Chapter 736: Conflict Memories!

“Asshole, how are you willing to give me the complete video…” Shigiya Huiye gave up the struggle.

“So…” Tujian, full of malice, always realized: “Si Gong, you really are a love brain, right?”

Shimiya Kaguya wanted to beat people. How could there be such a bad guy in this world? This guy is definitely a germ of the universe, and his own existence is original sin. If she can, she really wants to treat Fujiwara Chika’s cancer of the earth. Let the two people contaminate each other and destroy together!

“I…” She wanted to say something.

“Tsk~!” Just as soon as she spoke, Sougo Tama shook her forefinger and took the stubbornly. “Actually, the reason why I keep mentioning your love brain in the fourth house is not to tease you, or I’m laughing at you…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”


“Si Gong, you are actually very clear, right? You take Bai Yin Yuxing too much. Even if you can deceive others, you can’t deceive yourself. However, have you forgotten what I told you? The silver family is It was because the Sigong family took the initiative to suppress it that they were forced to go bankrupt, and the bankruptcy of the Baiyin family even led to Mrs. Baiyin’s move to abandon her husband and abandon her son…

As the saying goes: blocking people’s wealth is like killing a parent, and the saying goes: the hatred of killing the father and the hatred of taking away the wife is not shared! According to this statement, you see, the hatred between your fourth house and the Baiyin family… First of all, it hinders people’s financial path. As the culprit that caused the bankruptcy of the Baiyin family, the fourth house’s to the Baiyin family is not the same as killing the parents of the Baiyin family. ? Besides…

Mrs. Baiyin’s move to abandon her husband and abandon her son, after all, was caused by the bankruptcy of the Fourth House family. For Baiyin’s father, the Fourth House family hated him for taking his wife! ”

Speaking of this, Tuma always realized that there was a pause. At this time, Si Gong Huiye’s face was as black as ink:

“Enough! I said, the president is not a guy who cares about hatred…”

“Really?” Sougo Tama chuckled and shrugged: “Regardless of whether he is or not, you’d better keep your mind in the fourth house. Although you are unlucky, I’m just changing allies, but I don’t want to do it casually. Changing allies, it seems that I look at people with a LOW vision, yes…”

Shigiya Kaguya was silent.

Tuma Zougou turned around: “That’s it. I will post the backed up video to you in a few days as an apocalypse for something, then, bye bye!”

After speaking, Doma Sougo jumped onto the window sill.

“Hey, how do you go from…”? Shigiya Huiye was startled when he saw this, and said hurriedly. You know, she lives on the third floor of the castle. Although it is not high, no one wants to jump from the height of the third floor, right? In addition, there is no place to climb on the left or right of the window sill…

Just like when he came, use hang gliding wings, but the height of the three-story building, don’t make trouble, can it slide?

But before she could finish her words, she saw Tujian Zouwu leaping towards the moon, and her whole person was actually rising higher and higher…

The soil is always enlightened-the air booster, you who like flying are worth it!

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

What did she regard as the object of hatred in the past, no wonder this guy can break into her bedroom unscrupulously! ! !

Time goes back to now.

The evaluation of the love brain is too shameful, and it was originally said by the guy Sougo Tama himself that he has no friends to discuss. Although the guy did not behave pitifully, he was proud of it, but he didn’t. How could a friend be proud? Shimiya Kaguya thought that it was just a disguise of Sougo Tuma’s pride!

Yes, that’s right, that’s it, that guy is pitifully begging her, she will discuss the script with the other party, and perform as a girlfriend!

As for why Hayasaka didn’t know that Tama Sougo had been here, think about that bastard who didn’t take the “normal road”…

“Haasaka, I just want to ask you why the bastard in the soil can easily break into my bedroom!!!”

“…” Said the almighty maid Ai Yasaka said, she didn’t know about it, and, shouldn’t the eldest lady tell her this kind of thing after it happened?

Kazuya Shinomiya-If Hayasaka knew that the president’s house went bankrupt because of the Shinomiya clan, and what the bastard said, Hayasaka would probably stop her. Only for this, Kazuya Shinomiya would accept can not!

“Wait, Miss, even if the poor fellow from the Tujian family came over to ask you to shoot, he said it was to rehearse the drama, but…” This kind of operation is obviously based on tiger skins, Missy, you unexpectedly accepted?

“So, who the hell is Mai Sakurajima!” Kaguya Shimiya hugged her head again. How could she have anything to do with the entertainment industry? In this country, as the children of top chaebols, having a relationship with star idols in the entertainment circle is not only not good, but people will be laughed at…

“Miss…” Hayasaka said with a look that you were teasing me: “You don’t mean to say, you don’t know who Mai Sakurajima is?”

The final burst of residual memes on Miss Bunny Girl made her popularity peak. With this super-scientific popularity, Shinomiya said that she did not know who Mai Sakurajima was, and Ai Hayasaka felt that Missy was insulting her IQ. !

Shimiya Teruya nodded. She clearly remembered that when she was inquiring about Mai Sakurajima on the Internet, there were only a few inquiries displayed on the Internet.

“Miss, Mai Sakurajima is the super popular goddess idol, what she plays…” Ai Yaasaka said with a black thread on her face.

However, before she finished her words, Shimiya Kaguya was stunned. She, she remembered, she remembered who Mai Sakurajima was…

Something is wrong, something is wrong! There was something wrong, she clearly remembered that the bastard Tama had said that Mai Sakurajima was her fictional character, and she also checked it on the Internet, but…

Two conflicting memories made Shimiya Kaguya feel big. If Sougo Tama’s memory made her film a video is true, then why couldn’t she remember who Mai Sakurajima was at the time? If the memory is fake, then how could she shoot those videos at that time? Thinking of this, Si Gong Huiye shuddered unconsciously:

“Hayasaka, if I said that I didn’t know who Mai Sakurajima was when I was shooting these videos, do you believe it?” Kazuya Shinomiya pointed to what was playing on the screen, and she said that she would go forward and retreat together with Mai Sakurajima. Channel.

“What do you mean by Missy?” Seeing that Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t want to lie, Hayasaka was taken aback.

“I remember that the bastard in Tama said that Mai Sakurajima was a character he imagined…” Kaguya Ninomiya whispered: “I also remember that I also checked Mai Sakurajima’s information on the Internet, only A few insignificant…”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Fantasy, a fantasy character? How can it be! ? Miss, she doesn’t know how to watts, right? Wait, this won’t be the so-called retribution! ?

The eldest lady promised that the Tujian family would not intervene in the president’s diagnosis of mental illness, and would actively cooperate…

Because I was too guilty, so…

But this is not right! Even if the eldest’s mind is no matter how watts, she wouldn’t be so cooperative with the Tujian family!

“Jingle Bell……”

At the same time that Hayasaka Ai was full of doubts, Shinomiya Kaguya’s phone rang.

The caller ID is the number that Shimiya Kaguya is familiar with, but he doesn’t want to see it the last-Shimiya Honya!

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