Chapter 734 Let go of the hostages first, and have something to say!

“It’s just a small favor, you just have to look at the camera and say, Mai, you didn’t bring me back to the entertainment circle?” Seeing that Shigiya Huiye didn’t make any trouble, Sougo Doma took out the camera from behind. road.

“Wait, who is Mai? How can Kaguya Shimiya have something to do with the entertainment industry…”

“Mai is Mai Sakurajima…” As if he didn’t understand what Shimiya Kaguya was talking about, Sougo Doma shrugged his shoulders. In this country, I want the children of these self-proclaimed celebrities and aristocrats to get involved in the entertainment industry. relation? The face level alone is a problem. Fortunately, Miss Bunny Girl does not “exist” now.

“Who is Mai Sakurajima? Why do I have to…”

“Actually, Mai Sakurajima is a character I imagined…” Sougo Tama’s voice was low and sexy and serious at this time.

Shigiya Kaguya has a look on your face, is it a funny expression, a fantasy character? What do you mean?

“It should be said that Mai Sakurajima is the character I imagined in the script I created. The other party is a super popular idol who debuted as a child star. Because of certain things, she retired from the entertainment industry. After retiring, she realized that she was actually happy to stand. Under the spotlight…” Doma Sougo added.

“Wait!?” Shigiya Huiye was dazed: “The script you created?”

“Creation is my interest, do I need to say this kind of thing?” Sougo Tama looked away.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

This guy is not shy anymore, right? In other words, he still has such an unknown hobby?

“You didn’t lie? So what is Mai Sakurajima as your fantasised script character?”

“Of course, if you don’t believe me, you can search Mai Sakurajima on the Internet to see if there is such a person…” Sougo Doma said calmly.

“Let’s just tell the truth…” Seeing Tama Sougo did not seem to be lying. If Mai Sakurajima is really a celebrity, she only needs to search the Internet (fortunately, she has been popularized by Hayasaka recently. The role of the other party), even if the other party speaks out the flower, she can also use the other party’s false excuses to breach the contract:

“But, why use me to record the script you created…”

“Probably because the plot has now developed. After retiring, Mai finally made the decision to return to the entertainment circle under the persuasion and encouragement of her new friends. However, Mai forgot to tell her best friend she had known since childhood. On the day of her comeback, her best friend found her…” Tsuchima Sougou answered some questions.

“Then…” Sigong Huiye was a little curious.

“Then, then I got stuck. I don’t know how my girlfriends should react at this time. After all, they have been so good before, but Mai returned without telling her. Aren’t they friends? Why did Mai do this?” Jian Zongwu grabbed his head with both hands.

“Wait, didn’t you decide this kind of thing?” Si Gong Huiye’s face was full of black lines.

“It’s not up to me to decide, it’s up to the story to decide how to develop. In fact, my girlfriends don’t even know. After Mai made the decision to come back, she was so busy. Haunted, Si Gong, if you were that bestie, what would you say…”

“Huh?” Sigong Huiye had a headache: “How can I know this kind of thing? You can ask others!”

“I have no friends to discuss!” Sougo Tama said with a smug expression.

“This kind of thing is nothing to be proud of…” Shigiya Huiye twitched his mouth: “Wait, you didn’t come to me because you didn’t have anyone to discuss, did you?”

Speaking of this, the eyes that she looked at Sougo Tama had a hint of sympathy, and nothing else, there was a Hayasaka who could discuss with her, but this guy…

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy is really a lie!

Shimiya Kaguya, who felt that he had won Sougo Tama in some way, finally agreed to help…


“Ma Yijiang, you didn’t bring me back to the entertainment circle!?” It was recorded, and there were memories of your girlfriends: “Ma Yi, have you forgotten that we once said that we will advance and retreat together in the future? Forgot? Those of us…” The scenes and scenes were also recorded.

Doma Sougo was very satisfied with this.

“Tu, Tujian, the president’s house, can you not tell me…” When he finished filming and decided to leave, Sigong Huiye suddenly said.

“Do you want to hide it?” Tuma Sougo turned his head.

“…” Sigong Huiye was silent for a while: “At least, don’t say it now!”

“Do you think it is possible that President Silver didn’t know the reason for his bankruptcy?” Tuma was puzzled: “Don’t you think that he already knew why his family went bankrupt, and he approached you only for revenge…”

“Impossible!” Sigiya Huiye replied decisively: “The president is not that kind of person!”

“What’s impossible? You are the daughter of the culprit who caused people’s bankruptcy. What you eat and wear is built on countless flesh and blood like President Silver…” Sougo Tama also returned before leaving. Don’t forget to release malice.

“Stop talking!” Si Gong Huiye said coldly.

“Is there anything I can’t say? Capital has always been bloody, just like our Tujian family, can it grow to the point where it is today, isn’t it also stepping on other people’s corpses all the way up? It went bankrupt because of the Tujian family? Families are also countless, but it is precisely because of this that I know that those people hate us…” Tuma Sougo chuckled lightly.

“I told you to stop talking!” Shigiya Kaguya covered her ears: “Why can you guys easily say things like bankruptcy?”

“It’s very simple…” Sougo Tama stepped forward and looked at Shigiya Kaguya and said, “Because, this is the rule of the game in this country. Darwin once said: “Natural selection will survive the survival of the fittest!” “I agree with this sentence very much. If the roles are exchanged, the other party will also annex our Tujian family and make the Tujian family bankrupt…

In my opinion, your sympathy is ridiculous, or, if the other party is silver, you will have that kind of inexplicable sympathy? Of course, these have nothing to do with me. Even if that guy is really for revenge, it won’t involve me anyway. As far as I am concerned, at best, it means changing the alliance partner…”

“I said, the chairman is not such a person!” Before Sougo Tuma could finish speaking, Shigiya Kaguya looked directly into his eyes and interrupted him.

“If it’s not, it would be even better. Everyone is happy…” Doma Sougo said with a shrug.

“Huh? What, everyone is happy…” Si Gong Huiye, who fell in love instantly, said: “Me, I and the president…”

“That’s right!” Sougo Tama, as if he was thinking of something, took out his cell phone and called up a video in which Shirogin Yuhang said: “She is so cute in Sinomiya…”

“Dududu!” Sigiya Huiye, whose face temperature can fry eggs in an instant: “You, why do you have this kind of video? Yes, the president is stupid, what nonsense the idiot is talking about outside…”

“Eh, so much, is it nonsense?” Sougo Tama glanced at the video on the phone: “Then I’ll delete it…”.

“Wait!” Before he could end, Si Gong Huiye stretched out a hand and said, “First, don’t delete it!!!! If you have something to say…”

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