Chapter 723

Monitoring is a serious monitoring. It just records truthfully what has happened in this private room. For example, Shizuka Shizuka and Ohira Doma did not touch the bottle of Riesling sweet white wine. For example, these two The guy named “blind date” only drank less than a glass of table wine, and got “drunk proudly”…

In this regard, the foreman and the waiter started a crazy way of brain replenishment-these two guests are obviously “drunkards are not interested in drinking”, maybe people will look at the mung beans and meet their eyes, look at this. The madness of the two, the female clamoring to marry, and the male responding to marry. Although it is a natural creation, it obviously does not conform to the mainstream values…

I am afraid they have calmed down now, and realized how absurd their behavior was just now, so they will find an excuse to say that there is a problem with wine, right? What to do, at this time, does he want to protect the face of the guests or the reputation of the restaurant…

While the foreman was entangled in his heart, Hiratsuka Shizuka and Doma Ohira who watched together: “…”

Before watching the surveillance, they had only a vague impression of what had just happened. From the surveillance perspective, the two suddenly felt that it is better to find a place to meet and go to Huangquan together…

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

The woman on the screen who complained that she couldn’t get married was definitely not her! The woman who laughed wildly at Daping, like a man, is definitely not her! How could that guy who doesn’t see the slightest femininity be her! ?

Doma Ohira: “…”

Who is the guy on the screen who says he does not have the dignity of Nissan? Who is that guy who is crying? Who is the man who wants to marry himself out of disagreement! ?

Shizuka Hiratsuka, Ohira Doma: “…”

Why do they watch such a shameful video! ?

By the way, it’s because…

The two turned their heads to look at the foreman and waiter almost at the same time:

“Are you still insisting that your wine is fine?”

“Are the two guests sure that it’s the wine problem? In that case…” Seeing that the two of them did not do anything, the service ecology of the foreman has changed a lot, just like now, he was talking from the decanter while talking. After pouring out a glass of wine, sipping it, and sniffing it again, he drank it all in one fell swoop. When the wine was in, he closed his eyes and tasted it as if he was enjoying it:

“The scent is light and elegant. If the appetizing sourness is accompanied by non-staple foods such as raw fish, it is definitely a great treat. The rich taste changes in the mouth, but it makes people feel delicate and gentle. The balance of the pairing is definitely the best white wine. …”

Shizuka Hiratsuka and Ohira Doma: “…”

What they are looking for is the problem of wine, not to hear the taste and evaluation of this wine!

Just as the two of them roared in their hearts, after the foreman finished his evaluation, he said to them: “Two guests, please forgive me for my shallow knowledge, I really can’t taste this wine…”

In the silence of Shizuka Shizuka and Dahei Tachi, how did they get drunk? It seems that after less than half a glass of wine, consciousness has begun to float…

For a long while.

“Can you look at it in a straight line now?” the unwilling two tentatively asked.

“Two guests, don’t you think that a glass of wine can get people drunk…” The foreman said this, and suddenly stopped, he forgot, but these two guests didn’t even finish a drink. , Has become “drunk” as a dog!

Thinking of this, the foreman sighed in his heart: “Well, as long as the two guests don’t spread rumors or find faults, I can get drunk!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Doma Ohira: “…”

What’s the meaning? Who is rare to be drunk in the past! ?

five minutes later.

The foreman walked into the back kitchen with a tired expression on his face: “Madam boss, next time there are some inexplicable requests from guests, you must not agree to it. Let’s not talk about this for a while, and then it will happen again for a while. The point is, it’s obviously their own problem. They still need to find excuses. If they find excuses, just find excuses. The excuses they found are still naive…”

“What?” The cow proprietress was puzzled.

“What else? The two of them looked at mung beans, and they got the right eyes. When they got hot, they thought about what they were. When they calmed down, they said that there was a problem with our wine. A glass of table wine could make you drunk as a dog. Who is the drink fool?”

“Eh, did the two of you become? Huh…” The cow proprietress looked quite proud: “It’s not a waste of the Riesling I contributed!”

“Stupid, the two said just now that there is a problem with the wine…”

“It’s just the shyness between lovers, Fujii, you are. Don’t expose them at that time. Anyway, no one believes that someone will get drunk with a glass of wine for serving…”

“Tsk tusk, really, what if those two take the opportunity to spread rumors about the restaurant? Boss, don’t treat everyone as good people, people~ you still have to be a little wary!”

The restaurant of the Wood Orchard Hotel, inside the VIP room.

The rumor-making duo-Shizuka Hiratsuka and Ohira Tomama looked at each other in a daze.

That wine is okay! ? Don’t talk about wine, they have even checked the wine glasses, and there is no problem. Since these are all ok, then, what is the problem? Could it be that they had a problem themselves?

“Jingle Bell……”

The rapid ringtone pulled the two of them from their doubts back to reality. The ringtone came from the direction of the piano. Only then did they remember the mobile phone that had just appeared on the piano chair. As soon as the call was connected:

“Mosimosi, is it Ohira or Hiratsuka-sensei who answered the phone?”

“Sougo, have you had enough trouble…”

“It turned out to be Ohira…” Sougo Tama “suddenly” said: “Just now a guy called Okita Hellzou called me, and I knew what happened. I didn’t expect you to be like Ohira… ”

“Come on, isn’t it you?” Daping Tuma gritted his teeth.

“Daping, I’m going to sue you for slander. What evidence do you have to prove that I am Okita Hells?” Sougo Tama was wronged and said: “I just want you to help me cope with home visits, no I thought, you actually started on my respected teacher, Daping, why are you such a Daping?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Respect, respected teacher! ? If she hadn’t been a sensible person from start to finish, maybe she would really believe it!

Doma Ohira: “…”

When did he start with the teacher, wait! From the picture seen on the monitor, he is indeed…

“Sougo, stop talking nonsense, even if I don’t care about it, have you ever wondered what will happen to Hiratsuka-sensei?”

“Meaning you are not going to be responsible? Scumbag Daping? No, from the picture I saw just now, it should be the scumbag Daping. I have to say, as a scumbag, you are really a woman. , Ohira!”

Doma Ohira: “…”

He can recognize the scum, but what the hell is the scum?

and many more!

Why does he want to recognize scum? He doesn’t even recognize the scum. Where is the scum in his soil?

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