Chapter 707

“Mom, I can explain it!” Hiratsuka has a strong desire to survive.

“What do you want to explain? Although you smoke, drink, drag racing, fight, etc., but you know that you are a good woman?” Sougo Tsuchima said with a heartache in Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice: “Mom, don’t you remember Education is like this!”

“…” Hiratsuka felt that the other party’s words were so reasonable, she was speechless, she should say, is she really her mother? No, how could her mother know what she was doing outside?

“Teacher Hiratsuka, it turns out that your violent behavior was hidden from your family?” Sougo Tama joked back to the original voice.

“Sougo Tama!? Didn’t you leave?” Hiratsuka was taken aback.

“Eh a lot~!” This is a bit embarrassing, blame it! In fact, this was intentional by Tama Sougo. What he wanted to do was not to let Hiratsuka recognize him as his mother, but… But now, he pretended to be embarrassed and said: “Yes, I am not leaving. Yet?”

“Mom, you actually acted with an outsider, in front of an outsider…” So your daughter, and this outsider is still her student, will she still have an image in front of this student in the future? Is there still dignity? Is this mother a real mother?

“Speaking of, Sougo-kun is not considered an outsider. If you and Dahei Tuma can make it, then you are his sister-in-law…” Sougou Tuma began to dig a hole.

“These horoscopes haven’t been written yet, are you so sure?” Hiratsuka Jing said angrily.

“It’s okay, if you can’t make it, then you can try to associate with Sougo-jun. In this way, it is also not an outsider…” Tuma Sougo began to bury people.

“Puff…” Shizuka at the other end of the phone sprayed again: “Mom, are you crazy? How old is that guy, not to mention, he is still my student!?”

“But he didn’t just say that age is not a problem. Speaking of which, I am very optimistic about Sougo-kun. Of course, if you don’t want to, then you will give me a snack tomorrow and take down the soil! Otherwise… …” In order to find someone to marry Daping Tuma back, Tuma always enlightened!

“Please, that’s just a kid’s joke…”

“It’s not a joke, Hiratsuka-sensei. Although you drink, smoke, and drag racing, and you like to fight with people, I think you’re pretty good. Otherwise, I won’t introduce Taihei to you, but I’m listening to Hiratsuka. After my sister’s words, I found out that I can actually…” Sougo Tama changed back to the original voice.

Halfway through the conversation, he switched back to Mrs. Hiratsuka’s voice like a playful:

“Look, Zongwu-kun has agreed. Mom doesn’t care. If you can’t get Dahei, you can marry Zongwu-jun. Mom now only wants to hug his grandson. Besides, there is a rare one who is interested in you, no The boy who dislikes you is a little bit younger, but you still earned it!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “Mom, do you want me to die socially?”

“You can choose to resign! The Hiratsuka family and the Tuma family are not short of your salary!”

I don’t know why, Suddenly Hiratsuka from Yali Mountain: “Don’t, don’t be kidding, who would resign because of this kind of thing…”

“I’m not asking for your opinion right now. Mom just wants to see the marriage now. As for the marriage partner, Toma Dahei or Toma Sougo…” Speaking of this, Tsougou resolutely cut off the phone.


Seeing the end of the call displayed on the phone, Hiratsuka completely woke up from the alcoholic state. She felt that she was going crazy. No, it should be said that her mother was crazy, and now she is about to take her to the road of madness. On the run, what on earth did that fellow Doma say that made her mother make that horrible decision?

Just when she was frowning, the phone rang again. After looking at the call, she quickly answered the channel:

“Mom? You…” Changed your mind?

“Teacher Hiratsuka, I am not your mother…” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“Sougen Tama, you even dared to call, what did you say in front of my mother?” Hiratsuka gritted his teeth.

“Ms. Hiratsuka, why don’t I dare to call? How can I say, I am also one of your replacement boyfriends~!”

“Asshole, you dare to mention this? I’m telling you…”

“I didn’t say this without authorization, but Aunt Hiratsuka admitted…” Before the other party could say anything, Sougo Tama calmly took the conversation.

“Don’t think my mother…”

“Auntie said that when she tied up, she will also tie Hiratsuka-teacher to the Tuma family…” Tsuchima Sougo interrupted the other side again.

“…” Shizuka Hiratsuka, uh, her mother seems to be able to do this: “Sougo Tama, what do you want to do? Let’s not talk about the age of the two of us…”

“Because age is not a problem at all, Hiratsuka-sensei, instead of thinking about it so much, it is better to think about how to win Ohira tomorrow? If you win Ohira, then you will become my sister-in-law, although it is delicious… , In short, as long as you can win Daping, then nothing will be lost?” Sougo Doma analyzed.

“Are you so sure that I can take your Nissan?” Shizuka Hiratsuka tasted something.

“I don’t believe in you, but in myself, as long as you don’t perfunctory and obey the command the whole time…” Sougo Tama said with a smile.

“Impossible!” Before he could finish speaking, Hiratsuka replied decisively: “What does it matter if you listen to the command all the way? It really will be done. Is it because you are dating Dahei Tuma or me and Dahei Tuma? Associating? As for perfunctory things, when have I perfunctory blind dates…”

“It’s said that someone used to get drunk to meet a blind date…” Sougo Tama recalled the black history of the old woman he had investigated.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

“It is said that someone beat his blind date at the blind date…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

“Stop talking, my mother should hear it again…”

“Don’t worry, Auntie is far away from me now. Didn’t you hear that I was called Sister Hiratsuka?”

“……”Is that right? Hiratsuka’s mouth twitched: “So, sister, all your rhetoric? You are really…”

“I think you are complimenting me! To be honest, having seen so many dark history of dating you, I am not only worried about Daping’s safety, but I even wonder if you want to marry yourself out?”

“I think…” Hiratsuka said seriously: “There is actually a reason for the legends about blind dates…”

“Indeed, the blind date that was drunk was a man with a heart. It is said that he already had a relationship and was still on a blind date. The blind date that beat him up was a wretched man, and he wanted to eat female tofu all day long!”

“You know? Wait, have you investigated me?”

“How can I say that I am also one of your boyfriend’s back-ups. Investigate the person you are going to associate with. This is very reasonable, right?” Tujian deceived others, always enlightened!

“Can you not mention this!?” Hiratsuka gritted his teeth.

“It depends on the performance of Hiratsuka-sensei when you are dating!” Doma, the villain behind the scenes, Sougo: “Tsk tsk…I am very interested in Hiratsuka-sensei…”

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