Chapter 909 That year, that Tsundere, those things!

Some things cannot be said directly, such as now:

“I said you are enough, but we are on the way back from camping. Do you still have to drive for a few hours and I will cook for you at home…” In the face of the persecution of everyone, Tuma always realized that. road.

“Zongwu-jun, if you didn’t sit here and drink tea with us when you said this, it would be more convincing…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at someone who was sitting in front of her with a tea cup and twitched. .

“Then I go to the cab now?” Sougo Tama put down the cup and said.

“It’s not a problem of driving or not driving. Besides, camping or something is obviously the result of O’Neill’s unauthorized decision. Although it feels pretty good to be reunited with the school girls in the past, I didn’t leave it to me when I came out. Preparation time…” Tuanzi retorted.

“Life is a journey that just walks away!”

“It turns out that we are traveling, it feels no different from home…” Shiina realized afterwards.

“It’s really white, how could it be the same, like a bathtub…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu retorted, but as soon as the words arrived, she suddenly froze. Although it was a RV, the bathtub was too big! And all kinds of functions are complete, even the bed is extremely comfortable, this…

Is it worthy of being the power of capital? Even if you are away from home, it is the same as at home, except that the space is a bit smaller, but it is tall and the scenery is beautiful…

“Shiba, what happened to the bathtub?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“No, it’s nothing, although it feels like home, but the Internet, yes, the Internet…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu concealed.

“Did Shiyu not go online yesterday? This car comes with satellite networking, and the signal in the car is full no matter where it is!” Tuanzi said in a puzzled way.

“Cheat, deceive!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was in a big fog. After being teased last night, she tossed and fell asleep in bed. Where did she get the time to surf the Internet!

“Idiot, how can you work if you don’t have a strong Internet connection!” Tucao Tucao said.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Bow down to the capital boss again.

“Wait, isn’t our topic just now about why we don’t go home for dinner, but should we eat out? When did the topic become crooked to such a degree…”

“Yeah!” The dumpling slammed into a boxing palm: “Euny sauce, is your laziness today laying the foundation for future degradation? Degraded to the point where you have to bury a bite of one bite before you can eat rice in Ooney sauce… ”

“Feed Sougo?” Shiina Mashiro thought about it seriously.

“Xiaobui, the degree of degradation is too high, right? Really white, don’t give me the appearance of thinking about feasibility after agreeing to it. For the time being, going there for dinner today is considered work, work!” Sougo Morama explained .

“Work!? It’s a lie? When does Ernie Chan have a job?” Tuanzi buried the first one in disbelief.

“Well, although I have almost forgotten, this is also the first job after becoming a top ten. Who made Erina Nefei say that her god tongue is a real treasure for the cooking world…” Sougo Tama recalled.

“Erina (God’s Tongue?)?” Tuanzi buried and shouted together with Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.

Tuanzibu exclaimed because she hadn’t heard Erina mention it at all, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka became popular because her novel was promoted by the other party…

“Well, after all, it was the first one to win the top ten seat as a middle school student. Erina was quite disapproved at the time. She also said that in terms of influence, her taste can help countless chefs to improve their cooking, even if it is Shijie, she should be the one who is a layman who is a monk like me…” Tuma nodded, and continued to recall:

“Then that guy had an informal halberd with me. It’s no better than cooking, oh, probably because she lost a little bit at the time and didn’t want to compete in this aspect. In fact, she didn’t lose many times, only two hundred and three. I lost all twelve games. Really, I’ve only been in for more than two months…”

Tuanzi twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words–how much shock did Erina-chan suffer when facing Oni-chan!

The corner of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes twitched-she thought of the highly praised comments on Erinai’s Twitter. If Sougou lost more than two hundred games in more than two months, so, Sougo-kun, you still do Personally! Moreover, how did you compare more than 200 games in more than two months!

“By the way, Erina’s little secretary used to gain ten pounds in those two months, but she lost weight quickly…”

Accept, the victim has appeared! Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes twitched again, and secretly said: That secretary is the final victim of more than two hundred games in more than two months! However, what is the secret of the other party’s weight loss? I really want it, I really want it!

“It was probably more than two hundred failures that made the other party give up on the culinary skills. I will tell her that we are a tie in culinary skills…” Sougo Doma added.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

No, no, no! The difference between superior and inferior is already obvious! This kind of comfort will only be counterproductive! ! !

“I don’t know why, Erina was quite angry at the time…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Getting angry is the normal reaction!

The desire to complain in someone’s heart is getting stronger and stronger.

“Well, it’s probably because the other party thinks that my role as a monk can’t be compared with her. After all, Miss Yuan Yue, I thought so at the time…” Tama Sougo continued.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt countless points, she didn’t know how to vomit. In short, God Tongue didn’t care about what Zongwu Jun thought!

“So, after thinking about it, I played the halberd with the top ten at the time for tens of billions of yen. It was really a thrilling match. Although the result was still 5 to zero, the halberd was in the competition. , There is the law of “Going first, you must lose. Unfortunately, I was the first player at the time…” Reminiscent of Sougo Doma.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Why do you lose first when you go up? What kind of law is that? If there is such a law, just let the other party go first! This is not a comic…

She is still full of slots!

“After defeating the top ten winners, Erina still didn’t stop. It was better to say that it became even more popular. He suggested to me who could bring the restaurant back to life. As a result, I randomly came to this Vagunaria. The restaurant was affected by the financial turmoil at that time. The restaurant chain was about to close down because of its lack of features…

How miserable? When I was selected for this restaurant, although Erina didn’t say anything on her lips, she couldn’t stop her smile at all. It’s a pity that she underestimated the power of capital and my ability in education and guidance, and I couldn’t take over. Within a week, this restaurant was completely restored, no, it should be much hotter than before…

The head of the head office even asked me to be an honorary consultant. He said that I have an annual salary of 20 million. Do I need to pay dividends as the second largest shareholder? So I refused decisively, yeah, if it weren’t for…” The old man got all the equity in his name, is he begging for money everywhere? I knew he had taken over the 20 million in the first place!

“Ouni sauce, the shares are actually from the Tujian family…” Tuanzi could see through everything.

“…” Toma Sougo was silent, why even Xiao Bui knew it!

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