Chapter 712

“Mr. Hiratsuka, although your initial script routines performed well, the subsequent play really disappointed me. Daping said that I skipped class because I couldn’t keep up with the progress of my studies. You want to say, then I should be more It’s not wrong to cherish the time you study, right?” As soon as the phone was connected, Sougo Doma’s dissatisfied voice came.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who walked out of the indirect phone, was taken aback when she heard the words. After she reacted, she said slightly angrily: “Toroma Sougo, you are actually monitoring us?”

“As I said, I have to know if you are perfunctory. After all, I also want to know if Hiratsuka-sensei has an old cow to eat tender grass…”

“Who do you say is the old cow? Who is the tender grass?” Hiratsuka gritted his teeth.

“Isn’t someone who hasn’t married himself in his early 30s, isn’t it a veteran?” Sougo Tuma asked confidently, “Isn’t my budding juvenile young grass?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

But, Damn it, isn’t it just because of your young age? When who has never been young?

“Now, I suspect that you already had the idea of ​​old cattle eating tender grass. You shouldn’t say anything just now. I should cherish the time of study, but say that if this is the case, I can help the soil. Some students make up for the progress. Of course, this requires the cooperation of your parents. With that said, don’t you have an excuse to ask Daping in the future?”

“Hiss~!” Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. No, I didn’t expect this to happen again? No wonder she didn’t succeed in blind dates so many times!

“Is it wrong? If you were stupid, I wouldn’t bother to talk to you on the phone. Fortunately, I didn’t let you finish. Now there is still a chance to remedy it. For example:’If Tujian can’t keep up with the progress, then I can help him with tuition.’Okay, I’ll just mention something like this so that I won’t control you remotely if Hiratsuka says anything. Then, I wish you a happy home visit, Dududu…”

Looking at the hung up cell phone, Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Being watched like this? Who would be happy!

Although I really want to say that, when thinking of her mother’s attitude last night, Shizuka felt that it would be better for her to associate with the little boy Doma Sougou inside!

At the very least, when she first observed, she had a good impression of Toma Dahei——

First of all, this guy was clearly deceived by Doma Sougo, but when he found out that he was deceived, he was not angry because of it, proving that he was a gentle-tempered guy. Secondly, after hearing about Doma Sougo After the stigma, Daping Tuma subconsciously chose to protect the Odoudou, which proves that the other party is a person with a sense of family responsibility…

In the end, even though Tama Dahei wears glasses and looks like a social animal, the other party does not look greasy. After hearing that she is Tama Sougo’s teacher, the whole person is green (actually Odoudou). I am ashamed of his behavior), it is completely different from those old fritters on blind dates…

Not to mention, the other party seems to have a kind of tolerance and scroll atmosphere carved into the bones. Compared with Tama Dahei, Tama Sougoku, the smelly brother, looks even worse…

So Hiratsuka made a decision and opened the door again to enter the private room, but when she came in, the phone ringing rang again. Of course, this time it was not hers, but the phone ringing of Dahei Doma.

“Jingle Bell……”

“Sorry…” Looking at the number on the caller ID that caused him a headache, Toma Taiping also twitched the corners of his mouth and pressed the answer button:

“Mosimosi, my stupid Odoudou, have you seen the old woman who wants to visit me at home now?” This is an assist from Tama Sougo.

Shizuka Hiratsuka who just returned to the private room: “…”

Make it clear, who is the old woman! ?

Tuma Daping felt a pain in his head. Knowing that Sougo was so uncomfortable, he went outside to answer the phone! Old women or something, thinking of this, he glanced at Shizuka Hiratsuka who walked in…

This Hiratsuka teacher is not old~! I don’t want to talk about the white, beautiful and long legs. Just the temperament of the other person, it is more energetic and youthful (the vigor of the iron fist!), if you say that these are all old women, then he is a social animal Isn’t it a full of breath of society…

Although the other party’s face became gloomy after hearing the adjective of the old woman, but Ohira Tama understood this mentality very well. Although he didn’t know how old the Hiratsuka teacher was, he should be at the age of grace and prosperity. , But, because of her participation in work, she was called Auntie, Old Woman, Obasan…

Just like Dahei Tuma, he was called his elder brother by the children a few years ago, but after a few years of social beatings, the children have begun to call him uncle. Obviously, he is only ten years older than the total enlightenment. It’s only the next year, but Zongwu is his elder brother, but he is his uncle, obviously he and Zongwu belong to the same generation…

I really feel relieved to think about it!

“Sougo, shut up, don’t talk nonsense!” So, Morama Ohira subconsciously chose to maintain Hiratsuka Jing. After all, the same old man at the end of the world: “Where is Hiratsuka teacher old?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka was overjoyed when she heard this. Sure enough, compared to the terrible Sougo Doma, Ohira Doma is the gentleman of the family, who just said it too much to her appetite, where is she getting old?

“For me as a minor, women over twenty years old are all old women!” It’s a pity that Sougo Doma can always pierce people’s hearts.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Since you despise her for being old, don’t tell her mother that there is nothing!

“Sougo, there is no etiquette education in the Tuma family…” Tsuchima Taihei looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka with a black line on his face, becoming more ashamed.

“But, is it wrong to tell the truth? Besides, I am not targeting women. For me, men over twenty years old are old guys and stubborn…”

For several years over twenty, Ohira Doma, who started to run for three, said: “…”

“You are not a few years away from twenty years old now!” He gritted his teeth.

“Don’t worry, I will naturally change the standard when the time comes. For example, what do underage kids know!” Sougo Morama said with a light smile: “Also, 30-year-old Ogissan is really a troublesome creature! Is it Daping you? Isn’t it like this?”

Doma Ohira: “…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Is this shameless and double-labeled guy really his (her) Odoudou (student)?

“So I’m already an old guy in your heart, huh?” Tottoma Ohira came back to his senses, his expression sullen.

“My stupid oudoudou~! I thought you should have understood this kind of thing a long time ago. By the way, how are you talking to that old woman, please tell her, don’t stare at me all day long, no Just skip class…”

“Sougo…” Before he finished speaking, the stern-faced Morama Ohira grabbed the stubbornness and said: “I think Mr. Hiratsuka said something completely correct. There is a big problem with your learning attitude?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka took the conversation and said: “In this regard, I can supervise on my behalf, but I need the cooperation of my parents…”

“Wait!” On the phone, Sougo Tama’s voice was “trembling”: “Oh, Ohira~! Hira, the old woman Shizuka Hiratsuka is with you now!?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

If she had not known that there was an eyeliner arranged by Sougo Toma in this private room, maybe she would really believe it!

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Sure enough, I always realized that he was a dramatist who was delayed by knowledge!

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