: “Xuexia She probably misunderstood. Although she said it was green peppers and carrots, it was also the dishes cooked by Zongwujun, she said. I enjoyed eating very much, even mistakenly thought that it was really for the sake of taking care of her, so I shared it with her by saying that I hate it…

So, she touched Zhen Bai’s hair, smiled at Zhen Bai, and said, “True White is very gentle”, but don’t tell Zhen Bai…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He probably understood that after Zhenbai used Xuexia as a food processor, the other party was not only not angry, but also praised her. This made Zhenbai understand what a manhood (fog) is, so Zhenbai would say Xuexia Very handsome.

But, isn’t this the credit of his cooking? Xuexia was basically a leaking behavior, replaced by him, uh, okay, Zhenbai also passed green peppers to him before. How did he do it at that time?

By the way, it was dinner time when Zhenbai had just moved into the house.

At the dining table, Yako Tamaki, who lives in the Tamazakiya, played the role of wife with all her heart, cough cough, and was a virtuous wife of Xiao Mui. She first sandwiched a piece of meat: “UMR, this piece of chicken is for you…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

Hehehe, although she doesn’t hate eating meat, it’s a bit scary.

Shiina, who watched this scene, nodded and learned: “Sougo, I will give you green peppers and carrots…”

“It’s really white, you don’t need to learn this kind of thing!” Sougo Tama said while returning the food he picked up.

Yes, that’s how he responded to Zhen Bai at the time. That’s why Zhen Bai was not learning from Yazi at the time, but because she hated green peppers and carrots? That’s it…

It’s just-who can guess this kind of thing! The atmosphere at the time was clearly the atmosphere of learning from Yazi to Xiaobu…

No, it’s not right!

Doma Sougo realized the point, Zhen Bai did not deliberately use that atmosphere to pass the food she hates to others, right? If this is the case, then this guy is really white… sure enough, it is black when cut! so:

“It’s really white, green peppers and carrots are very nutritious. You can’t give it to others next time! Considering that you don’t have enough nutrition today, why don’t we make lunch with the theme of green pepper and carrot tomorrow?” The smile was brilliant.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Appeared! Shake S total Wujun! !

Shiina’s white face finally has an expression:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“Zao Wu, human beings can survive as long as they have Baumkuchen, so there is no need to prepare side dishes for Zhenbai…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

See how scared the kid Zhenbai was, and he would talk about inexplicable truths…

I don’t know why, Tuma Sougo feels that this sentence seems to have been heard somewhere: “It’s really white, don’t be picky eaters…”

“Zou Wu, it’s not picky eaters. This is the truth that the master told Zhenbai,’Humans can live as long as they have snacks and Kuole. If it is really white, they only need Baumkuchen.’ Hmm…” Speaking of this, Shiina Zhenbai said affirmatively: “Master is right.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Also, it really has the style of burying sauce…

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How many perversions did that much waste material instill in Zhenbai! ?

at the same time.

Private Toyosaki, a freshman, lunch place for girls.

After Tuanzi opened the bento box, his face changed-the Bagua of Ouni sauce actually put green peppers in the bento again. Although Xiaomai can eat it, it is still unacceptable!

“Mianjiang is so mature, and green peppers have always been scary to others…” The female classmate who had lunch with Xiaomian looked at the lunch box and said with emotion.

“Not anymore…” Danzi Qianqiang smiled: “Because green peppers are rich in nutrients, I occasionally put some in the bento, Huijang, Aijang, Nanako, do you want to try it?”

The girl who had just spoken shook her head again and again: “No, no, they have a serious green pepper phobia…”

But before she finished speaking, the unremarkable girl sitting next to her stretched out her chopsticks and said, “In the bento buried in sauce, green peppers are probably special too.”

“Hui Jiang, Xiao Mai promises that this green pepper is very special, huh, huh, this is a green pepper that has undergone special treatment…” Someone wants to help him solve the green pepper, and Tuanzi sees a savior.

“Then I’ll taste a little bit too…” Another girl also said when she heard the words.

“Yes, love the sauce, please eat…” There are two saviors!

However, humans are creatures that don’t know that they are contented. Even if two people have rescued them, Tuanzimu still turned his attention to the girl who claimed to have a green pepper phobia, and said with bright eyes: “Where is Nanako? Don’t you want to challenge yourself?”

Nanako: “…”

Why did things turn out like this? If everyone eats green peppers and she doesn’t eat them, she will definitely be excluded from the circle…

This is a fearful idea.

“Hi, Mujiang, I, I know…”

She feared with a tragic mood, led by the surroundings, stretched out his chopsticks, and then:

“Kato, Takahashi, this, is this really green pepper?” The sober Nanako panicked with a look of horror: “Could it be that there is something wrong with my sense of taste? I, I actually think this green pepper is better than Kobe beef. eat!”

Megumi Kato, who was also in the hallucinations, blushed. At this time, she was very grateful for her inconspicuous attributes. Otherwise, she glanced at Ai Takahashi who was still lost, and the other person’s expression as if she was ascended to heaven made her bear it. I couldn’t help but shudder, and the bento buried in the sauce was as terrible as always! Even green peppers can make people addicted to it, who can stop it…

The dumpling that could be blocked was a sigh of relief and secretly said: “Huh, finally solved the terrible green pepper monster.”

“Mianchan, it’s over, my sense of taste is out of order…” Just when Xiaomian was satisfied with completing the task, Nanako, who had finally made friends because of her, suddenly came over and burst into tears.

Buried dumplings: “Huh?”

It’s just a bite of green pepper, no, no? No, green pepper is such a terrible monster! O’Neill sauce, Ba Ga!

“Nanako, calm down, it’s not your sense of taste…” Fortunately, there are still calm people, and a soft female voice seems to calm people’s hearts: “Look at Takahashi-san first…”

She feared Nanako quickly turned her head, she saw Takahashi-classmate who was still lost in the food fantasy: “I, I want more, give me…”

Nanako: “…”

Okay, so bold, Takahashi is so bold! ! !

“Ka, Kato, Taka, what happened to Takahashi?”

“Lost…” Kato Megumi whispered: “Lost in the delicacy of the cooking, Nanako, now you understand, it’s not your taste problem, but the green pepper dishes made with the sauce are too delicious… ”

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