Chapter 900 In the eyes of primitive people, lighters are also miraculous creations. On the contrary, in modern people…

The development of civilization is much faster than human beings think.

“Xihuan, it took millions of years for the Stone Age to enter the Bronze Age, but it took less than a few hundred years for the Bronze Age to enter the Iron Age, and the evolution from the bronze civilization to the iron civilization…”

Xihuan, the rational surviving: “Uh…”

But before she had time to say anything, the year-old Najingzi on the side flashed stars in her eyes: “Okay, so handsome, is this the place where Senior Sister Buried will live today?”

Teacher Xihuan: “Jingzi, shouldn’t you be curious about how the classmates are going to get up?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu looked at the dwellings in the sky and secretly agreed: “It’s in one word!”

But after Na Jingzi finished speaking, he immediately turned into a dog leg: “Senior Tujian, you need someone to help you go up to this kind of tall building. No, do you need someone to carry it? Kyoko, I…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

This, these are all her studies, the school girl, ha ha ha…

“Xihuan, I referred to the legend of aliens kidnapping people on Earth. After a light passed, not only people were sucked away, but everything was forgotten… In my opinion, it should be the light after the magnetic field distorted gravity, so… …” As the person involved, Tama Sougou is always so calm and low-key.

“On the contrary, the anti-gravity access device!? Is this not the government’s eye?” Xi Huan’s eyes widened.

What are these two tech madmen talking about! ? ——This is probably the common idea of ​​people who are not scumbags at school, but don’t understand them at all.

“What do you mean by anti-gravity? Xihuan, isn’t this a device that uses an invisible thread to hang people up? As for the government…” Doma Sougo said meaningfully: “Do you think they dare?”

“Um…” Teacher Xihuan rolled his eyes when looking at the students who had already started to ascend, “Tujian family…”

“Capital Fang…” Mujian always comprehend faintly.

This is comparable to when she just showed off the villa in a low-key manner.

Sure enough, showing off the forest villa arranged by the school in front of capitalists…

Teacher Xihuan covered his face: “Sure enough, in terms of the degree of corruption, you guy is second to none even on the side of the capitalists, you still have a different kind of corruption…”

“It should be said that other people don’t have the scientific research ability of mine…” Tuma Zou Gou’s index finger pointed towards the sky.

“Do you not refute this corruption at all!?”

“Do I still need to refute this? If I was corrupt, the mountain would probably already be in my name, and your forest villas would probably belong to me as well…” Tujian always realized that he was puzzled.

“…” Teacher Xihuan thought about it carefully, and with the strength of the Tujian family, it is indeed easy to do this, ha ha ha ha, it turns out that the clown is herself! ?

How can this be! ?

“Tu, Tujian, if I remember correctly, you, are you still a high school student now, this kind of money-first idea…”

“The annual salary is 200 million, the laboratory is used casually, there are additional bonuses for the results, do you change to the Tujian family? Xihuan…” Tujian, the devil whispered, total enlightenment.

Teacher Xihuan: “Two, two hundred million!?”

“Hmm! Too little?” Sougo Morama smiled like a devil.

“…” Teacher Xihuan, two, two hundred million, and, what a temptation to use the laboratory, what a temptation, this guy is not a student at all, it’s Satan! However, she just wanted to teach the other party that money is not everything. If she changes her words…

It really is Satan!

Just as she was wandering around, Tama Sougou continued: “You don’t want to be too young, just say it, anyway, I’m just joking, I just broke out with my family and ran out…”

“…” After being silent for a while, Teacher Xihuan suddenly took out a bomb and said: “Dome, I think the idea of ​​a human body exploding is good, and the subject is standing next to me!”

“Tsk tusk…” Sougo Tuma chuckled again after hearing this: “Xihuan, after so long, you still haven’t changed. It is difficult for a woman with a bomb to marry out!”

“Asshole, it’s a student, don’t say this to the teacher in an old-fashioned tone! Is it fun to bully the teacher?” Teacher Xihuan squeezed his fists with both hands and finally broke the skill.

“It’s very fun!” Sougo Tama nodded sincerely: “Who makes you this guy is not like a teacher at all, and he blows up friends all day…”

“Tujian, tell me clearly, why am I not like a teacher anymore?” Teacher Xihuan broke again.

“Which teacher will demonstrate how to explode when his student brother visits!?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“Are you going to turn over the old almanac? Then who told me how to improve after the experiment exploded…” Xihuan was also unwilling to show weakness.

“I’m not afraid that if you continue to experiment, other students will be in danger?” Sougo Morama retorted again.

“So, did you mention to me the reform response that can evaporate the entire school?” Xi Huan grabbed the other’s collar.

“Well, what does it matter? Anyway, there was no one in the whole school…” Tsuchima Sougo said with a smile.

“Although the students have all left school, the principal, senior director, and class teachers are still in meetings!? If I hadn’t been a little alert, do you know what will happen?”

“I believe the students will be grateful to both of us…” Doma Sougo still smiled.

“Let’s not say whether they will be grateful or not, even if it will be fine, shall we go to heaven to collect that share of gratitude in the explosive center of the heart?”

“Don’t worry, it will only be Xihuan who will go to heaven…” Tuma Sougo explained subconsciously.

“Do you think you will go to hell? So you know it…” Xi Huan also subconsciously responded.

“No, I mean, I will live to take you to accept this gratitude…” Sougo Doma shook his index finger again: “Do you think that kind of explosion can hurt me? Don’t underestimate Doma. Home’s defense…”

“…” After hearing the words, Xi Huan was stunned before pulling on the collar of the opponent again and said: “You really wanted to kill me at the beginning, right? Mujian, can you guys stop pushing everything to Tujian’s house? Even if it’s capital, under that kind of explosion…”

“Xihuan. You are wrong. It is not a question of capital. In the explosion, as long as you light a cigarette calmly, of course, you can also use a smoke bomb instead of smoking. As long as you do this, you will definitely not Injured in the explosion!”

Are you kidding me! ? This is probably the expression of Teacher Xihuan after Tuma has finished speaking: “Torama, although I dare not say that teacher looks very mature and reliable, he shouldn’t be like a child, right?” she tentatively asked.

“Xihuan!” Zou Wu Tujian said solemnly, “Have you never heard of the law of smoke without injury?”

“What the hell is that!? Don’t want to fool the teacher with a mess of advanced knowledge. Last time, what did you say about anti-Newton skirts, anti…”

at the same time.

The women who had just been sucked into the car already shouted in the car:

“Okay, that’s amazing, Senior Sister Buried, did you live in this kind of house? If you can enjoy such a beautiful scenery…”

“No, no, I usually live on the ground…” Tuanzi smiled awkwardly. Although she has reached the level of being ridiculous, she also knows this car, but for ordinary people, this kind of The level display is still a bit too exciting, Oni sauce, Baga!

“Looking at such a beautiful scenery, it’s no wonder that teacher Xia Shizi can write magical works, this feeling of being above the top…” It is a pity that Najingzi and others did not seem to listen to her explanation. She is also a creator. Instead, he looked out of the car window and sighed, “It’s great!”

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