Chapter 706: Sure enough, my mother has to come to the stage to urge marriage!

“Brother Daping, don’t think I’m alarmist. Whether you admit it or not, the Tujian family occupies a large part of the wealth of this country. If you think that the Tujian family regards diligence and thrift as virtue, then this part of the wealth is Unable to circulate out…” Doma, Fudge, Sogoro is online.

“Sougo, I’m your Nissan!” Ohira Doma’s voice sounded a bit gritted: “Come on, there are so many subsidiaries under the name of the Doma chaebol, how can it be impossible to circulate…”

“My stupid Odoudou, those companies are all tools to gather wealth for the Tujian. Why do you think that with those subsidiaries, the wealth occupied by the Tujian family can circulate to the market? Don’t you think Is the Tuma family doing charity? Or, Daping, you are going to open a few money-losing companies to lose money?” Tuma Sougo said with a light smile.

“No, I mean…” Tama Dahei wanted to refute.

“You have nothing to say, remember, as a member of the Tujian family, spending a lot of money is to contribute to the society, that is to contribute to the prosperity of the market! Now, you still feel like buying luxury goods Is there a problem?”

Doma Ohira: “…”

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it. These things completely violated the education he had received for so many years!

“Sougo, let me think about it…”

“Then think about it, I hung up, and we will be in touch when you arrive in Tokyo tomorrow. Actually, I don’t think there is much to think about…” Tsuchima Sogo said as he cut off the phone.

After that, he found Hiratsuka’s phone number from the phone book and dialed it.

“Who, who. Calling, calling, disturbing my old lady drinking…” As soon as the call was connected, Hiratsuka’s quiet voice came.

The soil is always enlightened: —_—! ! !

This kind of old woman who claims to be a mother after being drunk can be a teacher. There is really a big problem with education in this country! For the education of this country, he should teach this kind of teacher a little lesson!

Thinking of this, Doma squeezed his throat, using a female voice that sounded a little vicissitudes of life:

“I said, Xiaojing, such a rich nightlife, have you really thought about marrying yourself out? Mom is really worried about you!” As a member of the upper class, the Hiratsuka family said to Mrs. Hiratsuka. , Tujian is no stranger to it, and now imitating it is simply vivid.

“Old, mother!?” Shizuka seemed to wake up a little after hearing this.

“Mom? Am I very old in your eyes? That’s right, even you call yourself a mother!”

“…” Hiratsuka was silent for a while: “No, mom, listen to my sophistry… ahem, explain, I didn’t expect it to be you just now, by the way, why are you calling at this time? Wait, Why is this number in Tokyo?”

“Of course it’s because I just arrived in Tokyo…”

“Wait, you, what are you doing in Tokyo?” Hiratsuka was not drunk.

“Of course I’m here to ask you, when can I hold my grandson!”

“Mom, I just joined here! Even if it is…”

“You still want to hide your mother from me until now?” Sougo Tuma said in a slightly dissatisfied tone: “If it weren’t for today I received a call from the Tujian family, saying that you will talk to the young master of the Tujian family tomorrow. Blind date, I’m afraid I haven’t been kept in the dark by you until now!”

“Puff…” Shizuka Hiratsuka on the other end of the phone didn’t know if something was sprayed: “You, you said this…” It seems, it seems that Tama Sougo had said that he had to make arrangements. She was going on a blind date with his brother, by the way, when did she come, wait, tomorrow! ? Isn’t she…

“Guru!” Hiratsuka quietly swallowed his saliva. As expected, she had already begun to question her on the phone.

“Xiaojing, do you look like you are going to have a blind date now? As a woman, she drank drunk at night and opened her mouth to be an old lady. Are you even talking about who you are? If you really have a child, Call your mother, I don’t have to worry about your marriage so much! You are not young anymore, in a few years you will be thirty…”

“…” Faced with Sou Goku’s urge to marry, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked unrequited, and in a few years he would be thirty, thirty!

“Mom doesn’t want to say more, where are you now?”

Shizuka was taken aback when he heard the words: “Mom, why are you asking this?”

“Of course I came to see you, and prepared for you by the way. You are going to go on a blind date tomorrow! I won’t help you clean up…” Thinking of Hiratsuka Shizuo’s messy apartment, Sougo Doma deliberately said.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Hiratsuka looked at the debris in the apartment room with her mouth twitching. If her mother saw the horrible situation in the room, she might be told what it was!

“Well, it’s not necessary? Mom, isn’t it just a blind date. It doesn’t need such a big battle? Maybe the Tujian family just walked through the scene…”

“Let’s come, if you can’t make it, the Tujian family can call me, and even when you come to Tokyo, it was arranged by the Tujian family. By the way, the second young master of the Tujian family was the one who received me. What is the name of the Tujian family? Here, by the way, it’s called Tama Sougo…” Tama Sougo started his Sao operation:

“Speaking of speaking, the upbringing of the Tujian family is really excellent. Like this second young master, he not only behaves properly and speaks appropriately, but also respects me very much. I am embarrassed to call each sister one by one, but unfortunately, I am a little younger. If he is older, I think he is good…”

Speaking of this, Sorma Tama turned back to his original voice:

“Sister Hiratsuka, you are satisfied. Actually, I think Hiratsuka-sensei is good. As for age, as long as there is love, age is not a problem…”

“Puff……” Shizuka snorted again. This time, she was probably frightened by Sougo Doma who suddenly answered: “Mom, you, where are you now?”

“Of course it’s at Tuma’s house…” Tuma Sougo turned back to Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice and replied to the phone, and then said to the air: “Sougo, you can really talk. Jing, that girl, she definitely accumulated too much virtue in her last life…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Is this a real mother?

Doma Sougo – no, I am your fake stepmother!

“Sister Hiratsuka, I should be the one who is good for me. Hiratsuka-sensei inherited your beauty, coupled with her bold and unruly personality, violent personality, and the addiction to alcohol, which is what I admire. That…” Sougo Tama changed back to the original voice again.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Well, surely this bastard is complimenting her instead of stabbing her?

Sougo Tama also remained silent for a few seconds before changing back to Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice and said, “I’m sorry, Sougo-kun, I want to talk to Xiaojing alone…”

“Okay, Sister Hiratsuka just tell me if you have something…” Sougo Doma, who returned to the original voice, tapped a few times and made the sound of leaving.

After a long while.

He changed to Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice again: “Shizuzu Hiratsuka, you explain to me what is a bold and uninhibited personality, and the addiction to alcohol!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

The dog thief in the soil, with the ability, immediately appeared in front of her! ! !

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