Chapter 945

How much influence can the growth environment have on a person?

“I, I…” Tuanzibu just took a step, and the power she carried made the hitter sit on the ground: “I’m sorry! Hey, people don’t usually run in the corridor, because today is too much. I’m anxious, woooo, sorry…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

Why, why did you cry? Shouldn’t this guy be the villain? Now this situation makes her look like a villain!

Nanako: “…”

The new classmate is terrible! ! !


“Eh, much…” After looking at the hitter who had desperately escaped after apologizing, Tuanzi twitched the corners of his mouth before turning back with a smile, looking at the girl who took her to the campus and said: “That guy Didn’t it just say that she doesn’t usually run in the hallway?”

Nanako: “…”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!” She bowed again.

“Why are you apologizing!?” Tuanzibu couldn’t help but said.

“I don’t know, anyway, I’m very sorry!” Nanako bowed desperately with tears in her eyes. As long as she apologized fast enough, the punishment would not catch up to her?

“Don’t apologize if you don’t know, you haven’t done anything wrong…”

“Sorry, it was a mistake to live…” Nanako put her head in her hands.

It’s too negative! Tuanzi wanted to shout angrily, but when she rolled her eyes, she said: “That’s it, since you say that you are alive is wrong, should you listen to the right opinions?”

“Huh?” This is the first answer that Nanako has heard after she apologized desperately. After she was shocked, she whispered: “Then, how do you listen to the right opinions?”

“Of course it is to listen to the opinions of the right person. By the way, I don’t know what your name is?”

“Gen, Gen Nanako…”

“From then on, I’ll call you Nanako, I’m buried, buried in the soil, you can also directly ask me to buried the sauce…” Tuanzi is always so active.

“Student Tama…” Nanako lowered her head.

“It’s buried sauce!” Tuanzi buried forward, laughing dangerously.

“The soil…”

“Nanako…” Tuanzi unknowingly learned the nuclear benevolent face of Sougo Morama.


Danger! No, a big crisis! This is to put her face in Tokyo Bay, you can’t be wrong! This sense of danger, she would not be wrong…

“Sorry, soil, sorry, bury, bury the sauce…” With a strong desire to survive, Nanako took the first step bravely.

“Good…” Tuanzi touched the other’s head with satisfaction: “Nanako must be obedient, and listen to Xiaomu’s opinions more…”

“Huh?” Nanako was ashamed: “Tama…”

“Huh?” Tuanzi buried once again showing the same nuclear benevolent face of Zongwu.

“Buried, buried sauce…” Nanako quickly changed her words: “Don’t you want to say that you are the right person?”

“Bingo! Reward you for a small homemade candy…” Dumpling, a strategy expert, buried a candy: “While eating candy while visiting the new school, exploring the unknown with a sweet mood is also a novelty. Experience.”

“Um…” Nanako was shocked when she got the candy. The new transfer student seemed not as dangerous as she thought. While thinking about this, she put the candy in her mouth: “Hey, next is to visit the club… ”

“Too low!” Buried the ancestral devil in the earth.


“Don’t apologize to me at every turn!”




Buried dumplings: “…”

The process of transforming this guy is a long way to go, but it is really challenging to meet such an interesting guy just after transferring to another school!

Since that day, Nanako has experienced countless firsts, the first time to be tricked, the first time to fight, the first time to make a lot of noise, the first time to make more than two friends, and the first time to have lunch with friends. , It’s the first time to go home from school with a friend, it’s the first time I think it’s fun to go to school, and it’s the first time I look forward to tomorrow…

Nanako——Many people’s fears of the outside world come from thinking and thinking alone. When you are upset, if a right person breaks into your life forcefully, perhaps those fears and anxiety will transfer to the right person. In fact, she was still very afraid of soil…buying the sauce, but this kind of fear did not make her uneasy, but rather warm.

Ai Takahashi-the only normal person, an ordinary cute JK, yearning for love, but when Xiaomai transferred to school, the boys’ eyes were completely attracted by the dumplings, and she wanted to observe the enemy’s feelings aggrieved. , The attribute of helpless food is too serious…

After accidentally accepting the dumpling’s meal, he actively joined the small burial forces and was willing to work under his command. The goal of the stage has also changed from a love relationship to a lifelong goal-wanting to be buried for a lifetime. Currently working hard…

The above is probably the reason why the three of them laughed but did not speak. For them, if they can become a dumpling and buried a lot, it will probably be: Hey, hey, idiot laugh…

“Miyachan, no, SAMA, please agree to my lifelong request…” After a tacit smile, Ai Takahashi suddenly put her hands together.

“Love the sauce!” Tuanzi twitched at the corner of his eyes: “They say that Xiao Mu is not a sister…”

“Ah, why isn’t Mui Jiang not my Ou Nai sauce? Even green peppers can be made like this. If the Ou Nai sauce SAMA is changed to Ou Nai sauce, then Xiao Ai will become the happiest person in the world…” Takahashi Love always finds the opportunity to meet the needle.

The dumpling sneered: “Heh, hehe…”

Absolutely, absolutely can’t let this guy see Ernie Chan! Especially the Oni sauce in cooking…

“Hey…” After Ai Takahashi sighed, she regained her vitality: “Forget it, Sama, please promise me a lifetime request, teach me how to deal with green peppers to make them delicious!”

“Huh?” Tuanzi burst into cold sweat after hearing this, dangerous, dangerous! How could she know how to deal with green peppers, such cursed ingredients, wait, her current experience is not the curse from green peppers, right? Oni sauce, Ba Ga, why do even green peppers have to be so delicious? Xiao Mu is instinctively reluctant to eat it!

“Love the sauce, don’t be embarrassed to bury the sauce…” At this critical moment, Kato Megumi said, “Think about the shape of those green peppers just now. It takes a long time to practice the knife skills alone…”

“Kato, do you really need to practice for a long time?” Takahashi Ai turned her head.

“Yeah!” Kato Megumi nodded: “I often help prepare dishes at home. Didn’t Nanako just say that green peppers taste better than Kobe beef? It should be that high-quality meat is stuffed in the sauce. The special cooking method removes the bitterness of the green pepper, and retains the essence of its flavor…”

“Then, is it so troublesome?” Before he finished speaking, Ai Takahashi was already chattering.

Buried dumplings:’( ̄ˇ ̄)

Yes, I’m saved!

Kato, are you really the angel sent by God to save Xiaobui? but……

“Huijiang, are you interested in cooking?” asked with a guilty conscience.

“No…” Kato Megumi whispered: “Because Mujang is very research on cooking, I also tried to find relevant information and read it for a while…”

“That’s it…” Tuanzi buried his heart at ease and smiled: “Hui Jiang, if you don’t understand anything from the information, you can ask Xiao buried.” Although the actual operation is not good, she also carries the picture. Rina has been playing for so long, and some cooking theory dumplings are definitely a master. I really don’t know. She can still ask for help off the court, so there is no possibility of overturning!

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