Chapter 724 Is it too late to explain now?

“Honestly, I am a stupid Ohira, don’t you remember to educate you like this? Although the female power is enough, but…” Before Doma Ohira could say something, Doma Sougou started. In the TV series, the old country mother persuaded the criminal son to surrender and said to herself: “Wait, is it Guilong? Did Guilong educated you like this…

I knew that I shouldn’t teach him the right of education to his children. Unfortunately, O’Neill was too weak at the beginning and couldn’t compete with Guilong. That’s why you grew crooked like this! ”

“Zongwu, the Guilong in your mouth shouldn’t be Duosang, right?” Mujian Daping’s black line face.

“Yes, I want to send Guilong your ugly attitude today, and then I’m asking him how he taught you in the past few years, and even taught my Daping a lot of such scumbag virtues. Sure enough, with Going to Xiaobu is the most correct decision I made. If Xiaobu is taught to be like you, then this world will be ruined…”

“Hey…” No. # on the face of Daping Tuma was in disaster: “Zou Wu, what is my image in your heart, and why is Xiao Buying ruining the world like this? Don’t take the world so fragile!”

“Of course it’s the image of an irresponsible scumbag. If Xiaowei learns from you…” Sougo Tama sneered, “Then the world will become very fragile!”

“Where am I not responsible!?” Morama Ohira gritted his teeth: “If it wasn’t for you to be a ghost…”

“Daping has a lot of words. You must pay attention to the evidence when you speak. Please show me the evidence that I am a ghost, otherwise, I have the right to sue you for slandering minors…”

“Are you treating people as a fool? The Okita Zang or the Okita Hellzang…”

“Does it have anything to do with me? I’m Sougo Doma! It’s not an Okinawa hell…” Sougo Doma calmly retorted. As long as he doesn’t admit it, no one will be able to implicate them: “By the way, Daping said Duo seems to have just said, where are you not responsible, right? This means that if I point out where you are not responsible, you will be responsible?”

Doma Ohira: “…”

How does this make him answer?

“Enough!” Before he could say anything, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly said: “Sougo, are you making enough trouble? Although Tama Taihei may not find evidence of your deception, don’t forget that there is still I!”


After she finished speaking, she took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it again: “It’s boring, let this farce end!”

Hearing the sound, Toma Ohira turned his head and glanced at the other person, and sighed again-it was really good, so handsome!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, what are you talking about, I don’t understand what you mean very much, don’t you just want to be with me…” Associating? This is probably a threat.

“It’s all about the love! And, it’s not that I haven’t refused the proposal from my hometown, the big deal, I quit my job and ran away…” Shizuka said through a smoke ring.

Morama Daping was stunned. Before Morama Sougo could speak, he took the conversation and said, “Wait, Hiratsuka-sensei, what is the situation now, why did you resign and run away? Goku is threatening you?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t, how could I threaten people?” Sanlian proficiently denied that Sougo Tama blurted out: “Wait, Hiratsuka-sensei, you should be thinking about…”

“Don’t think about it…” Hiratsuka said as he took the cigarette in his hand and took a deep breath: “Although I want to marry (very quietly), I never thought of relying on this method. It’s inducement, and it’s…”

Tama Ohira stunned and asked, “What is going on right now?”

“It’s very simple. The purpose of my coming this time is not a home visit at all…” Hiratsuka quietly dangling the flue.

“Nani? It’s not a home visit, what is that!?”

“Wait, don’t talk nonsense, it was you who said you want a home visit, I just…” Sougo Tama was struggling to death: “I know. I didn’t expect you to be like Hiratsuka Jing, auntie, now you know Ping Do you think Mr. Tsuka has it?”

“Xiaojing, you, you really want to talk to Sougo…” After switching to Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice, Sougo Doma said this in an incredible tone, and then said in a tone that looked open. : “Well, since it’s Xiaojing your choice, then I can only…”

“Kasan, don’t worry, before you find me, I must have resigned and left…” Hiratsuka smiled on his face, and wrote # on his forehead: “Toroma Sougo, although I don’t know where you are. What is the purpose, but I refuse!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Damn, why are these guys so headstrong? Can’t you just listen to his arrangements?

But before he could say anything, Shizuka had already turned his head and looked at Ohira Toma: “Actually, my purpose this time is not for a home visit, but for a blind date. As for the blind date, I don’t think you should say it. Now you know……”

Tuma Daping was startled when he heard the words: “Wait, that is to say, Souguchi is actually…”

“That’s right…” Hiratsuka nodded quietly: “Doma Sougo, which is your Odoudou, asked you out with the idea of ​​introducing you to me…”

“Home visit…”

“That’s just an excuse, just for being able to ask you out next time, or an excuse to be asked out by you!” Hiratsuka shook his soot quietly.

“Then what happened just now, is Sougo actually did it to match us?”

“If I’m not wrong, it should be. In other words, the one of your Tujian family won’t get married first, and who will lose the right to inheritance?” After taking a sip of the cigarette that had shaken the ashes, Shizuka Hiratsuka said suddenly.

“How could there be such a rule?” Tama Dahei said with a black line: “Besides, that guy Sougo didn’t even think about inheritance rights, including me…”

“Such words…”

“I know no one believes it, but Hiratsuka-sensei, don’t you think that starting a business on your own is more worth the challenge than inheriting the family?” Tachikawa said with a serious face.

“Zi~!” Shizuka Hiratsuka extinguished the cigarette after hearing the words: “You really think that?”

“Asshole, marry me obediently and become the president, and then work hard to make money to support me, don’t you know that the old man has cut off my pocket money, and is still taking the lead in offering me a reward?” Before Doma Dahei answered, Doma Sougou I already yelled on the phone: “If the Tujian family is yours now, would I have to work so hard? You stupid Odoudou…

Your great Oni sauce now has to plan carefully even for a meal. You said it’s useless to inherit the family…”

Doma Ohira: “…”

Plan carefully! ?

In other words, who is this guy who shot 10 million yen! ? How did Sougo feel embarrassed to say such things?

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

So, the two brothers didn’t fight for the right of inheritance…

However, with a careful calculation of 10 million yen, I always feel that Tama Sougou has any misunderstandings about careful calculation! She is his Chinese teacher, do you want to help that guy with tuition?

While Shizuka Hiratsuka was thinking seriously, Ohira Tama suddenly asked, “If Sougo is to match up with us, then what about Hiratsuka-teacher’s resignation and leaving?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Sorry, she doesn’t want to say this alone!

“Is it because of the female voice who called you Xiaojing just now?”

Hiratsuka hesitated for a few seconds after hearing this, but nodded.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Daping seems to know that he will change his voice…

Wait, there are some things he can explain!

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