Chapter 911 Some memories are always hard to forget

Reality is often more exaggerated than novels. When Xiao Niaoyou saw the boys from high school students approaching them, he greeted the store manager Kyoko: “Oh Kyoko, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why are you standing outside?”

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

This can’t be the adult, right? They look almost big! Maybe he is a little older in age. How could he be the adult in the store manager’s mouth? Impossible, impossible, this is probably someone from the store manager’s acquaintance…

Before he finished speculating, he heard store manager Kyoko stammering: “Sir, come to our store and go out to meet you. It’s right, big, sir…”

Really! Classmate Xiaoniaoyou was stunned, and the boy with a gentle smile in front of him, even some handsome boy, refused the annual salary of 20 million yen, the adults who frightened the store manager and trembling! Obviously he looks as old as him, he is still working, but this guy is already…

No comparison, no comparison, no harm without comparison!

“Um, Kyoko, I shouldn’t be that scary…” Seeing the stuttering store manager, Sougo Doma smiled.

“Yes, my lord is not scary at all!” But before he could finish his words, Store Manager Kyoko was already standing upright.

Everyone in the Waguna Liya restaurant said in their hearts: “Manager, the reaction has already betrayed you!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and others also stepped forward: “Zongwu-kun (Oni sauce), what’s the matter? Why are everyone standing outside the door?”

Seeing the three girls, Xiao Niaoyou was also relieved in his heart, and secretly said-that’s great, it’s not a young girl who brought him, he has no feelings about this kind of seniority, so don’t worry about being gaffe!

“They are probably a little nervous…” To cover up the frivolous youth and frivolousness at the beginning, Tuma Zouwu said perfunctorily, and at the same time gestured to these guys with his eyes: “Don’t get me moths!”

The few people who received the gaze gesture also stood upright in an instant: “Yes, we know!”

Seeing several people standing like government officials, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu twitched her eyes: “Zongwu Jun, is this shop really okay?”

“…” Toma Zougou was also silent for a few seconds. His silence made the people standing upright even more frightened, and finally got to him and said: “I think it should be okay, after all. I also helped make changes to the menu…”

“No, no, no, I’m not talking about the menu, it’s these people, how can they look like a great enemy…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu vomited.

It’s over, it’s over! I left a bad impression just at the beginning, how can he receive him in a while! Xiaoniaoyou was shocked when he heard this.

This can’t be blamed on them, it’s entirely an instinctive reaction of the body! Everyone in the Waguna Liya restaurant also shouted in their hearts.

“It’s not like facing a big enemy, they probably want to give the guests enough attention…” Tuma Sougou is good at Yuanchang.

shock! That demon would find a reason for them. Could it be that the end of the world is really coming? Waguna Liya thought so.

“Sougo, is that the katana?” Shiina Mashiro also found Huadian.

Everyone in the Waguna Liya restaurant heard the words and looked at the Yachiyo. Why did they bring the knife out? Did they forget the first time they met…


A figure quickly flashed past Yachiyo, and drew out the samurai sword on his back.

Everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant nodded, yes, yes, just like now, the samurai sword changed hands in an instant!

Hey, it has changed hands again!

“It’s really white, this is not a samurai sword, it’s a model toy, you see, as long as you break it lightly, this knife will shatter, and now someone will carry the samurai sword on his back, don’t learn it.” Draw the samurai. The soil of the knife was gently broken, and then kneaded, the whole knife was rolled into a ball.

Everyone, evil, demon in Vagunaria restaurant! The strength of this demon has become stronger again!

Boom Yachiyo-her sword is gone again! ! !

Student Xiaoniao, if he remembers correctly, Miss Boom’s samurai sword is a sharp, and extremely reliable real sword! How exactly did this guy in front of him crumple a knife into a ball? Can humans really do that? In terms of the strength of this guy, the store manager just said that the other party might wash the whole store in blood!

“Euny sauce, even if it’s a model toy, it’s someone else’s thing. If you make such a delicate model, you will ruin it like this…” Tuanzibu also found the point.

“…” Sougo Tama was startled by the words, for whom did he do this! : “I will compensate later…”

“No, no, it just happens that I’m tired of this model, I’m tired of it. I thought about throwing it away after two days. If it breaks now, I don’t have to wait for two days. Ha, ha, big, everyone, please go to the store Right…” Boom Yachiyo hurriedly said, only to lose a knife. Compared with the beginning, it is much better!

While thinking about this, she turned around in tears and led everyone into the shop.

“Zong Wujun, have you done anything? I feel that the people in this store seem to be afraid of you…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu whispered while walking.

“Euny sauce, Xiao Mai also feels this way, are you hiding something from Xiao Mai!” Tuan Zi buried aside and said in agreement.

“How is it possible that Ernie Chan looks like that kind of person? That’s because they respect me too much, but they can’t express this kind of respect. If you are a more mature guy, there will be, the sound, the sound, the sound That’s what…” Tujian, approachable, always comprehend the truth.

But he just finished shouting, and the sound tail walking in front knelt instantly: “My lord, I’ll change my name right away, let me go, please let me go…”

Tuma Zouwu was silent for a while before turning his head and saying: “…”

“This is actually an uncle’s joke, do you believe it? Such innocuous jokes are usually made between social animals…”

“Who would believe it!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said at the same time with Tuanzi.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What a mistake! I thought it was so long, these guys shouldn’t be afraid of him anymore, I didn’t expect…

“Zong Wujun (Ouni sauce), what did you do! Unexpectedly…” Tuanzi buried and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said in the same voice again.

“Okay, okay, let me say it’s okay, it’s not me, it’s the earthworker, it’s Mr. Earthworker!”

“Earthwork?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was puzzled.

“Brother Tufang? What did he do?” The same goes for Tuanzi.

Xiaoniaou also pricked his ears, and things seemed to be different from what he thought.

“Xiao Bui, it’s not Mr. Mufang, it’s Mr. Mufang! At that time, I was not having an abnormal halberd meal with Erina, and the question I drew was how to bring Vaguna Lia interlocking restaurant back to life. As a result, when I When I came to work as a consultant, Kyoko seemed a little impatient because of my age, ha ha ha…”

The shopkeeper named Kyoko froze in an instant. If she knew the temper of the guy in front of her, she would never show any impatience, let alone…

“Don’t look at Kyoko now, she used to have a very hot temper!” Sougo Tama stretched out his index finger and said.

Everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant-no, no, no, it’s also very popular now, but I didn’t dare to expose it in front of you.

“I remember that when I first came, Kyoko complained all day long. What? It’s so ridiculous here in Tokyo. It’s so ridiculous that people can listen to a child and tell me, hello, boy, do you know who to listen to?”

Apricot shop has a cold sweat on his face-black, black history! Now that I think of it, it’s full of black history!

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