Chapter 910

“Xiao Bui, you remember, the reward is the reward, and the work is the work. Even if O’Neill can’t share the income now, the work promised must also be completed. As a gourmet honorary consultant, I will try the dishes in the store and It is right to evaluate it…” Tujian, responsible and conscientious.

“Okay, it’s rare, O’Neill can say such responsible remarks…”

“So, what is my image in your heart…”

“Salted fish, now I have to add enough…” Tuanzi replied earnestly after thinking about it for a while.

“Stop! If you don’t want to be spoiled by me when you watch the comics, you better stop talking!” Tsuchima Sougo’s mouth twitched.

“Ouni-chan, spoiler you can do this kind of thing?” Tuanzi couldn’t believe it.

“Want to try?” Sougo Tama eagerly asked.


“Then you are a touch of the devil, witch…”

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who are quarreling like children, Shiina Mashiro and Kasumigaoka Shiwa look at me, I look at you, and suddenly laughed. They are really naive brothers and sisters, but their relationship is really good!

Is it a family restaurant? Actually it’s pretty good…

at the same time.

At Waguna Liya restaurant, everyone has already begun to wait for it.

“Ebo, after that adult arrives, you hide in the back kitchen and don’t come out. If your old problem is committed, it is likely to kill people…” Hiyachidai ordered.

“Haha…” The migrant duo laughed awkwardly at the same time.

Classmates Xiaoniaoyou have already thought about it, if the adult in their mouths is killed by Ebo, then things will be interesting…

Ebo is also very ashamed. As a service worker, he has male phobia, and when a man is close, he will involuntarily do it. If it hurts…

“Maybe the moment you do it, that adult will bloodbath our entire store!!!”

“Huh?” The migrant worker group was stunned at the same time. After a while, they were astonished and said: “What the hell is the bloodbathing the whole store? Too, too exaggerated?”

But they looked at the old staff with solemn expressions. Obviously, they didn’t lie. So, what the hell is the coming big man!

“It’s the same with Yamada. If your recklessness annoys the adult, you might be left outside the restaurant for three days and three nights…” Hiyachiyo continued.

The little girl who claimed to be Yamada: “No, no, Yamada is so cute, and big people will definitely not care about Yamada…”

“And Manager Otoo, do you think of a new name now?” Huyachiyo ignored the other party’s self-proclaimed cuteness, instead turning his head to look at Uncle Otoo.

“By the way, why even the name has to be changed!” The worker Xiaoniaoyou couldn’t help but vomit.

“Because the adult said when he left, the pronunciation of the sound tail is very similar to that of Odosan, and it will be confused if you accidentally, Xiaoniaoyou, do you understand…” Hiyachiyo explained.

Uncle Otoo: “My Otoo family has been handed down for so long, how can it be cut off today? What do you think of the surname Yamada? Hexa Dai’s speech sounds pretty cute, right…”

“Uncle finally decided to take flax as an adopted daughter? Even the last name was changed…” Before the others spoke, the little girl who claimed to be Yamada cheered.

“Oono, calm down, you are so scared that Yamada will be the mother on the spot, and that adult is actually not that scary…” The store manager Kyoko who bit the glass slag soothed.

“Kyozi, you can’t eat glass even when you’re hungry!” Humiyachiyo hurriedly prevented the opponent from swallowing.

“This is not glass, it’s Buffy who looks like glass!” The store manager Kyoko who spit out the glass dross replied.

Working three: “…”

I always feel that there is a big man beyond imagination! ! !

“Ka…” The “ordinary” waiter who was still entertaining guests in the store suddenly walked into the back kitchen and asked: “Manager, I just heard some conversations outside, can I ask for leave now?”

“Matsumoto, do you want to leave us at this time?” everyone shouted.

“Well, as an ordinary person, I really don’t want to get involved with such a big man…” Matsumoto said.

“No, only not today. If you leave, who will do the reception work!” Kyoko was uncharacteristically.

“If Ewa can’t do it, isn’t there a birdie tour and Tanjima? Yachiyo foreman…”

“No, I can’t do it, I see that adult’s feet are soft…” Before he finished speaking, Hou Yachiyo had already begun to shake his head.

“So kind of island…” Matsumoto continued.

“No!” This time it was Xiaoniaoyou classmate who spoke: “I heard you say so terrifying, how can you let Senior receive such kind of people, in case, in case the other party sees Senior cute…”

“On this point, Little Bird Tour…” Humyachiyo shook his head and said, “Although that adult is terrifying, not everyone is as perverted as you!”

“Anyway, it’s no good! I can be responsible for receiving it!” As a pervert, Xiaoniaoyou is fearless!

“Very well, the receptionist has been selected!” Store Manager Apricot said decisively.

All the staff began to applaud, and Xiaoniaoyou crashed for a moment-can there be a little trust between people after all, this group of people actually counted him!

“Then next is…” The topic opened again.

At this moment, Manager Kyoko’s cell phone rang again.

“Yes, yes, are you already in the store? Reserve a place? Look at what you said. It is our honor for adults to come. We have not received guests from the very beginning, and serve adults wholeheartedly. No need, No, this is what we should do…”

“Guru~!” Hearing this conversation, everyone in the shop swallowed their saliva. The adult is really coming!

The student Xiaoniaou who was in charge of the reception-so, who is that adult?

five minutes later.

Staff members stood at the entrance of Waguna Liya restaurant, and they all looked at the street corner nervously, the figure of the adult looked very tall in the sun…

When he approached, he heard it.

“Euny sauce, idiot, idiot, obviously he said that Xiaomei is with Shiyu…” Tuanzi argued.

“That was a sneak attack, okay, and I didn’t even know that you would treat me like that. By the way, I forgot to say that, Xiao Bu, you actually did that to the respected Ernie Chan, you Wouldn’t it hurt your heart…” Doma Sougo was also retorting.

“Ouni sauce, you should be honored. This is a killer to Ouni sauce jointly developed by Xiaowei and Shiyu…” Tuanzi said triumphantly.

“This is no longer in the scope of the nirvana, right? And Shiyu, why do you mess around with Xiao Bui!” Tuma Zouwu held his head.

“Because it is very interesting, Master Wu…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

“Zou Gou, Zhen Bai will have to next time…” Shiina Zhen Bai pondered for a while, and said as he pulled La Tuma’s clothes.

“…” Toma Zou Wu was silent for a while after hearing this, always feeling really white staying with these two guys, it would be crooked!

Seeing this group of squabbles, the old staff of Waguna Liya restaurant became solemn collectively: “That adult, here it is!”

How many people are working: “Huh?”

Wait, what about the big shot? Isn’t there just a group of high school students ahead? What the hell is it?

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