Chapter 899 So, Is It A Dream Between Earth? (Sure enough, you can’t just agree to this kind of thing…)

The world is probably a circle, and many things will always come together. Toma Sougou found someone named Xia Shizi because he wanted to sign. Someone got acquainted with the waste material dumpling, and then under the influence of the waste material dumpling. , Wrote that quite magical final volume, so that…

Sougo Tuma glanced at the side and said Qianxia: “The Sha Yuka described by Mr. Xia Shizi is so cool. In this world full of women who should be husbands and children when they reach their age, Sha Yujia reaches out to Zhenwei. That hand seemed to let her recognize who she was, like Yui-senpai and me…”

Only halfway through the conversation, Sui Na Jingzi suddenly turned into a tragic heroine: “Yuyi-chan, Qianxia-chan, you guys did these things behind my back…”

Funakoshi Yui: “Hey, wait, what the hell did I do!?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka, whose Onee-san attribute value dropped crazily: “…”

Hehehehe, these guys definitely have a problem!

Looking at Xia Zhiqiu with an awkward smile on his face, Tuma Sougou said: “…”

It should still be in the safe stage now, he still has time to shake the pot:

“If there are other reassuring teachers, how can they be responsible for dozens of students? Look at you, that’s it? That’s it? Sure enough, Akara will…”

“Then you really guessed wrong? This is just a small team of Akalin. The real big team is still preparing food in the camping house! By the way, although it is camping, the school is for the safety of the students. , The residence is actually a villa in the forest!” After showing off secretly, Xi Huan said with a bleak expression:

“However, if I hadn’t seen Akalin enter the villa yesterday, I wouldn’t be so relieved. I was delayed by various things again today…”

“Xihuan, when you just talked about the villa, there was a flash of triumph in your eyes. Actually, you are looking forward to this kind of opportunity? If you say that, you should be grateful to Xia Shizi…” , It’s so straightforward, always comprehend.

“The soil, you guessed it wrong, I am proud that we live in a forest villa now, but you who just came here can’t go down the mountain at all? That is to say, you guy can only live in a car or a tent today!” Xi Teacher Huan didn’t know why when he heard the words, suddenly his spirits were shocked.

It’s just because of being too energetic, causing the volume to be a little louder.

Akalin and others: “Teacher Xihuan…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn’t help but complain: “Is this man really a teacher? Where is her pride!”

As if feeling something in his heart, Tuanzi nodded: “Well, this is the teacher Xihuan who taught me science…”

Some people are always one step faster when they speak. Usually this kind of people are more self-centered. For example, Sui Na Jingzi: “Wait, Mr. Xihuan, it’s just that Senior Tujian and Senior Sister Mu send Akalin back. Come on, can’t they live with us? Even if you put aside seniors in the earth, senior sister Bui can sleep with me in the same bed…”

“Kyoko, what are you talking about? I just made up my mind to invite Senior Sister Mu to sleep with me…” said Qianxia.

“You and Teacher Xia Shizi will be fine, but Kyoko hasn’t communicated with Senior Sister Mi for a long time, Senior Sister Mi’s current high school…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Put aside what the hell is he! ? It’s no wonder that the Shiyu God Sect was not successfully established. Sure enough, these guys have been attacked by that waste dumpling a long time ago! ! !

Fortunately, Xiao Mu is a few times taller than them!

“Tsk tusk…” While he felt fortunate, Xi Huan shook his head on the side: “No way, even if Buried was a student in our school before, she was still my best assistant, but she has left now. Once the school is over, the resources of the school cannot be opened to them…”

“Eh, why is this!?” The Lily group of four crossed their faces at the same time.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Um, did the other two people just have not had time to express their opinions?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is in a mess, small, small buried this guy, what did you do in the first place! ! ?

As the protagonist, Tuanzi moved his eyes: “Everyone…”

Facing this affectionate scene, Xi Huanxie smiled: “However, if Mr. Tuma kneels down and pleads with me, I am not incapable of granting additional approval. Compared with tents and cars, villas are the real enjoyment. ? As long as Mr. Tama asks like ordinary students, I will let you live in a villa full of girls…”

Sui Najingzi and others who just wanted to say something: “…”

I always feel that Teacher Xihuan is playing with fire! Are they too late to escape now?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Is this guy really a teacher? Suddenly making such a despicable request in such a place, Sougo Jun obviously sent her students back…

Just as she was thinking about it, Tuma Zougou smiled: “Xihuan, as a real scientific researcher, I still warn you, you should be a good teacher…”

“Huh?” Originally thought, this guy in the earth is out of touch, right? Human beings are all hedonists. After having better enjoyment, no matter who it is, they will… But, when she just started YY, she heard a sneer from the other party, Xi Huan looked up: “Do not think I am here To embarrass you, school rules…”

“Xihuan, do you know? My car can even defend against missile explosions!” The opponent’s sophistry didn’t touch it, but instead pointed to the lane that had just opened.

“…” Teacher Xihuan, who has put on a look that you are teasing me, rolled her eyes. She is a professional researcher of explosion-proof cars that can defend against missiles. With the current technological strength, she can only say…

Besides, being able to defend against missiles only shows that the safety is very good, but the accommodation needs comfort!

While she was thinking this way, Sougo Tama once again added: “Do you know how it defends against missiles? First of all, it is the gravity that will never be blown up, and next, is the material around it… …”

“Tujian, what are you trying to say?” Teacher Xihuan hugged his hands.

“Isn’t this very obvious?” Sougo Tama snapped his fingers: “Kacha…”

“Silly strong, turn on camping mode!”

After a command, the car that had just galloped between the buildings instantly deformed. It first propped up its feet and let the car body fly into the air. Then, the car body in the air began to extend to four directions, extending to about 100 square meters. Just changed back to the house? If you don’t consider it’s in the air, it’s actually no different from a high-end apartment…

In this regard, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who thinks that his three views have actually been subverted: “…”

Is the world you lived in the real world? Could it be that she had lived in a false world before, in fact, the technology of this world has developed to an unspeakable level, Doraemon does exist! ? It’s just called Tujian A dream?

Sui Najingzi and others: “…”

This, this can also work? Teacher Xihuan who just said those words…

All the problem girls turned their heads, Xihuan teacher behaved very calmly, very calm…

Everyone was silent. After another time when the crow flew by, Xi Huan couldn’t help but said, “Tujian, how on earth did you guy make such a thing!?”

As a researcher, a word-making has undoubtedly exposed the other party’s current mood.

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