Chapter 705

Tokyo, Shinomiya Kaguya Castle.

After hanging up the phone, Shigiya Teruya turned her head to look at the little maid behind her with a gloomy expression. After a while, she said, “Saasaka, I’m probably broken!”

“Huh~!” Hayasaka Ai sighed in her heart: “Miss, you are…” What’s wrong?

“Haasaka, I actually agreed to that bastard in the soil, and cooperated with him to sit the president suffering from a mental illness! Ah…” Shimiya Kaguya held his head in both hands, shaking constantly, looking very struggling.

“Miss, what kind of drama are you singing?” Hayasaka was puzzled: “Did President Shirogin do something that provokes you? Or is it…” This is your way of pursuing each other. ? But why can’t she understand this routine?

It’s just that before the following words can be said, Si Gong Huiye said with a broken smile on his face:

“He, hehe, the president, he didn’t do anything wrong at all…”

“…” Looking at the appearance of the young lady, Hayasaka Ai felt that the smile on her face was hard to maintain. She felt that she was more and more like Hayasaka A dream. Not only did she have to satisfy the strange request made by the young lady, but also to appease the other party. ‘S soul: “Miss, if you are unwilling to cooperate, just refuse to drop it? Can the Tujian family still…”

“No, no!” She was only halfway through, and Shigiya Huiye snatched the stubbornness with a stiff smile: “I can’t refuse, after I refuse, my image in the president’s heart…” It collapsed! No, it’s not just as simple as collapse, and even being labeled as a violent maniac, a female man, etc., by the president, maybe it will create a psychological shadow on her.

At that time, the president will probably stay away from her…

I haven’t developed a special friendship with the president for so long after entering the student union. If she is kept away by the other party, then her youth bird will be gone forever! Therefore, she must cooperate with that bastard in the soil, the president must be mentally ill, and also a type of mental illness that will have hallucinations!

That’s right, that’s it. After Sigiya Kaguya made up his mind, she looked at her almighty maid eagerly and said:

“Haasaka, now only you can help me, let the president be diagnosed with mental illness!”

The corners of Hayasaka’s mouth twitched when she heard the words-the eldest lady really thought of her as Hayasaka A’s dream, what exactly should she do to make President Bai Yin think that she is mentally ill! ?

“Miss, President Silver shouldn’t be so easy for him…”

“Don’t worry, Hayasaka, I heard from the bastard Doma. The president has believed that he is suffering from a mental illness. Maybe he will go to a mental hospital for check-ups in the last few days. Just ask about the hospital and time of the president’s check-up. …”

“Wait, Miss, why would President Silver think he is suffering from a mental illness?” Hayasaka Ai widened her eyes when he heard this. What has the president experienced in the past few days of the prestigious joint exam? How could a person suddenly become stupid?

“Um, it doesn’t matter, isn’t it? Hayasaka…” When saying this, Shimiya Teruya looked a little stiff-of course, because she woke up unharmed after being beaten up by her fat, and replaced it with yes She, I am afraid she would also think that she had hallucinations, after all, only she knew that she had put multiple hands at the time.

Having said that, she was the one who beat the president by fat, and the one who made the president mistakenly believed that he was sick was still her. She is really a bad woman——Sigong Huiye can’t let the president find out. The truth of the matter!

On the other side, the soil house.

“Oh, I didn’t expect Miss Si Gong to be so cooperative. In fact, as long as she was killed, she wouldn’t admit that she had beaten President Silver. There was no need for her to work elsewhere. However, since she wanted to make a contribution, this Plant the handle that I sent up…” Seeing the hung-up phone, Doma Sougo thought, touching his chin.

Just as he planned in his mind, how to use Kaguya Sinomiya to frame President Silver as a mental illness, the rubbing phone rang once again.

“Ding Lingling, that damn stinky brother is calling again…”

Listening to the humble ringtone of the incoming call, Sougo Doma knew who the other party was without looking at the phone number: “Mosimosi, Daping brother…”

“Sougo, I’m your Nissan!” Ohira Tama’s roar came through the phone.

“Yes, yes, yes… is there something?”

“Asshole, who told me to go to Tokyo tomorrow? You guy has forgotten it, right?”

“So impatient…” Sougo Tama was stunned. It turned out that it was time for Daping to have a blind date. Unexpectedly, this guy was quite impatient. No, he seemed to say that Daping came to see Xiaobu. This Goubi! Sure enough, I have a bad feeling about the location of O’Neill, and I will never forget it, ah~! It’s right to find someone to marry him, so as not to come out all day long, and stare at it all day long…

I clearly said that I will come over tomorrow, so I can’t wait to call to confirm today, huh! Gou Bi’s mind was simply exposed. Fortunately, he was not prepared to let Xiao Mu meet this guy from the beginning! One touch can only belong to him! ! !

“What anxious? I just called to confirm the time. By the way, do you have anything you want…”

“There is nothing you want, Daping, you just have to be empty-handed…” This Goubi actually wanted to use a gift to attack? How could this guy succeed? No, this guy can’t see Xiaobui anyway, so if he buys a gift, he can only give it to Hiratsuka-sensei who met him? “Of course, if you want to bring a gift, I won’t refuse, for example, the popular bags of the season for super rich people…”

Sougo Tama feels that he is really a clever ghost. If Ohira buys some popular items from girls as gifts, and when he meets Hiratsuka-sensei, he tells him that it is impossible to see Xiaomai, then he will have to The gift was passed on to Mr. Hiratsuka. After all, this kind of thing is popular, as long as time passes, it won’t be popular…

“Zou Gou, you’re talking about luxury goods, right?” Just as he praised his wit, Daping’s gloomy voice came from the phone.

“Is there a problem?” Tuma was always puzzled.

“You and Xiao Mu are still high school students, aren’t you? Now you are chasing luxury goods like this…”

“Daping, don’t forget your identity. We are from the Tuma family. What’s wrong with using luxury goods?”

“Regardless of your status, diligence and thrift is always a virtue. What’s more, family money is family money, and those are all the credit of Dosan…” Tsuchima Dahei’s voice at this moment sounded a bit like a mother.

“Stop!” Facing the old mother, he should directly interrupt the other person. After Sougo Tuma called a stop, he quickly grabbed the stubbornness and said: “Daddy Daping, your idea is actually very bad…”

“I’m your Nissan!” Tsuchima Ohira once again emphasized his identity: “Is it wrong to be thrifty?”

“For ordinary people, thrift and thrift may be a virtue, but for people like us, thrift and thrift is the most uncontaminated bad habit!” The soil, the word is not surprising, and it is always enlightened!

Doma Ohira: “…”

So what does this guy want to say? Is diligence and frugality the worst vice? He can also speak such words! ?

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