Chapter 932

The Ministry of Service is not a society responsive to requests, but:

“The rich give aid to the poor…” Just halfway through Hiratsuka Shizuka’s words, Yukino Yukoshita took the words with a cold voice and said: “Hiratsuka-sensei, although I don’t want to say that, but you Think me compared to that guy, who is the rich? Who is the poor? If the poor are asked to help the rich, it’s simply…”

“Wait, wait, Xue Nao-chan, don’t underestimate yourself. Although your popularity is not as good as that guy, and your grades are not as good as that guy, you may be much worse than that in sports…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Hiratsuka-sensei, you actually came to provoke today, right?”

“No, that’s not right! The teacher wants to say that even if you are inferior in other aspects, in the teacher’s mind, you are still a student who is countless times better than that guy!” Xuexia Xuena, who looked at the word # on his forehead, appeared , Shizuka Hiratsuka quickly said.

“Teacher Hiratsuka, let’s not talk about how much water your evaluation occupies…” However, Yukoshita Yukino didn’t quite believe it.

“There is no moisture at all!” After Shizuka finished speaking in a categorical tone again, he pointed to the next to him and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can still ask him.”

Mr. Kirisu, who was pulled over to block the gun, said: “…”

“Huh…” Just before she could say anything, Yukoshita Yukino sighed lightly, and opened the library book in his hand again: “I will take this evaluation as a hobby of Mr. Hiratsuka. But I still can’t accept this commission. After all, the service club is not a compulsory organization to help others. Of course, if Hiratsuka-sensei can persuade the guy to do the commission…”

“Yuno-chan, you made a mistake about the subject of the commission. The client is not Sou Goku Tama, but Mr. Kirsu and I…” Hiratsuka Shizuka, who unknowingly learned the unscrupulous way, said.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

I always feel that after contacting that guy, everyone around me started to become cunning!

ten minutes later.

After a series of transactions were concluded, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was contented, pulled Kirisu out of the classroom.

“Senior Hiratsuka, is it really okay to throw Tuma-san back to the classroom to Yukinoshita?” Kirisu said with some worry on the way back to the office.

“It’s safe, it’s safe, Xuena is someone who will accomplish it seriously as long as he recognizes the goal!” Hiratsuka said with a grin.

“No, no, doesn’t it have nothing to do with seriousness? With Tuma’s personality, even if Yukinoshita’s serious attitude…” Kirisu reminded.

But before she could finish her words, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly stopped: “Jin Dong-chan, you know that Tama Sougou, ahem, do you really know Tama-san?”

“In terms of character…” Kirsu Masuyo recalled: “What about the problem student among the problem students.”

“Well, because that guy is a real genius…” Hiratsuka nodded.

“Indeed, the guy who usually doesn’t even take classes very much turned out to be the first place in the entrance exam, a veritable genius, but…” Kirito couldn’t refute it.

“No…” But when she was halfway through her words, Hiratsuka Jing shook her head.

“No!? Could it be that the number one in the entrance exam is false?” Kirisu couldn’t help it.

“That’s not what I meant!” Seeing the other person’s face panicked, Hiratsuka hurriedly said: “What I said is wrong, it means that the prestigious school entrance exam results are actually just the tip of the iceberg revealed by the other party, the real genius of that guy. In terms of his learning ability, according to the reliable information I have received, the skills that others can learn in several years, in his hands, may only take a few days or even a few hours…”

“Senior Hiratsuka, this statement is a bit too exaggerated, isn’t it?” Mr. Kirisu was a little skeptical.

“Jin Dong-chan, we must admit that there are indeed geniuses in this world. In fact, Koyuki has demonstrated this ability before seeing the earth. No matter what kind of exercise, she can become The leader of this sport, but because of this, she has no interest in sports, which leads to serious lack of physical strength…

However, Doma’s talent is even more terrifying than Yukino. He can get started in a short period of time, no matter what abilities, as long as he touches him, and he can catch up with the so-called master level, piano, violin, baseball, football, martial arts, all you He can master all the skills he can think of in the shortest time. In other words, he is cursed by knowledge! Hiratsuka said with an index finger pointing upwards.

“Senior Hiratsuka, this shouldn’t be called being cursed by knowledge, but called being blessed by knowledge?” Kirisu Masuu replied.

“It’s a curse! Zhendong-chan, in fact, you just need to think about Koyuki’s severe physical weakness because of his outstanding athletic talent, and you will understand why it is a curse…” Hiratsuka quietly said.

“Does it mean the sense of emptiness? And the fading of interest?” Kirisu Masuu asked.

“That’s right…” Hiratsuka nodded: “You can do your best if you just learn, no motivation, no pursuit…”

“Hiss~!” Hearing this, Kirisu Shinto shivered suddenly: “Indeed, this is no different from being cursed. It’s no wonder that Tama-san often skips class, but Hiratsuka-senpai is really serious and responsible. Educators, they have only been here for a few weeks, and they know Tuma so well, unlike me…”

“Ha, ha ha…” Shizuka sneered awkwardly when he heard the words, “Zhen Dongjiang doesn’t need to belittle himself, after all, I have a fairly reliable source of information…”

“That’s it, but I still don’t understand why I threw Tuma-san to Yukinoshita, is it because they both have similar experiences?” Kirisu Masuu asked if he didn’t understand.

“No, because the person who told me the information also told me that the kid seems to be able to deal with everything, but in fact he can’t deal with seriousness, especially the guy who is serious. Xue Nao is just this type… ”

the other side.

“Xiaobui, didn’t you say that the king who came out of the duel by luck can’t sit for long? Then why do we have to use a tycoon to decide who the king is!?” Don’t know that he has been sold by others. Asked loudly while holding the handle.

“Hmph, hum, Ernie Chan, what do you think of Monopoly? Do you think Monopoly is a game of luck?” Tuanzi hummed coldly.

“Isn’t it?” Tuma always Wu Cannian face.

“Too naive, Monopoly is a game of life that emphasizes the combination of luck and technology. However, the winner can only enjoy the experience of becoming a winner in life during the game. Once the game is over, the player will become extremely empty. At this time, if the player is allowed to become the king after victory, then the experience of the game will be doubled…” Tuanzi, home play master, buried.

“It turns out that if Monopoly and King’s game are played together, players will not only enjoy the sense of accomplishment of becoming a winner in life in the game, but also enjoy the treatment of a winner in life in reality…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Followed by the analysis.

“Life is a winner!” Shiina, who was unidentified, nodded.

Sougo Tama glanced at the three people who were far ahead on the screen. He looked at himself, who was about to go bankrupt before he left the house: “…”

Having said so much, isn’t this also a face-seeking game! ?

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