Chapter 931: A Peaceful Day…

Private Toyonosaki, Student Union Office.

“President Yimei, is she okay?” After a rush of treatment, someone among the girls waiting for the news asked.

“The blood has stopped, but [Oolong Tea Research Society] really is a terrible society. For the sake of the president’s health, this society must be banned, otherwise, she will definitely die because of excessive blood loss…” The red-haired girl with glasses pushed her glasses and said.

“Hey many, Senior Enamel, you are also starting to have a nosebleed…” But before she finished speaking, someone whispered to remind her.

“This was just hit by President Yimei, it’s all right after a while…” The red-haired glasses girl Ebina shook her hand.

“But your nosebleeds are bleeding more and more. Why don’t you go to the infirmary with President Yimei…” someone said again.

“Don’t compare me with the guy from President Yimei, do you think that I am like her, because I fantasize about the male and female plots that are not available, so that I can stimulate nosebleeds? Although there is indeed a cousin who likes BL Sister, there are BL fanatics like Yimei, but I am definitely not…” Ebina said loudly, holding his nose.

Members of the Student Union: “Yes, but your blood, senior…”

There are two seniors in the student union, and one of them is still the chairman.

“What’s the point of bleeding? As a girl, the blood shed every month has far exceeded this. Now our main topic is to discuss how to ban [Oolong Tea Research Institute]…” Enamed clenched his fists. , Excited.

“Stop, stop!” Someone would interrupt the bloody words. Just when I got excited, the student council president’s weak voice came from the door of the conference room: “Eilao Ming, you, do you want to ruin our paradise? ”

While the mouths of all the student union members twitched, they also became silent.

Us~! This plural is really subtle…

“Yimei, be sober, it’s not a paradise at all, it’s just a group of brothers gathered together, the real BL is that the two agree with each other from the bottom of their hearts…”

“Ebina, don’t say it, don’t spoil my yearning for heaven!” This was the shout of the student council president.

“Yimei, don’t be fooled by foreign objects. It is a blasphemy against BL that your brothers are gathered together. What’s more, the initiator is the principal Yamamoto and the drunkard Matsuki. Can you imagine the scene of them being together?” The killer.

Members of the Student Union: “…”

Okay, so ruthless. Imagine the scene of the headmaster Yamamoto in the Mediterranean and Ms. Matsuki with a big belly. This is definitely a lore for BL fanatics!

Just as they thought, as soon as Eilao finished speaking, the student council president instantly turned white: “…”

After Mystery was silent for dozens of seconds.

“Ebina, you are right, [Oolong Tea Research Society] must be banned!” The student council president with a nosebleed said: “Now, waiting for Vice President Okada to send the information back, we are considering how to deal with each other…”

As soon as she said this, a student council member raised her hand and said, “Oh~ President, when you just got a nosebleed, Vice President Okada has already sent news…”

“What!?” The president of the student council and Senior Ebina stood up instantly upon hearing this, “Why didn’t you say this earlier?”

“Because the information sent by Vice President Okada was a little incomplete, I thought he would send it again, but in the end, it didn’t…” the student union member who raised his hand to answer replied.

“Incomplete information? What information has Okada sent over?” The student president asked in confusion.

“There is only the word’quick’, I don’t know if Vice President Okada made a mistake…” The girl turned out the short channel with her mobile phone.

“Quick? Why does Okada come back with the word “Quick”?” Senior Ebina thought, pinching his chin.

“…” The president of the student council also squinted and took another sip of tea. After putting down the teacup, she roared, “That fellow Okada is fucking!”

“President, it is because of this that Junko and I presume that Vice President Okada accidentally pressed the wrong message, so he didn’t immediately notify Senior Ebina and the president who suffered a work-related injury…” The girl with the cell phone reports.

Work, work injury! ? The one on the side will remember that Junko looked at the phone girl admiringly, the other party’s ability to refer to a deer as a horse is actually extremely powerful!

“No, that’s not right…” Before he could finish his admiration, the squinting student president suddenly said: “Okada is not a person who can do such useless jobs, but that guy responds to “I know” such spam messages. He has repeatedly confirmed his character countless times, so the “fast” he sent must be very meaningful…”

But just as the president of the student council was desperately analyzing, a short text message rang: “Dididi…”

“Um, Vice President Okada has sent another message…” The girl holding the phone clicked on the text message and read: “Come on, be happy, come on, have fun, have a lot of youth and youth, societies Happy activities…”

Student council member AND student council president: “…”

After another mysterious silence.

“Is that guy Okada messing up!?”

at this time.

At the secret meeting point of the Oolong Tea Research Society, Vice President Okada is surrounded by a group of nuclear students: “Okada, this is the tea ceremony that Shirashima, the second leader, thought of after our first leader resigned. Trust me. With this cup of oolong tea, your life will change because of it!”

“Ha, ha ha, life-changing oolong tea…” Okada’s vice president, who is already stubborn, smiled: “I, how do I feel this cup of tea is burning…”

“Okada, you can actually see the flames from the water. Actually, this is the passion for youth in your heart! Oolong tea has completely aroused your passion for youth. Come on, drink this glass of whiskey… …Ahem, flame oolong tea, be happy in your youthful days! Say, are you happy now?”

“I’m very happy!! Hiccup…”

Looking at Okada venting his drinking spirit, the members of the Oolong Tea Research Institute-the number of victims has increased again. As long as the number of perverts exceeds that of ordinary people, they are not perverts! With this kind of consciousness, they will surely be able to continue this kind of human-to-human phenomenon…

This is the day when Tama Sougou is not in school, and the private Toyonosaki is still as peaceful as ever.


“Mr. Hiratsuka, Mr. Kirisu, just ask, this kind of fever reached 42 degrees, so that three people took turns taking care of it, causing the other people to also get infected and have a fever. However, thanks to the virus transfer, the temperature was lowered. How did you admit the reason that the body temperature of all four people became 38 degrees, and they were all unable to come to school in the end?”

In a rather hidden classroom, Xuexia Xuena resisted the urge to complain, and asked the two female teachers scratching her head coldly, “And, since you have already admitted, why should I persuade each other? , Let him find a reason next time, please be reasonable…”

“No one admits it! The bastard made the phone call and hung up after talking to himself…” Kirisu retorted.

“Isn’t it okay when they are absent from class?” Xuexia Xuenao closed the library in his hand.

“That guy can be regarded as one of the school’s signatures for the time being. After all, the first place in the entrance exam, although the score does not mean everything, but…” Hiratsuka Jing said with a smile.

“…” Hearing this, Yukino Yukino squeezed the library book in his hand. Before transferring to another school, hers had always been the first one! Now, she hasn’t even become the second child of Wannian: “Even so, I have no reason to help you preach to that guy, or even change the other person or something?”

“Xuno-chan, the ministry can be re-established here, and Zhendong-chan and I have done a great job! Helping others is your purpose? Then, help the guy who takes time off and truant back to campus…” After that, Shizuka Hiratsuka had already stepped forward and held her shoulders.

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