Chapter 898

An avid book fan, since the “Love Metronome” became popular, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu has not encountered this kind of existence. Even her Twitter often has many fanatical “fans” messages, which will send her beautiful blades. …

But like Sui Najingzi and others, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: “…”

“Teacher Xia Shizi, how did you think about it at the time? After Sha Youjia directly ignored Naoto, “The Metronome of Love” opened up the potential of the gods. When she and Zhenwei understood each other, the touch in my heart… …”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Huh?”

Is this kid’s reaction somewhat…

“No, I admire Sha Youjia’s courage even more. Even if it is not understood by the public, she can still face the truth. Even if the whole world is blocking them, they also tell themselves that they cannot surrender and never surrender. It’s not like me and Yui-senpai…” A certain passerby also said.

A certain Yui smiled: “No, we haven’t reached this level yet, are we?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “Eh…”

Is there something wrong with the thinking of these children?

But before she could say anything, Najingzi, who was still admiring her face just now, suddenly said: “Eh!? Obviously it is my agreement with you? Milaku, do you want to leave me behind? ”

Miraku from a passer-by: “So, I am not a Miraku! Don’t destroy the image of others in front of Teacher Xia Shizi…”

“Calm down, Qianxia…” Just when someone’s Qianxia was about to break out, Sui Na Jingzi said again: “The teacher Xia Shizi who can write “The Metronome of Love” is probably also Miraku’s. FANS!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Huh!?”

These guys have not only thought problems, but even the relationship is very strange, and, although she is an otaku, but as a JK, how can she cute “Magic Girl Miraku”!

But these guys in front of her are all her book fans, and the interest is still so high. If she refutes, will she look unkind? The most important thing is that these guys seem to have a good relationship with Xiao Mu, who seems to be well-behaved, but actually yearns for Sparta! ! !

Sougo Doma, who was standing by and discussing the Big Bang conjecture with people, finally noticed these guys: “…”

Has the circle of these guys been so messed up after Xiao Mu left? Sure enough, his vigilance was not unreasonable!

Why Akalin and others are so enthusiastic about Shiba? Doma Sougo actually has some guesses. For these girls who have a slight lily tendency, they wrote the third volume of “The Metronome of Love”. Kasumigaoka, which can be called a lily teaching material, is probably already a guide on their life path, right?

Don’t look at the present-year-old Najingzi and they are just asking questions around Xiazhiqiu. In fact, it’s like people stretch their feet to touch the water before entering the water. They are all for testing. If one is not good, they are very likely to be the old Najingzi. Joined the Shiyu God Sect! No, not only Shi Yu, but also Xiao Mu…

That’s right, that’s it. The situation that this chrysanthemum is about to stabilize is obviously imminent, how can he still have time to talk about the big bang with this old woman in front of him! ?

Just when Tuma Sougou’s brain was deducing what was about to happen, he also fell into a short stalemate CD. Xi Huan also took advantage of this time and said: “Tuma, you can’t refute those hypotheses just now. Right? The Big Bang is currently the most mainstream view. Since the entire universe was born from an explosion, is there a problem with my experimental results from the explosion? Explosion…”

But when she was halfway through, there was a sudden exclamation next to her: “It’s amazing. It turns out that Teacher Xia Shizi was the third volume discussed with Senior Bu, and it is worthy of Senior Bu!!!”

Tōma Sougo regained his senses in an instant. Looking at the other side where Ju Shi had become more and more stable as he had guessed, he turned his head and said quietly: “Xihuan, don’t worry about the big bang, do you think How about the study of human self-detonation? Let people sublimate in the explosion, so as to realize the evolution of life…”

“Using explosions to achieve the evolution of life? This is the use of biotechnology?” Teacher Xihuan was taken aback when he heard: “Although I have made this kind of conjecture, in terms of the current level of technology…”

“Xihuan, how can researchers shrink because of the current level of science and technology? If they only rely on the current scientific and technological power to study, then how can there be progress? The real researchers should immediately act upon their guesses. Yes!”

Xi Huan was stunned when he heard it: “Earth, you seem to burn a lot more than before…”

“This is the research enthusiasm that a scientific researcher should have!” The soil, with enthusiasm, always realized.

“Even if you say that, but it involves the study of human evolution, let’s not talk about the issue of government reporting, volunteers or something…” Xi Huan wiped cold sweat.

“Isn’t there a group here?” Sougo Tama pointed to the area where the chrysanthemum is getting bigger and bigger and instigated: “Akalin and the others, it’s normal to disappear in the mountains, right?”

“The earth…” The cold sweat on Teacher Xihuan’s face grew more: “These are the students I brought out to camp!”

“Anyway, you are not responsible…” Sougo Tama squinted.

“Who said that I was not responsible, I even reported this incident in school!” Teacher Xihuan retorted.

Sougo Tama’s face was full of suspicion: “Then Akalin has been missing for so long…”

“This matter is turned over, it is turned over!” Teacher Xihuan raised his hand to protest: “Furthermore, although I am a researcher, I am a teacher first, do you understand!? They will be safe if they bring it out…”

“Before saying this, Akalin…”

“It’s all said that it’s turned over. I promise that this kind of thing will not happen in the future. Use the personality of a scientific researcher…”

“So, what kind of occupation is your main occupation?” Sougo Tama couldn’t hold back the soul of complaining: “By the way, the second base for scientific researchers should be various laboratories, right? Take students like you Those who come out camping, don’t tell me, you also do scientific research when you come out camping, this kind of thing…”

But he was only halfway through vomiting, and Teacher Xihuan complained: “Please, who do you think caused this to happen!?”

In this regard, Tuma Zougou could only have a black question mark face and said: “Xihuan, what is your expression, do you blame me? Do you think it’s me? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. After Xiaomai went deep into the first year of high school, I have never even entered your school…”

“…” The other party’s retort just asked Xi Huan to look aside, and after a long while, she said quietly, “Although it has nothing to do with you, the one you brought today is that Xia Shizi, right? …”

“What!?” Sou Wu Tama was taken aback.

“Are you guy pretending to be stupid? The blessing of dragging the other side’s novel has caused many girls in the school to have demonstrations…” Speaking of this, Xi Huan glanced aside again: “In order to avoid a series of Some teachers suggested organizing students to carry out extracurricular activities…”

“Um…” Sumagou smiled stiffly: “Yes, that’s it, but Xihuan, you just brought these goods. Obviously, you don’t have the ability to…”

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