Chapter 901 Girls want to have an intersection, often only need an opportunity…

Animals are extremely sensitive to territory, if someone invades…

Just as the women exclaimed, an ignorant voice suddenly came from the room: “Zao Wu, stop making a noise…”

Hearing this voice, Sui Na Jingzi and others were dumbfounded: “…”

Eh! Is there anyone in the car? No, isn’t this teacher Xia Shizi’s voice? If the person who made the sound was Teacher Xia Shizi, then who was this next to them! ?

Xia Zhiqiu and Xiao Mu were also taken aback–they didn’t even notice that Zhen Bai was not there just now! ?

But before the two of them could say anything, Suddenly Na Jingzi turned her head in shock and trembling: “Buried, Buli-senpai, the voice just now was Teacher Xia Shizi, right? You, the one next to you…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

and many more!

What is it? Teacher Xia Shizi who just spoke, she is obviously here, alright, although her white voice is indeed very similar to her, but her tone, pay attention to her tone!

However, when this happens, I actually have no say!

For example, a certain waste dumpling seems to have realized something, and suddenly retreats with a shocked look: “Shiyu…No, you are not Shiyu, who are you!?”

While she was talking, she blinked at someone, which meant to scare them!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

It should be said, is it worthy of Zongwujun’s touch? It’s really nasty, is this kind of fun? To scare others…

While thinking about this, she showed a cold smile: “Isn’t it good to pretend that you don’t know? Why do you have to reveal your identity? Tsk tsk…”

Sui Na Jingzi and others: “Huh!?”

She, they really encountered a mysterious event! !

“Originally I just wanted to tease you, but now it seems that I can only silence my mouth. Tsk tsk, it’s rare that you have chosen such a place where you can’t escape…” Such a scary thing is really fun! A black-bellied guy secretly said.

Sui Na Jingzi and his group: “Eh…”

Ah, they are now from the ground…

What beautiful scenery, what…

It’s all gone! ? Why did they just experience a science fiction show and immediately ushered in a weird show? At this time, the only one who can save them is probably Buying Sister!

“Buried Senior Sister!!!”

“Huh, huh, huh…” But as soon as he finished shouting, Tuanzi sneered with his hands on the side: “Kyoko, Yui, do you think I really am your elder sister?”

“Eh!!?” ​​As soon as the voice fell, Sui Na Jingzi and others uttered a thorough cry.

The shout made the two people who were arguing below Tama Sougo stunned.

Teacher Xihuan: “Tujian, are you sure that the mechanical house you made is okay?”

“This is a RV! Xihuan, are you questioning me? You know, I spent no less than 10 billion yen to build this RV…”

“Hundreds, tens of billions!?” Xihuan’s mouth twitched. This guy just hired her with an annual salary of 200 million, right? In other words, she has worked for fifty years to get a car from the other party? This is not the point. The point is that the other party is still joking for 200 million to hire her!

“It’s really corrupt! What you said just now is so subtle that it makes people feel more corrupt than when you bought this mountain! Just for this flashy thing, it cost tens of billions of yen…”

“Xihuan, you have to remember, the guy who is willing to invest hundreds of millions of yen in the car, then he does not recommend investing one billion more. If he is willing to invest one billion, then he will not be reluctant to invest ten billion…”

“Such a corrupt statement…” Xi Huan clinched his fists again.

“Moreover, there is a reason why it is expensive. From a security perspective…” Sougo Doma retorted.

“Wait!? It’s safe, Kyoko’s scream just now!? The students are in danger, what the hell am I still arguing about here?”

“Master Buried, what are you doing?” When an animal’s territory is violated, it will first assess the combat power of the double hair, and then yell to intimidate or question people close to her, just like she just woke up, she is ignorant. Seeing the women chasing in the car asked.

Girls in the chase: “Huh!?”

When Tama Sougou and Teacher Xihuan were sucked into the car, they probably saw this scene. The sleepy-eyed girl looked at a group of yelling girls in a daze.

Seeing the girls who had become a group, Tama Sougo said: “…”

Did he just have a five-minute delay with Xihuan? Even if it takes more than five minutes, can these guys make progress too quickly?

Teacher Xihuan: “…”

Have fun so much! ? So, what is that scream just now? Heh, hehe…

Two minutes later.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, Senior Sister Buried, you two are too bad, you deliberately scared us…” Akalin said with tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, because Yili signaled to me…” Someone has to take care of things like black belly.

“No way, who made Kyoko’s reaction so interesting just now…” Regarding this, a certain dumpling who had already fully achieved his favorability said it didn’t matter whether there was a pot, she smiled and said, “Everyone, it’s still as cute as before! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Sui Najingzi and others once again blushed and shouted: “Yes, cute!!!”

Sister Buried actually said that they are cute, oh, oh…

The steady scene of this big chrysanthemum…

“Akalin, the one who shouldn’t be scared the most in this is you, obviously you have seen Zhenbai and Shiyu, and you still can’t tell the difference…” How could Sougo Doma couldn’t resist fighting? Break!

“Senior Mujian, even if you have seen it all, it doesn’t matter to be scared, right? Why would you not be scared if you have seen it all…” Akalin was dissatisfied.

With this question, Sougo Tama felt that his IQ had been challenged: “Kyoko, please tell my sister Akalin, why are you scared…”

“Senior Tujian, is it too rude to the kids? What I say Kyoko is also the leader of the company, and when it comes to the little sister Akalin…” Sui Najingzi protested first, then looked at Akalin and said: “Little sister, Akalin really looks like it!”

“Kyoko!!” said in a delicate red lamp.

“Just kidding, kidding…” Year-old Na Jingzi slapped her palm and said, “Senior Tuma’s words are best not to be taken seriously. It’s like being frightened. It’s too exaggerated. Just now, Kyoko didn’t think Xia Shizi was a teacher. The monster changed. The real teacher Xia Shizi was in the car. What do you think about this kind of thing…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

That’s right, this guy is essentially an idiot!

“Kyoko, you have already said all the reasons for being afraid!” Yui, the most like the boss Yui, who is responsible for the complaint among the women, couldn’t help.

Najingzi: “Huh?”

In the red lamp: “Huh!? Is everyone scared because of this?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

That’s right, these two guys are stupid! He just wanted to persuade an idiot, which is terrifying in retrospect. These idiots tend to bring your IQ to the same level as theirs, and then defeat the opponent with rich experience. Fortunately, he throws the problem out:

“Then Akalin, you should know now why you should not be afraid of the person!?”

In the red lamp: “…”


Was she the only thing she was afraid of that was different from everyone? ? ?

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