Chapter 697 What is the routine of using electric shock devices as gifts?

It’s night, Tokyo, Shinomiya Kaguya Castle.

“Haasaka, the president, will he be okay? That bastard in Tama will not lie to me, will he?” After repatriating the other servants in the room, Shimiya Teruya asked Hayasaka Ai a little restlessly.

Hayasaka Ai: #^_^

She doesn’t even know what happened, can she answer casually? Obviously not! The eldest lady has been sand-sculpted again…

“Yasaka, why don’t you speak? Could it be that you saw something that is not good for me? For example, that bastard in the soil is fooling me?” Seeing Ai Hayasaka was silent, Shinomiya Kaguya held her head in her hands. She now somewhat doubts that her decision to leave before Bai Yin Yuxing wakes up is too hasty?

However, the bastard in the soil told her that if he wanted to make President Silver forget what she did today-after Blacken beat the opponent, she had to leave first. The bastard in the soil could really make President Silver. Forget about the big mistake she committed today?

Shigiya Kaguya is anxious, and the only person at home who can discuss this issue with her is—

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

I am not, I don’t, I haven’t said anything!

“Sorry, Miss, I’m just thinking about ways to let myself evaporate from the world!”

“Haasaka, don’t take that kind of thing seriously…” Shimiya Teruya’s face became stiff.

“Well, since the eldest lady is worried about the president, why don’t you call the president personally to ask about the situation?”

“Hit, hit, call the president?” A cold sweat broke out on Sigiya Huiye’s forehead. She had just beaten the president half to death. If the bastard in the soil fooled her, then she would call it now. Is it equivalent to seeking a dead end?

“No, you can’t make a phone call, Hayasaka, other than making a phone call, is there no other way to know the current situation of the chairman?”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

Miss Huiye, her love in Hayasaka is just a maid, not Doraemon!


Hayasaka Ai remembered what she had done to help Miss Sand Sculpture. She placed tickets in the student union and removed the remote control board… Ah, she seems to be evolving towards Hayasaka A Dream, so Hayasaka Ai glanced at her face and wrote Shigiya Kaguya who is full of help-she is not called Shigiya Kaguya, but Nobita Sinomiya, right?

“Haasaka, quickly think of a way. If you can’t learn about the current situation of the chairman, I, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep tonight…”

“Hey~!” Hayasaka Ai sighed, because the Internet is now developed, and she has been prepared, otherwise, she really can’t serve the current eldest…

While vomiting in her heart, Ai Hayasaka took out her mobile phone from her pocket and said, “Let’s go to LINE to see the circle of friends. I just know that someone has a lot of news about the president and added him…”

“Saasaka~!” Shimiya Kaguya changed his eyes when he heard the words, and said murderously: “Who is the guy who has a lot of news about the president? Why does that person collect…”

“Miss, the guy in your mouth is the chairman’s sister, Kei Shiraige!” Ai Hayasaka explained quickly.

“That’s it…” Shimiya Kaguya interpreted what it means to change his face, and instantly smiled and said: “It’s my sister! Hayasaka, when I meet my sister, do I need to give me a gift?”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

“Miss, did you think too far? The president’s sister only studied in junior high school. It is difficult for you to have an intersection with Missy…”

“But aren’t we going to her circle of friends?” Si Gong Huiye was puzzled.

“That’s the Internet, it’s the Internet, not the real circle of friends, Miss, you should be familiar with the Internet when you have time!” Hayasaka Ai can’t face.

“I found it. I was lucky. The few messages I just sent were related to the president. “After my brother got home, he gave me a shock device that can stun people instantly. Does anyone know what this means?” Attached…”

Shigiya Kaguya: “Electric shock device? What is the president going to do?”

Hayasaka Ai shook his head after hearing this: “There is too little information, but judging from the photos, the chairman is indeed healthy…”

At this time, Baiyin Yuxing’s house.

“Xiao Gui, listen to me, if your elder brother does anything irrational, you must directly use an electric shock to subdue me…” Bai Yin Yuxing’s face was full of solemnity.

“Irrational behavior?” Bai Yinkei puzzled: “For example…”

“For example, it’s time to move…”

“Nissan, have your hormones made you unable to control yourself? I’m your sister!” Before Bai Yin Yuxing could finish speaking, Bai Yingui said with disgust.

“This, there is a reason…” Baiyin Yuxing took two steps back, and he didn’t want to say this to his sister. If it weren’t for the senior patient to tell him, if he concealed his situation, in case it happened again I have hallucinations, what should I do if I do something to my family? The other party has even considered this, and he is truly a mentally ill senior!

By the way, the electric shock device he took home was sponsored by his senior to prevent him from making some irreparable mistakes when he had hallucinations. Senior was so kind to him. Not only did he consider so much for him, but also specially equipped him. , To relieve his worries!

“The reason, what reason?” Bai Yingui’s eyes were full of suspicion.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

What, what to do? Do you really want to confess that you are sick? No, no…

Although the senior asked him to confess, he still couldn’t do it. However, as long as Xiao Kei understands that his current state is very dangerous, it should be all right? Even if he is muddled, Xiao Kei has an electric shock device in his hand, and he can be subdued in an instant!

“Anyway, Xiaogui, you just have to remember one thing. If you find something abnormal in me, use an electric shock device to subdue me! Don’t worry, I can hold the electricity!”

“Nissan, you look so disgusting now…” Bai Yingui said blankly: “What’s the matter with you?”

“No, nothing, yes, after I stunned me, I used this rope to tie me up…” Bai Yin Yuxing took out the second item sponsored by the senior.

“Nissan, don’t you have a special habit?” Bai Yinkei took two steps back and did not take the rope from the other party. It was electricity and tied. No wonder the little girl would think too much.

Bai Yin Yuxing was surprised when he heard the words: “How, how is it possible!? Me, how could I awaken those messy things, no, it’s impossible…”

“The way you look right now is very unconvincing…” Bai Yinkei stepped back again: “Nissan, we are brothers and sisters, dear!”

Bai Yin Yuxing said with a guilty heart: “I, I did this just in case…”

“Why in case?” Bai Yingui said with a black thread: “What are you thinking about all day?”

“I don’t have any random thoughts…” Bai Yin Yuxing retorted, “If you are thinking wildly, why should I give you the tools to subdue me, such as an electric shock device. For another example, the rope in my hand…”

“Is that electric shock device really useful?” Bai Yinkei was suspicious.

“How could it not work, I tried it, it can stun people in an instant…” Just as Bai Yin Yuxing said, the door of the house was suddenly opened, and the silver father who drank a little bit of smoke also returned. Family:

“I heard your voices outside, what are you arguing about…”

“It’s Nissan…” Bai Yinkei explained: “He suddenly gave me this!”

“Electric shock device?” Father Bai Yin was equally puzzled: “Yu Xing, why are you giving your sister an electric shock device? Also, where did you get this thing…”

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