Chapter 933

Doma Sougou never believed that he would be a non-chief. Even though the other three characters on the screen are close to the end, they have countless assets, and are about to win the achievement of a winner in life. He still believes that he can come back with his own style of the European Emperor. Wrong, there is nothing in front of the emperor that cannot be turned over!

ten minutes later.

“Miyao was the first player to achieve the achievement of being a winner in life. In other words, Miyao was crowned king…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put down the handle and said.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, not everything in this world can be turned around with a passion. Even if he is of European emperor blood, there will inevitably be a miss. However, after he has won the game, he celebrates with each other. Three people, oh, forget it! If you can’t turn it, you can’t turn it…

The next day, the soil house.

“Euny-chan, obviously if we drive to school, Xiao Mu can still sleep for at least half an hour,” said Tuan Mu, who had been in bed for a long time before getting up.

“Xiaobui, can you think about the age of O’Neill?” Sougo Tama twitched his mouth.

“Does Zongwu Jun still care about the influence?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched out and said, “Obviously, I have already driven the car to the top of the building…”

“As long as I don’t get caught, then the driver is not me!” Sougo Tama’s tone was quite righteous.

“Really an excellent criminal speech…”

At this time, Tama Sougo still did not realize that he had been sold by someone. When he went back to school, he saw the customs of Toyonosaki as usual. First, a boy named Okada was chasing his youth on campus wearing underwear. The other students are not surprised at this. There are no people taking pictures with their mobile phones. Sure enough, human beings are very adaptable…

When he arrived in the class, the boys were still chasing the wind of Showa. They were really a group of admirable guys. Thinking that way, he put on the blindfold and started his high school dream life as usual.

No one came to destroy such a leisurely time until the lunch break. However, they came to the rooftop to eat lunch as usual, but they met an uninvited guest: “Tama Sougo…”

Before Tuma Zongwu could speak, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu next to him took the lead and said, “Is Xuenu classmate lonely? If I remember correctly, this place has always been where I and Zongwujun can enjoy lunch… ”

“Let’s not discuss whether a place like a school can divide the site. The reason why I came here today is only entrusted by others…” Xuexiaxue Nai retorted.

“Entrusted by others?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu puzzled: “You can still make friends in school with your personality?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

There is a feeling of being offended.

“Then, it depends on how to define the relationship between friends…” Xuexia, who felt a stab in his heart, turned his face and said, “Sorry girl, don’t talk about me, you guys are not just following the soil. This guy…”

“Sorry, besides Sougo-kun, I still have people in school who can be called friends. By the way, besides my house and school, there are as many as six numbers in my address book. !And you?”

“Six, six numbers?” Xuexia Xuenao’s face changed: “You, you, a fierce woman like you, can exchange contact information with so many people. Sure enough, people nowadays are too shallow…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I don’t know why, but the two people on the bar here are so sad.

“Who makes a certain snow girl keep her face cold all day, just like other people owe her a hundred million…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with disdain.

“Excuse me, why should I greet strangers with a smile?” Xuexia Xuena asked rhetorically.

I don’t know why, as long as these two guys who are both black, long and straight meet, there will always be an atmosphere of needle-pointing to the wheat. But when Xuexia asked this rhetorical question, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu held his chin and started thinking. :

“That seems right, since it’s a stranger, it doesn’t seem to matter whether you give a smile or not…”

“Yes, if you become a friend and you have to cater to others, then what kind of friend is this?” Yukino Yukoshita added.


“Wait, why did you two guys who don’t have much friends exchanged friendship theory here? And smiling faces are not necessarily to cater to others…” Doma, the smiley master, Sogo retorted.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

After the two looked at each other again, and turned their heads at the same time, they just had a feeling that each other was a confidant, it must be an illusion!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What do these two guys do? Forget it, first ask what she wants to do:

“Student Xuexia, even if you are entrusted by others, can you tell me who entrusted you? What’s the matter?”

“Teacher Hiratsuka…” Yukino Yukoshita didn’t know how to conceal it.

“Wait, Mr. Hiratsuka can’t directly inform Zongwu-kun if there is anything. It’s still her class this morning. She will also be a flash after class, and now you are asking the snow girl to come to Zongwu-kun…” Xiazhi Qiu Shiyu found a blind spot.

“This…” Xuexiaxue hesitated.

“Ah, I probably know why…” Sougo Tama thought thoughtfully: “I just gave her a big gift recently. If something is particularly troublesome, she will definitely avoid me. ”

Xuexia Xuena: “?_?”

No, no, Hiratsuka-sensei accepted this guy’s gift, isn’t it accepting bribes from students? No, no, what Hiratsuka-Sensei said didn’t seem like he would accept bribes.

“Sougo-kun, when did you give the gift to Hiratsuka-sensei, why didn’t you mention it?” Kasumigaoka Shiwa also looked dazed: “And, did Hiratsuka-teacher accept the gift?”

“Of course, it’s a gift worth dozens of trillions, otherwise you think it would be so good for us to ask for leave?” Sougo Tsuchima said with a light smile.

“Don’t run the train with your mouth full. It’s your fever of 42 degrees. It was taken care of by the passing Kasumigaoka Otsuki, and then infected to her. Then, it was taken care of by the Zhenbai classmates who rushed over, and it was transmitted to her. Finally , Even one of you was infected by a cold, which made the temperature average 38 degrees per capita. The reason for asking for leave…” Xuexiaxue Nai suddenly pointed to the earth.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Mr. Zong Wu turned out to ask for leave with this kind of reason, very good, very powerful!

“First of all, this is not a reason, but a fact. Secondly, don’t both Hiratsuka-teacher and Kirsu-teacher approve it?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“The two teachers have to approve…” Xuexiaxuenai said coldly: “Being the first one with grades was absent from class without reason…”

“Student Xuexia, are you a member of the discipline committee?” Before the other party could finish speaking, Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“Just took over!” However, Xuexiaxuno had revealed the word Fengji as expected.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Zong Wu, what is a commissioner of discipline?” Zhen Bai said with a puzzled face on the side.

“A creature that reads as a student leader, but actually writes as a teacher’s eagle claw…” Sougo Tama explained with his index finger pointing upwards.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

I don’t know why, Doma Sougo feels that after he finishes explaining, the other person’s body becomes colder.

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