Chapter 725

The real strong man dares to face the bleak life, and dare to face the coffee table after the truth is revealed-the same is true for Tuma Sougen. Daping said in Tuma: “Zouwu, do you use the voice change skill again!” “Rear……

“Toot toot…” He hung up the phone decisively. It is impossible to face it directly. It is impossible to face it in this life. Anyway, the morals have been lost. As for the face and so on, it will be lost as far as it can be lost. How far, since the lower limit was lowered, there are not many in this world who can embarrass him!

“Change, change voice?” Hiratsuka, who had witnessed everything, only felt that the corner of his eyes twitched and his voice changed? Zou Wu that bastard still has this ability. No, she should have thought of it a long time ago. She should have thought of it when the video she hadn’t filmed appeared. That video had already shown that Bastard, not only changes his voice, but also transforms!

No wonder, it’s no wonder that she has felt something wrong since yesterday-it was just a blind date. Her mother would come to Tokyo so solemnly. It was not like a blind date at all, but rather like a date. , It’s just a blind date. She met in Chiba and didn’t know how many times she met in a month. Her mother urged her at most, and she didn’t even see her in person…

Damn it, she also made this misunderstanding yesterday that her mother valued the Tujian family. Then again, if it was her mother yesterday, I am afraid she would only persuade her like this: “Don’t think about the heir of the Tujian family, you It’s almost 30, and still have this kind of daydreaming?” She should have reacted to this at the time, but why did she…

By the way, the bastard Tama Sougo said-if Hiratsuka-sensei can’t deal with Ohira, he can actually…

That’s right, she was disturbed by the sentence. The whole thought in her mind was that she was turned into a confession by the student in front of her mother. This is a teacher-student relationship. It is known that she is not a social death…

Plus mother, it’s not right, it should be the bastard Sougo Doma who is still playing double acting there. How can she react!

“Huh~!” Although there are millions of MMP words in her heart, Hiratsuka still feels relieved. At the very least, if the blind date fails, she won’t be tied up by her mother and sent to the Tujian family. She doesn’t have to resign. It’s really gratifying, gratifying, gratifying Coke, gratifying-shit, her blind date this time, probably because of her wayward behavior just now, she failed!

Thinking of this, Shizuka picked up the cigarette in her hand and took a hard sip. She seemed to want to spit out the frustration of blind date and failure with this cigarette…

“Should…” Sougo Morama snorted coldly when he saw this scene through the monitoring screen.

“Someone seems to have messed up…” Mai Sakurajima, who was sitting and observing, said: “Sure enough, love requires fate, and human intervention is basically…”

“Have you screwed it up? That might not happen…” Tsuchama always smiled noncommittal.

“Huh? It’s all reached this point…” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled, but before she could finish speaking, the two people on the screen had already made new moves.

“Ah~! Sorry, I tried some tricks on you at the beginning. Now that you know the truth, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back!” Shizuka Hiratsuka extinguished the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the recycling of cigarette butts. After being in the device, he just scratched the back of his head.

“It’s really cool and handsome…” Seeing the other party’s movements, Tama Dahei thought that flashed in his heart, but his mouth said: “If this is not a home visit, but a blind date, does it mean now? My blind date failed?”

“…” Shizuka was taken aback when he heard the words: “You, what are you guys talking about? How do you think I am the one who failed to leave the field…”

“But, I haven’t had time to ask Hiratsuka-teacher for the contact information…” Tamaru Ohira chuckled lightly: “If Hiratsuka-teacher helps in the school, then I will be able to correct Sougo more easily.”

“All I said, this is not a home visit, it’s a photo…” Shizuka Hiratsuka, a daughter of iron and steel.

“Is there any problem? It’s not a home visit, can’t I ask Hiratsuka-sensei’s contact information…”

“!!!” Hiratsuka Shizuka reacted to something, she looked a little flustered: “Hey, you, you, can’t you be…”

“Shhh…” Tamata put his index finger to his mouth: “I think the Hiratsuka-sensei just now is very handsome…”

Seeing everything that happened on the computer screen, Sougo Doma shrugged: “Oh, maybe it’s not a mess, maybe it’s not necessarily!”

Mai Sakurajima hesitated for a moment, and couldn’t help but said, “You guessed that things would develop like this?”

“Who knows?” After Sougo Tama answered in a noncommittal tone, he gently closed the notebook in front of him and said: “The next thing is that Yuwo is dead. It’s time to go, hope. Those two guys still remember that…”

“Wait, Sougo, what happened just now, why…”

“Mai, do I look like a hundred thousand whys?” Doma was puzzled.

“Sougo, you can remove the image, you are!” Mai Sakurajima nodded.


Indeed, the development of the matter is still within Doma Sougou’s expectations, whether it is Hiratsuka’s confession or the change in attitude of Doma Ohira, he has established a mathematical model to speculate on all of this—— Human beings will subconsciously value some special first time, such as: first love. First kiss, first contact…

It is precisely because of this realization that Sougo Tama made today’s seemingly farce blind date.

First of all, it is still the old-fashioned use of the suspension bridge effect. Sougo Doma deliberately prepared a closed environment and simulated the environment of the suspension bridge. The Okita Hell was born for this purpose, which gave the two a sense of crisis and formed him. What guys want to watch out for.

Immediately afterwards, it was the first heartbeat. The candle that can release the perfect hormone made Morama Dahei’s heartbeat for the first time. Although this heartbeat is artificially created, the heartbeat is the heartbeat. Even if you restrain yourself later, people can feel the object of their first heartbeat. , There will always be a trace of care.

Then, for the first time I was drunk in front of others, embarrassed, exposed my heart for the first time, and danced with the first-time beloved for the first time, Sougo Doma continued to give, emphasizing the first time…

Finally, there is a strong contrast, first the contrast between strong and fragile, between gentle and virtuous and handsome, between sincerity and lies, between evil and integrity…

Hiratsuka, who looks strong on the outside, exposed her fragile side in front of the large surface of the earth. She is not as strong as she imagined if she can’t get married, but even on the fragile side, she can still be handsome. In the lies made up by Sougo Tuma, she bravely confessed, breaking the evil demon’s conspiracy, and justice defeated evil!

The knight who defeated the devil didn’t get the honor he deserved. Hiratsuka failed to get a blind date and was ready to leave. At this time, Doma Daping has a gentle attribute and a touch of heart, and it is impossible to let things end like this. Then, Doma Is Ohira gentle? The answer is that he is very Asashi!

Things are developing like Sougo Doma expected, and the price is only that he has some notoriety on his back. Anyway, he has more debts. Sougo Doma shrugged, and no one was interfered. The fate of the past has begun.

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