Chapter 711

Although Sakurajima Mai had countless vomits in her heart, after knowing that Sougo Doma was really not bad, she agreed to help, walked to the large surface of the soil and shook her hand, and then she was decisively Ignore it…

This phenomenon made Tama always enlightened. Sure enough, in this world, only him and the waste material are special. Therefore, the position of Oni sauce is reasonable and reasonable. As a Muggle Ohira, he actually paid it back. Delusion about the title of Ernie Chan’s baby is simply a dream!

at the same time.

Doma Dahei, who has been defined as “Muggle” by Doma Sougo, was led by the waiter and stepped into the ultra-luxury private room reserved by Doma Sougo. Looking at the luxurious decoration in the private room, Doma Dahei Eyelids jumped unnaturally, and he subconsciously squeezed his wallet: “…”

So, Sougo, isn’t this guy going to bankrupt him just once, right? Is the salary he just paid today enough to settle the bill?

“Sir, the VIP room in our store contains services such as showers, solo music, live performances, etc. When do you need it? We prepared early…” Just when Dahei Tama was sad for his poor wallet, he brought him in. The waiter asked formulaically.

Before the other party could finish speaking, Tama Dahei’s face paled again: “Can these services be refunded? We are just ordinary dinners between brothers and sisters. It is too fancy and it is not conducive to the communication between our brothers and sisters… ”

“Refunds can be refunded, but these are all included in the service fee of the VIP room. Even without these services, the service fee…” Cannot be refunded, the restaurant waiter explained with a smile.

“Ah~! That’s not refundable, you go out first, and I’ll call you when someone arrives…” Toma Dahei, who already knew what the other party was going to say, collapsed on the chair. This time, I’m afraid he will even have his deposit. You have to use it! Damn it, for this extravagant behavior, he must be severely reprimanded later!

Soon after the waiter left, he led Hiratsuka Jing to push the door and walked in. The teacher cleaned up today. It seems that youth is just right, and he does not give people a decadent decadence. This image is so dazzling. Sougou, who was hiding outside and observing, nodded. It seems that Hiratsuka-sensei really wants to marry herself. At least, she is not perfunctory in appearance…

Even so, Sougo Tuma couldn’t be completely relieved!

Therefore, when Shizuka Hiratsuka entered the private room, Mai Sakurajima, the best spy, followed him behind him…It should be said that it was only right to follow the other party into the private room with an open mind.

“Sorry, this lady, may I ask you…” Tuma dazed flatly, facing the strange woman who was led in by the waiter.

“Excuse me, are you Tama Sougou’s parent?”

Sougo Doma, who was watching the live broadcast, was quite satisfied with Mr. Hiratsuka’s reaction, and the other party was not stupid… At least, Mr. Hiratsuka really listened to what he said.

Doma Ohira: “…”

So, what is the situation now? What the hell is Sougo doing?

Unknown, he nodded slightly with a guilty conscience: “I’m probably his Nissan, no, I am his Nissan, Ohira Morama! May I ask if you are…”

“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Sougo Doma’s Chinese language teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka. I came to you today to talk about the learning attitude of Sougo Doma…” I want to visit your home directly, but, classmate Zou Wu said that your family is used to talking in the restaurant…”

These words surprised Mai Sakurajima on the side: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Isn’t it about blind dates? Why did it become a home visit? Wait, you always realize that Xueshen will be visited by the teacher’s home? Have fun!

Doma Ohira: “…”

and many more! What’s the meaning? There is too much information, he has to repeatedly…

The meal that Sougo said was not a pit from the beginning, right? What the hell did that guy do in school? You will be called by the teacher? Has he been fooled by that fellow Sougo again?

“Sougo did what he did?”

“Actually, he didn’t do anything. It’s just that less than a month after the transfer, he escaped from the course for more than half a month…” When Shizuka Hiratsuka said this, he seriously observed the soil. Ma Daping’s reaction, she also wanted to know how the Tuma family would react when they heard Tuma’s “self-destructive and self-rejection”.

Mai Sakurajima suddenly realized: -_-!

If you play truant, I’m afraid that fellow Sougo can really do it. After all, for Sougo, the knowledge of high school is as boring as her learning 1+1=2. If she is asked to go to kindergarten now, Mai Sakurajima thinks about it. , She will probably skip class too, right?

“Wait, wait, do you mean that I was addicted to skipping classes during this period of time?” There is Mai Sakurajima who understands the inside story, and there is also Ohira who does not understand the inside story. In the impression of Tama Ohira, his Odoudou from Since middle school, my father arranged to go to Yuanyue to learn cooking…

Recently, he heard that Odoudou was dropped out of school by Yuanyue and could only start high school again. Now, Odoudou who is in high school often skips classes. Could the reason be…

While Dahei Doma was thinking about it, Hiratsuka nodded quietly: “You are an addiction that works well. To be honest, I have taught many students, but like Doma Sougo, I am definitely the number one. Once I saw him, I started drinking too much at a young age…”

People familiar with the matter are ashamed:-_-!!!

So how long has this guy turned around before the teacher has known that he will drink such things?

“I’m very sorry, but, as a Nissan of Sougo, I want to say that although Sougo has a hobby of drinking, although he is underage, he is definitely not a bad student…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Why do you hear this so familiar? By the way, it seems that my mother has told her that although she smokes, drinks, drags cars, and likes to do things with people, she knows that she is a good woman…

Putting these two sentences together, they are quite similar to each other~! While Shizuka was thinking wildly, he took over the words:

“Drinking is not mentioned beforehand, so what about skipping class?”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, regarding Sougo’s skipping class, as his Nissan, I actually have a guess and I want to tell you!” Dahei Tama smoked his glasses and said.

“What guess?” Hiratsuka was curious.

“Actually, Sougo had been arranged by his father to study cooking at the chef academy since he was in junior high school. Later, for some personal reasons, Sougo was transferred from the chef school to an ordinary high school. So, I wonder if it will be Zou Wu can’t keep up with the current learning progress, so he has the idea of ​​being tired of school and skipping classes?”

“Chef school?” Shizuka was stunned when he heard the words. It seemed that the Tsuchian family did not think about letting Sougo inherit the family business. Otherwise, how could they arrange for the other party to study at the chef school?

“If this is the case, then he should cherish his study time…”

“Tingling bell…” Hiratsuka was only halfway through talking, and the phone bell on her body rang. After looking at the caller interface that was the number that made her grit her teeth:

“Sorry, let me answer the call!”

“It’s okay…” Doma Ohira is always so gentlemanly.

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