Chapter 710 The people of the Tujian family are wayward!

“Ahem…” As a mature agent, Ms. Sakurajima promptly changed the topic before Miss Bunny Girl felt ashamed: “I understand the material requested by Master Tama…”

“Huh?” Sure enough, Mai Sakurajima was taken aback after hearing this, and then said: “Kasan, don’t you think that the materials we selected together are not good? Do you think that Sougo is better than us? Know more about the entertainment industry? Know more about acting?”

Ms. Sakurajima nodded.

She didn’t know that Tuma always understood whether he understood the entertainment industry, or whether the other party knew how to act, but she knew that the other party would definitely be more hype than the two of them combined…

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Kassan, do you want to be so direct! ? In how to say, you are also an excellent agent who brought out many well-known artists, let alone her former super popular idol…

and many more!

Mai Sakurajima suddenly thought that her mother’s appearance of a little fan girl just now was actually an admiration for her seniors, right? If Sougo Tama’s opinion on the entertainment industry is far greater than that of her mother who is her agent, then everything just now makes sense!

Sogou just used his judgment on the entertainment industry to persuade her mother, who is an economic man, not only that, but her mother also developed a feeling of admiration because of the other’s opinions…

It’s just that she still has a question, why didn’t he discuss it in front of her? After coming back, what kind of nonsense research on diapers made her ashamed…

He was clearly helping her without telling her, is he a fool?

No, Sougo is not a fool, but why would he do this?

“So full…” While Mai Sakurajima was thinking about it, the customer in front of her said while clutching her stomach.

“How about it, isn’t the food in this restaurant good? So, it makes sense to be expensive!”

“It’s really good, I’ve eaten it…” The customer holding his stomach looked unlovable: “But, when I think of going back and running to work out, I can give the extra calories I ate today…”

“No way, who told you to eat so much?”

“This is probably too delicious annoyance, next time, next time I will never…”

“Aren’t you here?” the companion jokingly said.

“Wrong, I just…”

The comments of the two guests caused a bunch of foodies to laugh at each other, but Mai Sakurajima was taken aback-will the food be too delicious to be complained?

Miss Bunny Girl suddenly remembered a famous saying from the Heavenly Dynasty: “It’s kindness to promote rice, and it’s to fight against it.”

Ever since she came into contact with Zou Gou, it seems that Zou Wu is helping her. The other party is always giving her reassurance. She can’t be seen by others, so Zou Wu will let people see her again, her Kasang. If you forget her, the other party will let her Kassan remember her again…

Sogou found the Mai Sakurajima who was about to disappear into this world. If you say, save your life, you should promise it…

Thinking of this, Mai Sakurajima lowered her head awkwardly, then, when the other party’s kindness surpassed her life-saving grace? Food that is too delicious will cause people to complain, so is the kindness too deep? Sougo must have realized this before he picked himself out of this matter…

When all kinds of thoughts surged in Mai Sakurajima, Sougo Tama suddenly said, “Mai, can I give you a task?”

Miss Bunny Girl, who was immersed in self-replenishment and self-movement, was taken aback: “Huh? What task?”

“Look over there…” Sougo Tama pointed to the entrance and exit of the restaurant. There was a young man with glasses who looked like a social animal standing there: “My stupid Odoudou has already arrived. Go and try. Can he observe you…”

This is Sougo Tama’s purpose for bringing Sakurajima’s mother and daughter here. In marrying Ohira, Sougo Tama must not make mistakes, although he has found it out through researching memes. The device that the human body simulates air, but he has tried that device, but it has no effect on him or his family’s waste materials…

Tuma Sougo suspects that this is a unique ability of the Tuma family, just like the small buried guy can change in size anywhere. Therefore, he can’t guarantee that after he activates the device, he will be able to swagger to monitor Taiping and Hiratsuka. Quiet blind date, in case that is really the unique ability of the Tujian family…

Then he swaggered in front of the big plane, didn’t he throw himself into the net? How could Sougo Tama let this happen, so Mai Sakurajima was the best choice.

Although it has long been known that the stinky brother Tama Sougou said is an adult, when he saw Ohira’s rather mature social animal face, Sakurajima Mai still wanted to complain: “Even if you tell a lie ten thousand times, you will change. Don’t be a brother!”

“Sougo, your Nissan blind date…” Sakurajima Mai said with some doubts, resisting the urge to turn into a Tucao.

“It’s Odoudou!” Just as she spoke, Sougo Tama interrupted aloud, only for this, he would never let it!

Mai Sakurajima, Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

What kind of persistence is this?

“Um…” There was a black line on Mai Sakurajima’s face: “Even if it’s Odoudou, Sougo, what do you want to do? If it’s sabotage…”

No wonder Mai Sakurajima thinks this way. After all, the Tama family is a wealthy family. Is this kind of thing rare in the wealthy family? Let alone reality, Mai Sakurajima herself has filmed several TV series of this type, but the filming goes back to filming, she really wants to do something, Bunny said that being a concubine really can’t do it, can she change it to something else? …

“Mai, what are you talking about stupid? You know how much work I took to marry this stupid oudoudou, cough cough, should I say, get rid of single?”

“Sougo, don’t you want to take you Nissan…”

“It’s Odoudou!” Sougo Tama emphasized again.

“Well, don’t you want your Odoudou to join someone else’s house, do you?” Mai Sakurajima twitched.

“It’s just a joke to marry. Even if I agree and Daping agrees, it is impossible for the stubborn old man in my family to agree. I just want him to get rid of being single and inherit the Tujian family as soon as possible! Don’t always focus on me… …”

Mai Sakurajima understands like a misunderstanding. She thinks that it is indeed a play of wealthy families vying for family property, but Sougo doesn’t seem to care about those wealth, but his Nissan doesn’t believe it. In order to prevent Sougo, he has been paying attention. in his body……

and many more! Why do you have to get rid of being single before inheriting the Tujian family…

This doubt has just arisen and was answered: “My stupid Odoudou said something, he has to start from the grassroots and climb up step by step, hehe…” Sougo Doma sneered and said: “That Does the guy think I don’t know what he is thinking? The work at the grassroots level is easy, so he has the extra energy to stare at us, so as to snatch the title of O’Neill from my hands…

I will never let this happen! I want to let that stupid Odoudou get rid of being single. When he has a daughter-in-law and a baby, I really want to see if he still has so much time for the Bald Eagle! Do you still have to do grassroots work, and be the president honestly, bastard! ”

Mai Sakurajima who guessed wrong: “…”

Can she incarnate as a Tucao? Do you want to be so self-willed! ? That’s the president of the top chaebol Tujian family! ! !

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