Chapter 735 Finally, Sigong Huiye also embarked on the road of victims

Whether to delete the video file.

confirm cancel.

This was what Shimiya Kaguya saw with his super vision. Sougo Tama’s message on the phone screen. She was anxious. If this guy in front of her is really shy, she wants to delete the video? Can’t he see that she is just embarrassed? No, this bastard Domama was deliberate…

Damn it, she just watched the video a little bit at the beginning, what else did the president say later? She is so curious! ! ! Having said that, even if she is not curious, this kind of precious video shouldn’t be handed down to her and passed on as a family heirloom, so that future generations can witness her love-the love brain attack Si Gong Huiye thinks At the same time…


She moved, her fingers were like gusts of wind, and the momentum was like lightning, and Si Gong Huiye seemed to have burst out of potential. She lowered her head and stretched out her index finger to stab her forward. She actually wanted to press Cancel before the soil total enlightenment could react.

Tōma Sougou never expected that a video would allow Kaguya Shimiya to do this. The attack and potential explosion of the other party completely stunned him, so that Kaguya Shimiya pressed his mobile phone screen. Later, he realized what happened. Of course, because he was too surprised, he accidentally moved the screen some distance when the other party was doing it. Let’s not mention it…

“Huh, you’re good!” When the finger touched the screen, Si Gong Huiye secretly said a fluke, and at the same time he was relieved.

“Sigong, you really hate this kind of nonsense video, but next time you say it, I will delete it without having to do it, it’s not right…” After looking at it because he moved the position, he canceled the position. The mobile phone screen that had become the confirmation position, Sougo Doma made a clear “representation”, and then, as if he had reacted to something, he said “No!” with a serious face.

Sigong Huiye:?_?

What’s the meaning?

Looking up, she once again saw the words deleted from the video on the phone screen with her super eyesight…

“Da da da…” Then, Sigong Huiye began to sweat on his forehead, and the expression on his face changed from a fluke secret joy to a lifeless love. She, what did she do? Didn’t she personally delete the precious video of the chairman’s speech? A certain lover holds his head with his hands in his hands and is unlovable, an expression that cannot accept reality.

“Sigong Huiye…” Tujian, a gloater, always felt “sentimental” on his face: “You are indeed a talent cultivated by the Sigong family. Originally, I thought you told me not to delete it, but wanted to keep the video. When I came down, I didn’t expect that you actually wanted to do it yourself. As expected, I wanted to make a mistake. You are not an ordinary love brain!”

What he didn’t say was: the special love brain is also the love brain!

“Who is the love brain!?” The eldest lady just finished retorting, but she held her head with her hands again-no, no, now I don’t care what this guy said, she, she actually deleted such a precious video by herself. For, why, why this kind of thing happened to her! ?

“Sorry, it is my impoliteness to keep thinking of you in the fourth house as a love brain. To apologize, I will delete the backup video as soon as I go back…” Tsuchima Sougo once again explained what it means to be prepared!

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”


Backup, backup! ? She knew that this bastard Tama was absolutely deliberate, he must know the importance of the video to her, so he would do this kind of thing, Damn it, Shimiya Kaguya, you can’t lose to yourself, you can’t be taken by it. Bastard underestimate, you are not a love brain! ! !

After self-hypnosis for a long while, Sigiya Kaguya raised his head and stared at Sovereign Earth. She wanted him to understand that she was not such a superficial woman by Sigong Kaguya!

“How could someone back up that kind of video!?”

“Yes, such as me!” Sougo Tsuchama took it for granted: “As the top private school in the country, the talents cultivated by the private Xiuzhiyuan are basically the rich and powerful people of this country. Isn’t the student president who is above the student qualified to be gossiped? But…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

She was so reasonable that she couldn’t refute it, but, in front of her, she treated the president as the object of gossip. Does she lose face? Damn it, why does this bastard know that she has a crush on the president! ? Why can’t he learn from Secretary Fujiwara just because of this bad guy?

Then again, why did the idiot of the president say in front of this guy that there are some and none, and they were recorded. If she doesn’t know, how can she hold back her curiosity after knowing the video…

No, Sigiya Huiye, you have to cheer, you have to defeat yourself, you are not a love mind, curiosity kills the cat, don’t be curious, don’t give this bastard, such a bad guy, he deserves no discussion friend!

At the same time she made a decision, Tuma Sougou also said:

“Since the object of the gossip has your share in the fourth house, you hate it again. I will deal with the relationship between our allies…”

“Wait, Tujian, since I am an ally, don’t you think I have the right to know the content of the gossip?” Si Gong, love brain attack, Hui Ye.

“You are not talking about the fourth house, it’s all nonsense…” Sougo Tama tilted his head.

“I want to know!” Sigong Huiye stepped forward, his eyes glowing with cold light.

“Since I want to know…” Sougo Tama took a step back and said with a “dilemma”: “Then Si Gong, why did you just delete the video?”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Shente wanted to delete it. She wanted to cancel, but because she was too confident, she pressed to confirm the deletion. Can she tell this kind of thing! ?

impossible! !

She wants a face too! ! !

“Could it be that what you just wanted to press is actually cancel?” While she was struggling, Tuma Zougou “suddenly realized” said.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Can this guy act more fake?

Sovereign understanding of the soil, no, the love brain teases this kind of creature, and it is really pleasing: “No, no? No!? I won’t be hit by me! !? Fourth house, should you not? Is it really a love mind?”

“Who is the love brain?” Shigiya Huiye emphasized again: “I just have a good impression of the chairman, I think he is worthy of use, and will be qualified to stand with me in the future, love brain? Do you think I am that kind of …”

“Then I’ll delete the backup when I go back!” A fresh trick, eat all over the sky-Sougenzu Earth.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

No, you must not be pinched by this bastard, come on, Sigiya Kaguya, you can do it!

“Earth, earth, as an ally, I think we should have exchanges of information, since you have a decent fellow by my side, I mean, the evaluation of me by people who are qualified to stand beside me, you You should leave it to me…”

“Don’t worry, I’ve seen it. The other party didn’t say anything dissatisfied with you…” Sougo Tama didn’t want to take the move.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Needless to say, she also knows, how could the president be dissatisfied with her! ?

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